Chapter 29 , Feedback Amplifiers

Example 29.1 , Page Number 730

In [1]:
import math


Av = 400.0                     #Voltage gain
beta = 0.1                     #feedback ratio


A1v = Av / (1 + beta * Av)     #Voltage gain with negative feedback


print "The voltage gain of an amplifier with negative feedback is ",round(A1v,2),"."
The voltage gain of an amplifier with negative feedback is  9.76 .

Example 29.2 , Page Number 730

In [2]:
import math


Av = 100.0                     #Voltage gain
A1v = 20.0                     #Voltage gain with negative feedback  


beta = (Av/A1v - 1) / Av       #feedback ratio 


print "The percentage of the negative feedback is ",beta * 100,"%."
The percentage of the negative feedback is  4.0 %.

Example 29.3 , Page Number 730

In [3]:
import math


Av = 1000.0                     #Voltage gain
A1v = 10.0                      #Voltage gain with negative feedback  


beta = (Av/A1v - 1) / Av        #feedback ratio 


print "The fraction of the output that is feedback to the input is ",beta,"."
The fraction of the output that is feedback to the input is  0.099 .

Example 29.4 , Page Number 730

In [4]:
import math


V1o = Vo = 12.5                 #Output voltage (in volts)
V1in = 1.5                      #Input voltage with feedback (in volts)
Vin = 0.25                      #Input voltage without feedback (in volts)


Av = Vo / Vin                   #Voltage gain without negative feedback
A1v = V1o / V1in                #Voltage gain with negative feedback
beta = (Av/A1v - 1) / Av        #feedback ratio 


print "The value of voltage gain without negative feedback is ",Av,".\nThe value of voltage gain with negative feedback is ",round(A1v,2),".\nThe value of beta is ",beta,"."
The value of voltage gain without negative feedback is  50.0 .
The value of voltage gain with negative feedback is  8.33 .
The value of beta is  0.1 .

Example 29.5 , Page Number 731

In [5]:
import math


Av = 60.0                       #Voltage gain
A1v = 80.0                      #Voltage gain with negative feedback


beta = (1 - Av/A1v ) / Av       #feedback ratio 
beta1 = 1/Av                    #feedback ratio which causes oscillation


print "Value of feedback ratio is ",round(beta,3),".\nThe percentage of feedback which causes oscillation is ",round(beta1 * 100,1),"%."
Value of feedback ratio is  0.004 .
The percentage of feedback which causes oscillation is  1.7 %.

Example 29.6 , Page Number 732

In [6]:
import math


A1v = 100.0                      #Voltage gain with negative feedback
Vin = 50.0 * 10**-3              #Input voltage without feedback (in volts)
V1in = 0.6                       #Input voltage with feedback (in volts)  


V1o = A1v * V1in                 #Output voltage with feedback (in volts)
Vo = V1o                         #Output voltage without feedback (in volts)   
Av = Vo / Vin                    #Voltage gain without feedback 
beta = (Av/A1v - 1) / Av         #feedback ratio 


print "The value of voltage gain without feedback is ",Av,".\nThe value of voltage gain with feedback is ",A1v,"."
The value of voltage gain without feedback is  1200.0 .
The value of voltage gain with feedback is  100.0 .

Example 29.7 , Page Number 733

In [7]:
import math


Av = 800.0                                 #Voltage gain
beta = 0.05                                #Feedback ratio  
dAvbyAv = 20.0                             #Percentage change in open loop gain


dA1vbyA1v = 1 / (1 + beta*Av)*dAvbyAv      #Percentage change in closed loop gain 


print "The percentage change in closed loop gain is ",round(dA1vbyA1v,1),"%."
The percentage change in closed loop gain is  0.5 %.

Example 29.8 , Page Number 733

In [8]:
import math


A1v = 100.0                            #Voltage gain with feedback
dA1vbyA1v = 0.01                       #Percentage change in closed loop gain   
dAvbyAv = 0.20                         #Percentage change in open loop gain


betamultAvplus1 = dAvbyAv/dA1vbyA1v    #Product of feedback ratio and voltage ratio plus one
Av = A1v * betamultAvplus1             #Voltage gain without feedback    
beta = betamultAvplus1 / Av            #Feedback ratio      


print "The value of Av is ",Av,".\nThe value of beta is ",beta,"."
The value of Av is  2000.0 .
The value of beta is  0.01 .

