Example E01 : Pg 70

In [1]:
from math import exp,sqrt
SCL=1000. # stator copper loss in watts
V=460. # line voltage of induction motor in volts
I=25. # line current of motor in amperes
pf=0.85 # power factor of motor
Pin=sqrt(3.)*V*I*pf # ans  may vary due to roundoff error
Pg=Pin-SCL # air gap power
print"Pg=W",Pg# ans  may vary due to roundoff error
RCL=500. # rotor copper loss in watts
Phe=800. # core loss in watts
Pfw=250. # winding and friction loss in Watts
PLL=200. # stray load loss in watts
DMP=Pg-RCL # /developed mechanical power in watts
print"DMP=W",DMP# ans  may vary due to roundoff error
Prot=Phe+Pfw+PLL # power loss in rotor in watts
print"Pout=DMP-Prot=",Pout,"W"# ans  may vary due to roundoff error
print"Horsepower=Pout/746=",Pout/746.,"hp"# ans  may vary due to roundoff error,conversion of watts to hp needs division by 746
print"n=Pout/Pin=",Pout/Pin# ans  may vary due to roundoff error
Pin=W 16930.796644
Pg=W 15930.796644
DMP=W 15430.796644
Pout=DMP-Prot= 14180.796644 W
Horsepower=Pout/746= 19.0091107828 hp
n=Pout/Pin= 0.837574093067

Example E02 : Pg 70

In [2]:
from math import sqrt,exp,pi
# this is an extension of Ex4_1
# following comes from Ex4_1
SCL=1000. # stator copper loss in watts
V=460. # line voltage of induction motor in volts
I=25.# line current of motor in amperes
pf=0.85 # power factor of motor
Pin=sqrt(3.)*V*I*pf # ans  may vary due to roundoff error
Pg=Pin-SCL # air gap power
RCL=500. # rotor copper loss in watts
Phe=800. # core loss in watts
Pfw=250. # winding and friction loss in Watts
PLL=200. # stray load loss in watts
DMP=Pg-RCL # /developed mechanical power in watts
Prot=Phe+Pfw+PLL # power loss in rotor in watts
# above is from Ex4_1
p=4. # no of poles
print"s=RCL/Pg=",s# ans may vary due to roundoff error
ws=(4.*pi*60.)/p # synchronous angular frequency 
print"ws=",ws,"rad/s"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"ns=",ns,"rev/min"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"w=ws(1-s)=",w,"rad/s"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"n=ns(1-s)=",n,"rev/min"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"td=DMP/w=",DMP/w,"N-m"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"t=Pout/w=",Pout/w,"N-m"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
s=RCL/Pg= 0.0313857499517
ws= 188.495559215 rad/s
ns= 1800.0 rev/min
w=ws(1-s)= 182.579484727 rad/s
n=ns(1-s)= 1743.50565009 rev/min
td=DMP/w= 84.5155011094 N-m
t=Pout/w= 77.6691678433 N-m

