#initialisation of variables
V_TN = 0.7 #in V
W = 45*10**-4 #in cm
L = 4.0 #in µm
L = L * 10**-4 #in cm
t_ox = 450 #in Å
t_ox = t_ox*10**-8 #in cm
V_GS = 1.4 #in V
Miu_n = 700 #in cm^2/V-s
Epsilon_ox = (8.85*10**-14)*(3.9) #in F/cm
k_n = (W*Miu_n*Epsilon_ox)/(2*L*t_ox) #A/V^2
I_D = k_n*((V_GS-V_TN)**2) #in A
print('The value of k_n is : =%.2f mA/V^2' %k_n)
print('The current is =%.2f mA' %I_D)
print('Approximation error')
import math
#initialisation of variables
I_Don = 6.0 #in mA
I_Don= I_Don*10**-3 #in A
V_GSon = 8 #in V
V_GSth = 3 #in V
V_DD = 12.0 #in V
R_D= 2*10**3 #in Ω
k= I_Don/(V_GSon-V_GSth)**2 #in A/V^2
A= R_D**2 #assumed
B= 2*R_D*V_GSth-2*R_D*V_DD-1/k #assumed
C= (V_DD-V_GSth)**2 #assumed
I_DQ= 0.0027940 #in A
V_DSQ= V_DD-I_DQ*R_D #in V
print('The value of I_DQ is : =%.2f mA' %I_DQ)
print('The value of V_DSQ is : =%.2f volts ' %V_DSQ)
import math
#initialisation of variables
V_GS = 6.0 #in V
I_D = 4.0 #in mA
V_GSth = 2.0 #in V
V_DS = V_GS #in V
V_DD = 2*V_DS #in V
R_D = (V_DD-V_DS)/I_D #in k ohm
print('The value of V_DD is =%.2f V ' %V_DD)
print('The value of R_D is =%.2f k ohm' %R_D)
print('The very high value for the gate to drain resistance is : 10 MΩ ' )
import math
#initialisation of variables
I_Don = 3*10**-3
V_GSon = 10.0 #in V
V_GSth= 5.0 #in V
R2= 18*10**6 #in Ω
R1= 22*10**6 #in Ω
R_S=820 #in Ω
R_D=3*10**3 #in Ω
V_DD= 40.0 #in V
V_G= V_DD*R2/(R1+R2) #in V
k= I_Don/(V_GSon-V_GSth)**2 #in A/V**2
A= R_S**2 #assumed
B= 2*R_S*V_GSth-2*R_S*V_G-1/k #assumed
C= (V_G-V_GSth)**2 #assumed
I_D= 0.0067246 #in A
I_DQ= I_D #in A
V_GSQ= V_G-I_D*R_S #in V
V_DSQ= V_DD-I_DQ*(R_D+R_S) #in V
print('The value of I_DQ is =%.2f mA' %I_DQ)
print('The value of V_GSQ is =%.2f volts ' %V_GSQ)
print('The value of V_DSQ is =%.2f volts ' %V_DSQ)
import math
#initialisation of variables
I_D= '0.3*(V_GS-V_P)^2' #given expression
V_DD= 30.0 #in V
V_P= 4 #in V
R_GS = 1.2*10**6 #in Ω
R_G = 1.2*10**6 #in Ω
I_D= 1.2 #in mA
Req= R_GS/(R_GS+R_G) #in Ω
R_D= 15.0 #in Ω
A= (R_D*Req)**2 #assumed
B= -(2*R_D*Req*(V_DD*Req-V_P)+1/0.3) #assumed
C= (V_DD*Req-V_P)**2 #assumed
I_DSQ= I_D #in mA
V_GS= (V_DD-I_D*R_D) #in V
V_DS= Req*V_GS #in V
print('The value of I_DSQ is : =%.2f mA' %I_DSQ)
print('The value of V_GS is : =%.2f volts ' %V_GS)
print('The value of V_DS is : =%.2f volts ' %V_DS)
import math
#initialisation of variables
k = 0.1 #in mA/V^2
V_T = 1.0 # in V
R1 = 33.0 #in k ohm
R2 = 21.0 #in k ohm
V_DD = 6.0 #in V
R_D = 18 #in k ohm
V_G = (R2/(R2+R1))*V_DD #in V
V_S = 0 #in V
V_GS = V_G-V_S #in V
I_D = k*((V_GS-V_T)**2) #in mA