Example 29.9 , Page Number 735

In [9]:
import math


Av = 100.0                    #Voltage gain without feedback
BW = 200.0 * 10**3            #Bandwidth without feedback (in Hertz)
beta = 0.05                   #Feedback ratio
BWn = 1.0 * 10**6             #New bandwidth without feedback (in Hertz)


BW1 = (1 + beta*Av) * BW      #Bandwidth with feedback (in Hertz)  
A1v = Av/(1 + beta*Av)        #Voltage gain with feedback
beta1 = (BWn/BW - 1)/Av       #Amount of feedback required 


print "The new bandwidth is ",BW1 * 10**-3," kHz.\nThe new gain is ",round(A1v,1),"."
print "Amout of feedback required when BW = 1MHz is ",beta1 * 100,"%."
The new bandwidth is  1200.0  kHz.
The new gain is  16.7 .
Amout of feedback required when BW = 1MHz is  4.0 %.

Example 29.10 , Page Number 735

In [10]:
import math


Av = 1500.0                      #Voltage gain
BW = 4.0 * 10**6                 #Bandwidth wihtout feedback (in Hertz)
A1v = 150.0                      #Voltage gain with feedback


beta = (Av/A1v -1) / Av          #Feedback ratio
BW1 = (1 + beta*Av) * BW         #Bandwidth with feedback (in Hertz) 


print "The value of feedback factor is ",beta * 100,"%.\nThe value of bandwidth with feedback is ",BW1 * 10**-6," MHz." 
The value of feedback factor is  0.6 %.
The value of bandwidth with feedback is  40.0  MHz.

Example 29.11 , Page Number 736

In [11]:
import math


Rin = 4.2 * 10**3                    #Input resistance (in ohm)
Av = 220.0                           #Voltage gain without feedback
beta = 0.01                          #Feedback ratio
f1 = 1.5 * 10**3                     #Cut off frequency without feedback (in Hertz)
f2 = 501.5 * 10**3                   #Cut off frequency with feedback (in Hertz)


R1i = (1 + beta * Av) * Rin          #Input resistance of feedback amplifier (in ohm)
f11 = f1 / (1 + beta * Av)           #New cut off frequency without feedback (in Hertz) 
f21 = (1 + beta * Av) * f2           #New cut off frequency with feedback (in Hertz)  


print "The value of input resistance with feedback is ",R1i * 10**-3," kilo-ohm.\nNew cut off frequency without feedback is ",round(f11)," Hz.\nNew cut off frequency with feedback is ",f21 * 10**-3,"  kHz."
The value of input resistance with feedback is  13.44  kilo-ohm.
New cut off frequency without feedback is  469.0  Hz.
New cut off frequency with feedback is  1604.8   kHz.

Example 29.12 , Page Number 737

In [12]:
import math


Av = 1000.0                           #Voltage gain without feedback
beta = 0.01                           #Feedback ratio
f1 = 50.0                             #Cut off frequency without feedback (in Hertz)
f2 = 200.0 * 10**3                    #Cut off frequency with feedback (in Hertz)
D = 0.05                              #Distortion 


A1v = Av / (1 + beta * Av)            #Voltage gain with feedback
f11 = f1 / (1 + beta * Av)            #New cut off frequency without feedback (in Hertz) 
f21 = (1 + beta * Av) * f2            #New cut off frequency with feedback (in Hertz)  
D1 = D/(1 + beta * Av)                #New Distortion


print "Voltage gain with feedback is ",round(A1v,1),".\nf11 is ",round(f11,1)," Hz.\nf21 is ",f21 * 10**-6," MHz.\nDistortion with feedback is ",round(D1 * 100,2),"%." 
Voltage gain with feedback is  90.9 .
f11 is  4.5  Hz.
f21 is  2.2  MHz.
Distortion with feedback is  0.45 %.

Example 29.13 , Page Number 737

In [13]:
import math


Av = 100.0                      #Voltage gain without feedback
N = 0.8                         #Reduction in noise


beta = ((1 - N)**-1  - 1)/Av    #feedback ratio
A1v = Av / (1 + beta * Av)      #Voltage gain with feedback


print "Percentage of negative feedback is ",beta * 100,"%.\nVoltage gain with feedback is ",A1v,"."
Percentage of negative feedback is  4.0 %.
Voltage gain with feedback is  20.0 .

Example 29.14 , Page Number 739

In [16]:
import math


Av = 300.0                    #Voltage gain without feedback
Ri = 1.5 * 10**3              #Input resistance (in ohm)
Ro = 50.0 * 10**3             #Output resistance (in ohm)
beta = 1.0/15.0               #feedback ratio  


A1v = Av/ (1 + beta*Av)       #Voltage gain with feedback 
R1i = (1 + beta* Av)* Ri      #Input resistance with feedback (in ohm)    
R1o = Ro/(1 + beta * Av)      #Output resistance with feedback (in ohm)


print "Voltage gain with feedback is ",round(A1v,1),".\nInput resistance with feedback is ",R1i * 10**-3," kilo-ohm.\nOutput resistance with feedback is ",round(R1o * 10**-3,1)," kilo-ohm."
Voltage gain with feedback is  14.3 .
Input resistance with feedback is  31.5  kilo-ohm.
Output resistance with feedback is  2.4  kilo-ohm.