Example E03 : Pg 72

In [3]:
from math import sqrt,pi,exp,acos
# code uses userdefined function complexstring
# induction machine parameters in ohms
r1=0.39 # primary resistance
r2=0.14 # secondary resistance
x1=0.35# primary reactance
x2=0.35# secondary reactance
Xm=16.# manetizing reactance
VL=220. # supply volatge in volts
f=60. # frequency in Hz
# part a
p=4. # no of poles
n=1746. # runnimg speed of motor in rev/min
z2=(r2/s)+(1j*x2)# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Z2=",0.376962,"ohm having a phase angle of",4.289153,"degrees"
Zf=(1j*Xm*z2)/(z2+(1j*Xm))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zf=",0.368879,"ohms having a phase angle of",20.219120,"degrees"
#Rf=real(Zf)# ans may vary due to roundoff error
Zin=r1+(1j*x1)+Zf# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zin=",0.869366,"ohms having a phase angle of",22.486540,"degrees"
#Powerfctor=real(Zin)/abs(Zin)# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Power facto=",0.923969
print"|I1|=",I1,"A"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Pin=",9136.825581,"W"# ans in the textbook is wrong
print"Pg=",8348.882711,"W"# ans in the textbook is wrong
print"Developed power=(1-s)Pg=",DMP,"W"# ans in the textbook is wrong
#Prot=s*Pg # rotor copper losses
Pout=7847.949749;#DMP-Prot# ans in the textbook is wrong
print"Output power=",Pout,"W"
print"Output horsepower=",Pout/746.# ans may vary due to roundoff error,1 hp=746 watts
print"Developed torque=",32.653408,"lb-ft"# ans may vary due to roundoff error,1 N-m=7.04 lb-ft ot torque
n=(1-s)*ns# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Output torque=",7.04*(Pout/n),"lb-ft"
# part b
s=1. # machine at stanstill
z2=r2+(1j*x2)# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Z2=",abs(z2),"ohm having a phase angle of",68.198591,"degrees"
Zf=(1j*Xm*z2)/(z2+(1j*Xm))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zf=",abs(Zf),"ohms having a phase angle of",68.689185,"degrees"
Zin=r1+(1j*x1)+Zf# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zin=",abs(Zin),"ohms having a phase angle of",52.928760,"degrees"
I1=VL/(sqrt(3.)*abs(Zin))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Starting current=",I1,"A"
print"Pg=",Pg,"W" #ans in the textbook is wrong
print"td=7.04*(Pg/ns)=",7.04*(Pg/ns),"lb-ft" #ans may vary due to roundoff error,1 N-M=7.04 lb-ft of torque
ns= 1800.0 rev/min
s= 0.03
Z2= (4.66666666667+0.35j) ohm
Z2= 0.376962 ohm having a phase angle of 4.289153 degrees
Zf= (4.13236083981+1.5219786291j) omega
Zf= 0.368879 ohms having a phase angle of 20.21912 degrees
Zin=r1+jx1+Zf= (4.52236083981+1.8719786291j) omega
Zin= 0.869366 ohms having a phase angle of 22.48654 degrees
Power facto= 0.923969
|I1|= 25.951020094 A
Pin= 9136.825581 W
Pg= 8348.882711 W
Developed power=(1-s)Pg= 8098.41623 W
Output power= 7847.949749 W
Output horsepower= 10.520039878
Developed torque= 32.653408 lb-ft
Output torque= 31.6435087245 lb-ft
Efficiency= 0.858936
Z2= (0.14+0.35j) omega
Z2= 0.376961536499 ohm having a phase angle of 68.198591 degrees
Zf= (0.134060441659+0.343655563415j) omega
Zf= 0.368878500707 ohms having a phase angle of 68.689185 degrees
Zin= (0.524060441659+0.693655563415j) omega
Zin= 0.869366083516 ohms having a phase angle of 52.92876 degrees
Starting current= 146.103076288 A
Pg= 8585.006361 W
td=7.04*(Pg/ns)= 33.5769137675 lb-ft

Example E04 : Pg 72

In [4]:
from math import sqrt,pi,exp
# below is an extension of Ex4_3
# code uses userdefined function complexstring 
x1=0.35 # primary reactance in ohms
r1=0.39 # primary resistance in ohms
Xm=16. # magnetizing reactance
r2=0.14 # secondary resistance in ohms 
x2=0.35 # secondary reactance in ohms
ws=188.5 # angular frequency in rad/sec
V=220. # rated voltage in volts
# part a
V1m=V/sqrt(3.)# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"VTH=V1m=",VTH,"V"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
R1=r1*(Xm/(x1+Xm))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"tmax=",((3./ws)*(VTH**2.))/(2.*(R1+sqrt((R1**2.)+((2.*X1)**2.)))),"N-m"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
# part b
sM=r2/sqrt((R1**2.)+((X1+x1)**2.))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"r2/sM=",r2/sM,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
Zf=((1j*Xm)*((r2/sM)+(1j*x2)))/((r2/sM)+(1j*(x2+Xm)))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zf=",0.851072,"ohm having a phase angle of",26.492804,"degrees"
print'Zin=',Zin,'ohm'# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zin=",1.363380,"ohm having a phase angle of",32.355964,"degrees"
print"I1=",I1,"A"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
Rf=0.762;#real(Zf) # resistance in ohms
Pg=3.*I1*I1*Rf# ans  in the textbook is wrong
print"tmax=Pg/ws=",Pg/ws,"N-m"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
VTH=V1m= 124.298039605 V
X1= 0.35 ohm
R1= 0.381651376147 ohm
tmax= 104.2844099 N-m
sM= 0.175596701928
r2/sM= 0.797281489133 ohm
Zf= (0.761701240651+0.379650782839j) ohm
Zf= 0.851072 ohm having a phase angle of 26.492804 degrees
Zin= (1.15170124065+0.729650782839j) ohm
Zin= 1.36338 ohm having a phase angle of 32.355964 degrees
I1= 93.1633333759 A
Pg= 19841.1236835 W
tmax=Pg/ws= 105.257950576 N-m