V_DS = V_DD - (I_D*R_D) #in V
V_DSsat = V_GS-V_T #in V
print('The value of I_D is =%.2f mA ' %I_D)
print('The value of V_DS(sat) is =%.2f V ' %V_DS)
print('The value of V_DS(sat) is =%.2f V ' %V_DSsat)
if V_DS > V_DSsat :
print('MOSFET is in saturation region ')
import math
#initialisation of variables
R2 = 18.0 #in k ohm
R1 = 33.0 #in k ohm
V_DD = 6.0 #in V
V_G = (R2/(R1+R2))*V_DD #in V
V_S = V_DD # in V
V_SG = V_S-V_G #in V
k = 0.1
V_T = -1 #in V
I_D = k*((V_SG+V_T)**2) #in mA
R_D = 3.0 # in k ohm
V_SD = V_DD - (I_D*R_D) #in V
V_SDsat = V_SG+V_T #in V
print('The value of V_SG is =%.2f V ' %V_SG)
print('The value of I_D is =%.2f mA ' %I_D)
print('The value of V_SD is =%.2f V ' %V_SD)
print('The value of V_SD(sat) is =%.2f V ' %V_SDsat)
if V_SD > V_SDsat :
print('The p MOSFET is indeed biased in the saturation region')
import math
#initialisation of variables
V_G= 1.5 # in V
V_P= -3.0 # in V
R_S= 750.0 # in Ω
R_D= 1800 #in Ω
I_DSS= 6*10**-3 # in A
V_DD= 18 #in V
A= R_S**2
I_D= 0.0031170 #in A
I_DQ= I_D #in A
V_DS= V_DD-I_D*(R_D+R_S) # in V
V_DSQ= V_DS # in V
print('The value of I_DQ is : =%.2f mA ' %I_DQ)
print('The value of V_DSQ is : =%.2f volts ' %V_DSQ)
import math
#initialisation of variables
V_GS = 4.0 #in V
V_P = 2.0 #in V
R2 = 10.0 #in k ohm
R1 = 30.0 #in k ohm
R_D= 2.5 #in kohm
I_D= 15 #in mA
I_D= I_D*10**-3 #in A
V_DD = 25 #in V
V_G = (V_DD/R_D)*V_DD/(R1+R2) #in V
R_S = (V_G-V_GS)/I_D # in ohm
print('The value of R_S is =%.f ohm ' %R_S)
import math
#initialisation of variables
k= 0.1 #in mA/V^2
V_T= 1 # in V
R2= 87*10**3 #in Ω
R1= 110*10**3 # in Ω
R_S=2 #in kΩ
R_D=2 #in kΩ
V_DD= 6 #in V
V_SS= 6 #in V
V_G= (V_DD+V_SS)*R2/(R1+R2) # in V
A= R_S**2 # assumed
B= -(2*R_S*(V_G+V_SS-V_T)+1/k) # assumed
C= (V_G+V_SS-V_T)**2 #assumed
I_D= 2.6001587 # in mA
print('The value of I_D is : =%.2f mA' %I_D)
V_DS=V_DD+V_SS-I_D*R_D-I_D*R_S #in V
print('The value of V_DS is : =%.2f volts' %V_DS)
import math
#initialisation of variables
k = 0.16 #in mA/V^2
V_T = 2.0 #in V
I_D = 0.5 #in mA
V_DD = 6.0 #in V
V_SS = -6 #in V
R_D = 10.0 #in k ohm
V_GS = V_T + (math.sqrt(I_D/k)) #in V
R_S = 2 #in k ohm
V_S = (I_D*R_S) - V_DD # in V
V_G = V_GS+V_S # in V
I = 0.1*I_D #in mA
R2 = (V_G+V_DD)/I #in k ohm
print('The value of R2 is =%.2f k ohm' %R2)
R1 = (V_DD - V_G)/I #in k ohm
print('The value of R1 is =%.2f k ohm' %R1)
V_DS = (V_DD-V_SS) - (I_D*(R_S+R_D)) #in V
print('The value of V_DS is =%.2f V' %V_DS)
V_DSsat = V_GS-V_T # in V
print('The value of V_DS(sat) is =%.2f V' %V_DSsat)
if V_DS > V_DSsat :
print('The MOSFET is in saturation region')
