Chapter07 : Non-Linear Circuits

Exa 7.3 : page 326

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
# given data 
VH=4 #in Volt
VSat=13 #in Volt
# Assume R2=10 Kohm
R2=10 #in Kohm
R1=R2/((2*VSat/VH)-1) #in Kohm
print "Component values are :" 
print "Value of R1 = %0.2f kohm" %R1
print "Value of R2 = %0.2f kohm" %R2
Component values are :
Value of R1 = 1.82 kohm
Value of R2 = 10.00 kohm

Exa 7.4 : page 327

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
# given data 
VSat=13 #in Volt
R1=270 #in ohm
R2=39 #in Kohm
Vut=R1*VSat/(R1+R2*1000) #in Volt
Vlt=R1*(-VSat)/(R1+R2*1000) #in Volt
VH=Vut-Vlt #in Volt
print "The upper threshold voltage = %0.1f mV" %(Vut*1000)
print "The lower threshold voltage = %0.1f mV" %(Vlt*1000)
print "Hysteresis voltage = %0.1f mV" %(VH*1000)
The upper threshold voltage = 89.4 mV
The lower threshold voltage = -89.4 mV
Hysteresis voltage = 178.8 mV

Exa 7.5 : page 327

In [8]:
# given data 
VSat=13 #in Volt
Vut=2 #in Volt
Vlt=-1 #in Volt
# Assume R1=10 Kohm
R1=10 #in Kohm
R2=((VSat/Vut)-1)*R1 #in Kohm
R3=((-VSat/Vlt)-1)*R1 #in Kohm
print "Value of R1 = %0.2f kohm" %R1
print "Value of R2 = %0.2f kohm" %R2
print "Value of R3 = %0.2f kohm" %R3
Value of R1 = 10.00 kohm
Value of R2 = 55.00 kohm
Value of R3 = 120.00 kohm