Example E05 : Pg 73

In [5]:
ns=1800. # synchronous speed in rev/min
n=1745. # initial speed in rev/min
hp=10. # hp rating of the motor horsepower(1 hp=746 Watts)
print"s=",s# ans may vary due to roundoff error
s=s/2. # slip at half torque
n1=ns*(1.-s)# ans may vary due to roundoff error
# output at half torque
print"New horsepower output=",(0.5*hp*n1)/n,"hp"# ans may vary due to roundoff error,0.5 factor comes due to half torque
s= 0.0305555555556
n=ns(1-s)= 1772.5 rev/min
New horsepower output= 5.0787965616 hp

Example E06 : Pg 75

In [6]:
V1m1=1. # reference voltage in volts
V1m2=0.9# reduced voltage in volts
ratio=(V1m1/V1m2)**2. # ratio of s2/s1
print"s2/s1=",ratio# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"I2(2)/I2(1)=s2*V1m(2)/s1*V1m(1)=",(V1m2/V1m1)*ratio# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"(copperloss)2/(copperloss)1=(I2(2)/I2(1))**2=",(V1m1/V1m2)**2.# ans may vary due to roundoff error
s=0.03 # at 60Hz slip
ns=1800. # synchronous speed in rev/min
print"Speed at 90 percent voltage=",ns*(1-(ratio*s)),"rev/min"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
s2/s1= 1.23456790123
I2(2)/I2(1)=s2*V1m(2)/s1*V1m(1)= 1.11111111111
(copperloss)2/(copperloss)1=(I2(2)/I2(1))**2= 1.23456790123
Speed at 90 percent voltage= 1733.33333333 rev/min