Example 29.15 , Page Number 741

In [14]:
import math


hfe = 100.0                              #hfe 
hie = 2.0 * 10**3                        #hie (in ohm)
Re1 = 100.0                              #Emitter resistance (in ohm)
R1 = 15.0 * 10**3                        #Resistance (in ohm)
R2 = 5.6 * 10**3                         #Resistance (in ohm)
Rc = 470.0                               #Collector resistance (in ohm)


Ai = hfe                                 #Current gain
Av = Ai * Rc / hie                       #Voltage gain 
Ri = (R1*R2*hie)/(R1*R2+R2*hie+R1*hie)   #Input resistance (in ohm)  
beta = Re1 / Rc                          #feedback ratio 
A1v = Av / (1 + beta * Av)               #Voltage ratio with feedback
R1i = Ri*(1 + beta * Av)                 #Input resistancewith feedback (in ohm)


print "Voltage gain without feedback is ",Av,".\nInput resistance without feedback is ",round(Ri)," kilo-ohm.\nVoltage gain with feedback is ",round(A1v,2),".\nInput resistance with feedback is ",round(R1i,1)," kilo-ohm."

#Slight variation due to higher precision.
Voltage gain without feedback is  23.5 .
Input resistance without feedback is  1342.0  kilo-ohm.
Voltage gain with feedback is  3.92 .
Input resistance with feedback is  8051.1  kilo-ohm.

Example 29.16 , Page Number 743

In [1]:
import math 


hfe = 99.0                             #hfe
hie = 2.0 * 10**3                      #hie (in ohm)
Rc = 22.0 * 10**3                      #Load resistor of frist stage (in ohm)   
R4  = 100.0                            #Emitter resistance of first stage (in ohm)
R1 = 220.0 * 10**3                     #Biasing resistor of second stage (in ohm)
R2 = 22.0 * 10**3                      #Biasing resistor of second stage (in ohm)
R1c = 4.7 * 10**3                      #Load resistance of second stage (in ohm)
R3 = 7.8 * 10**3                       #Feedback resistor from collector of second stage to emitter of first stage (in ohm)


Ri = hie                               #Input resistance of first stage (in ohm)
Ro1 = (1/Rc + 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/hie)**-1 #Output resistance of first stage (in ohm)
Ri2 = hie                              #Input resistance of second stage (in ohm)  
Ro2 = R1c * (R3 + R4)/(R1c + R3 + R4)  #Output resistance of second stage (in ohm)
Av1 = hfe * Ro1 / hie                  #Voltage gain of first stage  
Av2 = hfe * Ro2 / hie                  #Voltage gain of second stage 
Av = Av1 * Av2                         #Overall voltage gain without feedback
beta = R4 / (R3 + R4)                  #Feedback ratio
Ri1 = Ri*(1 + beta*Av)                 #Input resistance with feedback (in ohm)
R1o2 = Ro2 / (1 + beta * Av)           #Output resistance with feedback (in ohm)
A1v = Av / (1 + beta * Av)             #Overall voltage gain with feedback   


print "Voltage gain without feedback is ",round(Av,1),".\nInput resistance of first stage without feedback is ",Ri * 10**-3," kilo-ohm.\nInput resistance of second stage without feedback is ",Ri2 * 10**-3," kilo-ohm.\nOutput resistance of first stage without feedback is ",round(Ro1 * 10**-3,2)," kilo-ohm.\nOutput resistance of second stage without feedback is ",round(Ro2 * 10**-3,2)," kilo-ohm ."
print "Voltage gain with feedback is ",round(A1v,1),".\nInput resistance with feedback is ",round(Ri1 * 10**-3,2)," kilo-ohm.\nOutput resistance with feedback is ",round(R1o2 * 10**-3,3)," kilo-ohm."

#Calculation error in book about value of Av.
Voltage gain without feedback is  12126.0 .
Input resistance of first stage without feedback is  2.0  kilo-ohm.
Input resistance of second stage without feedback is  2.0  kilo-ohm.
Output resistance of first stage without feedback is  1.68  kilo-ohm.
Output resistance of second stage without feedback is  2.95  kilo-ohm .
Voltage gain with feedback is  78.5 .
Input resistance with feedback is  308.99  kilo-ohm.
Output resistance with feedback is  0.019  kilo-ohm.