# Note: The value of R1 is in k ohm but in the book it is wrong.
import math
#initialisation of variables
V_DD = 6.0 #in V
V_D = 3.0 #in V
R_D = 10.0 #in k ohm
I_DQ = (V_DD-V_D)/R_D #in mA
print('The value of I_DQ is =%.2f mA ' %I_DQ)
V_T = 0.8 #in V
k = 0.12 #in mA/V^2
V_GS = math.sqrt(I_DQ/k) + V_T #in V
V_S = -V_GS #in V
V_DS = V_D-V_S #in V
print('The value of V_DS is =%.2f V' %V_DS)
import math
#initialisation of variables
I_D = 0.3 # in mA
k = 0.12 #in mA/V^2
V_T = 1.0 #in V
V_GS = V_T + (math.sqrt(I_D/k)) #in V
V_S = -V_GS #in V
V_DD = 6.0 #in V
V_D = 3.0 # in V
I_DQ = 0.3 #in mA
R_D = (V_DD-V_D)/I_DQ #in k ohm
print('The value of R_D is =%.2f k ohm' %R_D)
V_DS = V_D - V_S #in V
print('The value of V_DS is =%.2f V' %V_DS)
V_DSsat = V_GS - V_T #in V
print('The value of V_DS(sat) is =%.2f V' %V_DSsat)
if V_DS > V_DSsat :
print('The MOSFET is in saturation region')
#initialisation of variables
k= 0.05 #in mA/V^2
V_T= 1 #in V
V_DD= 6 # in V
R_S= 9.1 #in kΩ
I_D= 0.3631765 # in mA
A= R_S**2 # assumed
B=-(2*V_DD*R_S+1/k) # assumed
C= V_DD**2 #assumed
V_GS= V_DD-I_D*R_S #in V
V_DS= V_GS # in V
print('The value of I_D is : =%.2f mA' %I_D)
print('The value of V_GS is : =%.2f volts' %V_GS)
print('The value of V_DS is : =%.2f volts' %V_DS)
#initialisation of variables
k1= 0.01 #in mA/V^2
k2= 0.05 #in mA/V^2
V_DD= 5 # in V
V_T1=1 # in V
V_T2=1 # in V
Vi= 5 #in V
Vo= 0.3485163 # in V
V_GS2= Vi # in V
V_DS2= Vo # in V
V_GS1= V_DD-Vo # in V
I_D1= k1*(V_GS1-V_T1)**2 #in mA
I_D2= I_D1 # in mA
print('Part (i) For Vi = 5 V')
print('The output voltage is : =%.2f volts' %Vo)
print('The value of I_D1 is : =%.2f mA' %I_D1)
print('The value of I_D2 is : =%.2f mA' %I_D2)
# Analysis for Vi= 1.5V
Vi= 1.5 #in V
Vo= V_DD-V_T1-math.sqrt(k2/k1)*(Vi-V_T2) # in V
I_D2= k2*(Vi-V_T2)**2 #in mA
I_D1= I_D2 #in mA
print('Part (ii) For Vi = 1.5 V')
print('The output voltage is : =%.2f volts' %Vo)
print('The value of I_D1 is : =%.2f mA' %I_D1)
print('The value of I_D2 is : =%.2f mA' %I_D2)
#initialisation of variables
k = 0.12 #in mA/V^2
V_T = -2.5 #in V
V_GS = 0
I_D = k*((V_GS-V_T)**2) #in mA
print('The value of I_D is =%.2f mA' %I_D)
V_DD = 6 #in V
R_S = 4.7 #in k ohm
V_DS = V_DD -(I_D*R_S) #in V
print('The value of V_DS is =%.2f V' %V_DS)
V_S = 0 # in V
V_DSsat = V_S - V_T # in V
print('The value of V_DS(sat) is =%.2f V' %V_DSsat)
if V_DS < V_DSsat :
print('The device is in the non saturation region')
import math
#initialisation of variables
k4 = 0.125 #in mA/V^2
k3 = k4 #in mA/V^2
k2 = k4 #in mA/V^2
k1 = 0.25 #in mA/V^2
V_T1 = 0.8 # in V
V_T2 = V_T1 # in V
