Chapter8, Slot Antenna

Example No. 8.3.1, page : 8-3

In [1]:
from math import pi
import numpy as np
Zcs=73+1J*42.5 # ohm (Impedence of complementry structure)
Eta=120*pi #(Constant for free space)
ZS=Eta**2/4/Zcs # ohm (Input Impedence)
print "Input impedence =",np.around(ZS),"ohm"
#At resonance
Zcs=73 #Ω(Impedence of complementry structure)
Eta=120*pi #(Constant for free space)
ZS=Eta**2/4/Zcs #ohm (Input Impedence)
print "At resonance, Input impedence = %0.2f ohm"%ZS
print "ZS can be rounded to 500 ohm "
Input impedence = (364-212j) ohm
At resonance, Input impedence = 486.72 ohm
ZS can be rounded to 500 ohm