Example 3.1, Page number 41

In [1]:
#Variable declaration
Q = 95.0       #Minimum run-off(m^3/sec)
h = 40.0       #Head(m)
w = 1000.0     #Density of water(kg/m^3)

weight = Q*w                #Weight of water per sec(kg)
work_done = weight*h        #Work done in one second(kg-mt)
kW_1 = 75.0/0.746           #1 kW(kg-mt/sec)
power = work_done/kW_1      #Power production(kW)
hours_year = 365.0*24       #Total hours in a year
output = power*365*24.0     #Yearly gross output(kWhr)

print('Firm capacity = %.f kW' %power)
print('Yearly gross output = %.2e kWhr' %output)
Firm capacity = 37797 kW
Yearly gross output = 3.31e+08 kWhr

Example 3.3, Page number 41

In [1]:
#Variable declaration
A = 200.0       #Catchment area(
F = 1000.0      #Annual rainfall(mm)
H = 200.0       #Effective head(m)
K = 0.5         #Yield factor
n = 0.8         #Plant efficiency

P = 3.14*n*K*A*F*H*10**-4    #Available continuous power(kW)

print('Available continuous power of hydro-electric station , P = %.f kW' %P)
Available continuous power of hydro-electric station , P = 5024 kW

Example 3.4, Page number 41-42

In [1]:
#Variable declaration
P = 10.0*10**3        #Rated installed capacity(kW)
H = 50.0              #Head of plant(m)
n = 0.8               #Efficiency
load_factor = 0.15    #Load factor

units_day = P*load_factor      #Total units generated daily on basis of load factor(kWhr)
units_week = units_day*24.0*7  #Total units generated for one week(kWhr)
Q = units_week/(9.81*H*n*24*7) #Minimum flow of water(m^3/sec)

print('Minimum flow of river water to operate , Q = %.3f cubic mt/sec' %Q)
Minimum flow of river water to operate , Q = 3.823 cubic mt/sec