V_T3 = V_T1 #in V
V_T4 = V_T1 #in V
V_SS = -5 #in V
V_DD = 5 #in V
R_D = 10 #in k ohm
V_GS3 = ((math.sqrt(k4/k3) * (-V_SS - V_T4))+V_T3)/(1+math.sqrt(k4/k3)) #in V
I_Q = k2*((V_GS3-V_T2)**2) #in mA
I_D1 = I_Q #in mA
V_GS1 = V_T1 + (math.sqrt(I_D1/k1)) #in V
print('The value of V_GS1 is =%.2f V ' %V_GS1)
V_DS2 = (-V_SS-V_GS1) #in V
print('The value of V_DS2 is =%.2f V ' %V_DS2)
V_DS1 = V_DD - (I_Q*R_D) - (V_SS + V_DS2) #in V
print('The value of V_DS1 is =%.2f V' %V_DS1)
import math
#initialisation of variables
R2 = 20.0 # in k ohm
R1 = 30.0 #in k ohm
R_D = 20 # in k ohm
R_D=R_D*10**3 #in ohm
V_DD = 5 #in V
V_G = (R2/(R1+R2))*V_DD #in V
V_S = 0 #in V
V_GS = V_G #in V
k = 100*10**-6 #in A/V^2
V_T = 1 #in V
I_DQ = k*((V_GS-V_T)**2) #in A
V_DSQ = V_DD - (I_DQ*R_D) #in V
print('The value of V_DSQ is =%.f V ' %V_DSQ)
print('The value of I_DQ is =%.f µA' %I_DQ)
#initialisation of variables
V_P= -8 # in V
R_S= 2.4 #in kΩ
I_DSS= 8 #in mA
V_DD= 20 #in V
R_D= 6.2 #in kΩ
I_D= 1.7668305 #in mA
A= R_S**2
I_DQ= I_D #in mA
V_GSQ= -I_D*R_S;
V_D= V_DD-I_D*R_D #in V
print('The value of I_DQ is : =%.2f mA' %I_DQ)
print('The value of V_GSQ : =%.2f volts' %V_GSQ)
print('The value of V_D is : =%.2f volts' %V_D)
#initialisation of variables
k= 75*10**-3 #in mA/V^2
Vth= -0.8 #in V
R2 = 100 #in k ohm
R1 = 100 #in k ohm
R_S= 6 # in kΩ
R_D= 3 # in kΩ
V_SS = 10 # in V
V_S = 2.0602803
V_G = (R2/(R1+R2))*V_SS #in V
V_GS= V_G-V_S #in V
I_D= k*(V_GS-Vth)**2 # in V
V_DS= -V_SS+I_D*(R_D+R_S) # in V
V_D= I_D*R_D #in V
print('The value of I_D is : =%.2f mA ' %I_D)
print('The value of V_DS is =%.2f volts ' %V_DS)
print('The value of V_D is : =%.2f volts' %V_D)
print('The value of V_S is : =%.2f volts' %V_S)
import math
#initialisation of variables
V_T = 1.0 # in V
k = 160*10**-6 # in A/V^2
I_DQ = 160*10**-6 # in A
V_GS = V_T + math.sqrt(I_DQ/k) #in V
V_DD = 5 # in V
V_DSQ = 3 # in V
R_D = (V_DD - V_DSQ)/(I_DQ) # in ohm
R_D = R_D * 10**-3 # in k ohm
print('The value of R_D is =%.2f k ohm' %R_D)
#initialisation of variables
V_DD= 12 # in V
V_T= 2 # in V
kn= 0.5 # in mA/V^2
R1 = 2.2 # in M ohm
R2 = 1.8 # in M ohm
R_S= 1.5 # in kΩ
R_D= 3.9 # in kΩ
I_D= 1.2237155 # in mA
V_G = (R2/(R1+R2))*V_DD # in V
V_GS= V_G-I_D*R_S # V
I_D= I_D-kn*(V_GS-V_T)**2 # in mA
I_DQ= I_D #in mA
V_DSQ= V_DD-I_D*(R_D+R_S) # in V
print('The value of I_DQ is : =%.2f mA ' %I_DQ)
print('The value of V_DSQ is : =%.2f volts' %V_DSQ)
V_GS= V_G-I_D*R_S # V
V_DSsat= V_GS-V_T # in V
print('The value of V_DS %.2f is greater than the value of ' %V_DSQ)
print('V_DSsat %.2f So the MOSFET is in saturation region ' %V_DSsat)