Example E07 : Pg 78

In [7]:
from math import sqrt,pi,exp,acos,sin
# code uses userdefined function complexstring
# dc test
Vdc=13.8 # dc voltage in volts
Idc=13. # direct current in amperes
# no load test
Vnl=220. # applied no voltage in volts
f=60. # applied frequency in Hz
# blocked rotor test
VBR=23.5 # blocked rotor voltage in volts
f1=15. # frequency in Hz
Ia=12.8 # current of phase A
Ib=13.1 # current of phase B
Ic=12.9 # current of phase C
# from blocked rotor
IBR=(Ia+Ib+Ic)/3.# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"|ZBR|=",ZBR,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
P1=179. # power in watts
P2=290. # power in watts
RBR=PBR/(3.*(IBR**2.))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"0BR=",(acos(PBR/(sqrt(3.)*VBR*IBR)))*(180./pi)# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"X1BR=|ZBR|*sin0BR=",ZBR*sin(acos(PBR/(sqrt(3.)*VBR*IBR))),"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"XBR=(fB/f1)*X1BR=",XBR,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
x1=0.4*XBR # designed reactance
x2=0.6*XBR # designed reactance
print"x1=",x1,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"x2=",x2,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
# from dc test
print"r1=",r1,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"r2=",r2,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
# from no load test
Ia=3.86 # current of phase A in amperes
Ib=3.86 # current of phase B in amperes
Ic=3.89 # current of phase C in amperes
print"Inl=",Inl,"A"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Znl=x1+Xm=",Znl,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Xm=Znl-x1=",Xm,"ohm"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
P1=550. # power in watts 
P2=-350. # power in watts
print"Pnl=",Pnl,"W"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Pfwc=",Pfwc,"W"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print'z2=',z2,'ohm'# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Z2=",13.509856,"ohms with a phase angle of",4.855429,"degrees"
print'Zf=',Zf,'ohm'# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zf=",12.088780,"ohms with a phase angle of",26.924898,"degrees"
print'Zin=',Zin,'ohm'# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"Zin=",12.914691,"ohms with a phase angle of",28.874452,"degrees"
print"power factor=",0.875680;#(real(Zin)/abs(Zin)))# ans may vary due to roundoff error
print"|I1|=",I1,"A"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
Pin=3281.759431;#(sqrt(3)*(real(Zin)/abs(Zin))*I1*Vnl)# ans is wrong in textbook
print"power drawn from line=sqrt(3)*VL*|I|*cos0O=",Pin,"W"
print"Pg=",Pg,"W"# ans is wrong in textbook
print"DMP=",DMP,"W"# ans is wrong in textbook
print"output horsepower=",Pout/746.,"hp"# ans may vary due to roundoff error,1 hp=746 watts
print"n=Pout/Pin=",Pout/Pin# ans may vary due to roundoff error
IBR= 12.9333333333 A
|ZBR|= 1.04905139118 ohm
PBR= 469.0 W
RBR= 0.934610479328 ohm
0BR= 27.0121667196
X1BR=|ZBR|*sin0BR= 0.476457839972 ohm
XBR=(fB/f1)*X1BR= 1.90583135989 ohm
x1= 0.762332543956 ohm
x2= 1.14349881593 ohm
r1= 0.530769230769 ohm
r2= 0.403841248559 ohm
Inl= 3.87 A
Znl=x1+Xm= 32.8209455353 ohm
Xm=Znl-x1= 32.0586129914 ohm
Pnl= 200.0 W
Pfwc= 176.152166923 W
z2= (13.461374952+1.14349881593j) ohm
Z2= 13.509856 ohms with a phase angle of 4.855429 degrees
Zf= (10.7783664482+5.47406801051j) ohm
Zf= 12.08878 ohms with a phase angle of 26.924898 degrees
Zin= (11.309135679+6.23640055446j) ohm
Zin= 12.914691 ohms with a phase angle of 28.874452 degrees
power factor= 0.87568
|I1|= 9.8350831593 A
power drawn from line=sqrt(3)*VL*|I|*cos0O= 3281.759431 W
Pg= 3134.01508831 W
DMP= 3039.99463566 W
output horsepower= 3.83893092324 hp
n=Pout/Pin= 0.87265460158

Example E08 : Pg 78

In [8]:
from math import sqrt
kVA=6.3 # upper limit for kVA per horsepower
hp=10. # rating of induction motor in hp.(1 hp=746 watts)
V=230. # voltage rating of the motor
print"I=",I,"A"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
I= 158.143769387 A

Example E09 : Pg 79

In [9]:
from math import sqrt,pi
vtap=0.8 # percantage voltage tap of compensator
hp=100. # rating of motor in horsepower,I hp=746 watts
n=1750. # rated speed of motor in rev/min
a=1./vtap # compensator turns ratio
V=2300. # voltage rating of induction motor in volts
I1=150. # current rating in amperes
print"Voltage applied at starting of motor=",V/a,"V"
print"tfl=(hp*5252)/(rev/min)=",tfl,"lb-ft"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
t=1.2*tfl # 120 percent of the full load torque in lb-ft
print"tst=360/a*a=",t/(a*a),"lb-ft"# ans may vary due to roundoff error
a= 1.25
Voltage applied at starting of motor= 1840.0 V
I1start=(1840/2300)*150A=150/a= 120.0 A
IL=I1start/a= 96.0 A
tfl=(hp*5252)/(rev/min)= 300.114285714 lb-ft
tst=360/a*a= 230.487771429 lb-ft