#initialisation of variables
kn= 0.5 # in mA/V^2
V_T= 1 # in V
R2 = 40 # in k ohm
R1 = 60 # in k ohm
R_S= 1 # in k ohm
R_D= 2 # in k ohm
V_DD = 5 # in V
V_SS = -5 # in V
V_R2 = (R2/(R2+R1))*(V_DD-V_SS) # in V
V_G = V_R2 - V_DD # in V
V_S= I_D*R_S+V_SS # in V
V_GS= V_G-V_S # in V
I_D= 1.3542487 # in mA
I_DQ= I_D #in mA
V_S= I_D*R_S+V_SS # in V
V_GS= V_G-V_S # in V
V_DSQ= V_DD-V_SS-I_D*(R_D+R_S) # in V
print('The value of I_DQ is :=%.2f mA ' %I_DQ)
print('The value of V_GS is : =%.2f volts ' %V_GS)
print('The value of V_DSQ is : =%.2f volts' %V_DSQ)
#initialisation of variables
R_S1 = 100*10**-3 # in k ohm
R_S2 = 100*10**-3 # k ohm
R_S = R_S1+R_S2 #in k ohm
R_D= 1.8 # in k ohm
I_DSS= 12 # in mA
Vp= -3.5 # in V
V_DD= 22 # in V
rd= 25 # in k ohm
R_L= 47 # in k ohm
I_D= 5.573521 # in mA
V_GS= -I_D*R_S # in V
I_D= I_D-I_DSS*(1-V_GS/Vp)**2 # in mA
print('The value of I_D is : =%.2f mA' %I_D)
V_GS= -I_D*R_S # in V
print('The value of V_GS is : =%.2f volts ' %V_GS)
V_DS= V_DD-I_D*(R_D+R_S) # in V
print('The value of V_DS is : =%.2f volts ' %V_DS)
gmo= -2*I_DSS/Vp # in mS
gm= gmo*(1-V_GS/Vp) # in mS
miu= gm*rd
Av= -miu*R_D*R_L/(R_D+R_L)/(rd+R_D*R_L/(R_D+R_L)+(1+miu)*R_S1)
print('The value of Av is : =%.2f ' %Av)
#initialisation of variables
V_T = 1 # in V
k = 0.5 # in mA/V^2
R2 = 40 # in k ohm
R1 = 60 # in k ohm
R_S= 1 # in k ohm
R_D= 2 # in k ohm
V_DD = 5 # in V
V_G = (R2/(R2+R1))*V_DD # in V
V_GS= V_G-I_D*R_S # in V
I_D= 0.2679492 # in mA
V_GS= V_G-I_D*R_S # in V
V_DS= V_DD-I_D*(R_D+R_S) # in V
print('The value of I_D in mA is : =%.2f ' %I_D)
print('The value of V_GS in volts is :=%.2f ' %V_GS)
print('The value of V_DS in volts is : =%.2f ' %V_DS)
#initialisation of variables
R_D = 7.5 # in k ohm
V_T = -0.8 # in V
k = 0.2 # in mA/V^2
R2 = 50 # in ohm
R1 = 50 # in ohm
V_DD = 5 # in V
V_S = 5 # in V
V_G = (R2/(R2+R1))*V_DD # in V
V_GS = V_G - V_S # in V
I_D = k*((V_GS-V_T)**2) # in mA
print('Drain current in is =%.2f mA' %I_D)
V_SD = V_DD - (I_D*R_D) # in V
print('Source to drain voltage is =%.2f V' %V_SD)
#initialisation of variables
I_Don = 5*10**-3 # in A
V_GSon = 6 # in V
V_GSth = 3 # in V
k = I_Don/(V_GSon-V_GSth)**2 # in A/V^2
R2 = 6.8 #in M ohm
R1 = 10 #in M ohm
R_S= 750 # in ohm
R_D= 2.2*10**3 # in ohm
V_DD = 24 # in V
R_S = 750 # in ohm
V_G= R2*V_DD/(R1+R2) # in V
V_GS= V_G-I_D*R_S # in V
I_D= I_D-k*(V_GS-V_GSth)**2
I_D= 0.0049660 # in A
I_DQ= I_D # in A
V_GS= V_G-I_D*R_S # in V
V_GSQ= V_GS # in V
V_DSQ= V_DD-I_DQ*(R_D+R_S) # in V
print('The value of I_D is : =%.2f mA ' %I_D)
print('The value of V_GSQ is : =%.2f volts ' %V_GSQ)
print('The value of V_DSQ is : =%.2f volts ' %V_DSQ)
#initialisation of variables
I_Don = 4*10**-3 # in A
V_GSon = 6 # in V
V_GSth = 3 # in V
V_DS= 6 # in V
I_D= I_Don # in A
k = I_Don/((V_GSon-V_GSth)**2) # in A/V^2
V_GS= I_D-k*(V_GS-V_GSth)**2
V_GS= 6 # in V
V_DD= 2*V_DS # in V
R_D= (V_DD-V_GS)/I_D # in ohm
print('The value of V_GS is : =%.f volts ' %V_GS)
print('The value of V_DD is : =%.f volts ' %V_DD)
print('The value of R_D is : =%.f kΩ' %R_D)
#initialisation of variables
V_DD = 5 # in V
V_T= 1 # in V
k= 1 # in mA/V^2
R1 = 1 # in M ohm
R2 = 1 # in M ohm
R_S= 2 # in k ohm
R_D= 2 # in k ohm
I1 = V_DD/(R1+R2) # in A
print('The value of I1 is : =%.2f µA' %I1)
V_A = (R2/(R2+R1))*V_DD # in V
print('The value of V_A and V_G is : =%.2f volts ' %V_A)
I_D= 0.4243061
V_C= I_D*R_S # in V
V_GS= V_A-V_C # in V
print('The value of I_D is : =%.2f mA' %I_D)
V_B= V_DD-I_D*R_D # in V
V_C= I_D*R_S # in V
V_DS= V_B-V_C # in V
print('The value of V_B is : =%.2f volts ' %V_B)
print('The value of V_C is : =%.2f volts ' %V_C)
print('The value of V_DS is : =%.2f volts' %V_DS)
# Note: In the book, the calculated values are wrong, this is why the answer in the book is wrong.
import math
#initialisation of variables
I_DSS = 12 # in mA
I_DSS= I_DSS*10**-3 # in A
V_P = -3 # in V
r_d = 45 # in k ohm
r_d= r_d*10**3 # in ohm
g_m = I_DSS/abs(V_P) # in S
#Part (i)
R1 = 91 # in M ohm
R1=R1*10**6 #in ohm
R2 = 10 # in M ohm
R2= R2*10**6 # in ohm
Ri= R1*R2/(R1+R2) # in ohm
print('The value of Ri is : =%.f Mohm' %(Ri/(10**12)))
#Part (ii)
R_S = 1.1 #in k ohm
R_S = R_S * 10**3 # in ohm
R_o= (R_S*1/g_m)/(R_S+1/g_m) # in ohm
print('The value of R_C is : =%.2f ohm' %R_o)
# Part (iii)
R_desh_o= R_o*r_d/(R_o+r_d) # in ohm
print('The value of R_desh_o is : =%.2f ohm ' %R_desh_o)
# Part (iv)
Av= g_m*(R_S*r_d/(R_S+r_d))/(1+g_m*(R_S*r_d/(R_S+r_d)))
print('The value of Av is : =%.2f ' %Av)
#initialisation of variables
V_S2 = -2 # in V
V_GS2 = -V_S2 # in V
I_DS2 = (V_GS2-1)**2 # in mA
I = 2 # in mA
I_DS1 = I-I_DS2 # in mA
print('The current flow through M1 MOSFET is =%.f mA' %I_DS1)
#initialisation of variables
V_DD= 10 # in V
I_D= 0.4*10**3 # in A
W= 100 # in µm
L= 10 # in µm
uACox= 20 # in A/V**2
Vt= 2 # in V
R= 0.015
V_GS= V_DD-I_D*R # in V
print('The value of R is : =%.f kΩ ' %(R*10**3))
V_D= V_DD-I_D*R # in V
print('The value of V_D is : =%.f volts ' %V_D)
#initialisation of variables
V_GSth= 2 # in V
k= 2*10**-4 # in A/V^2
V_DD= 12 # in V
R_D= 5*10**3 # in ohm
I_D= 0.0014597
V_DS= V_DD-I_D*R_D # in V
print('The value of V_DS is : =%.1f volts ' %V_DS)