#Variable declaration
Z_0 = 377 #Intrinsic impedence of free space(ohm)
Z_d = 710 +0j #Terminal impedence of dipole cylinder (ohm)
Z_s = (Z_0**2)/(4*Z_d) #Terminal impedence of the slot (ohm)
print "The terminal impedence of the slot is", round(Z_s.real), "ohms"
import math
#Variable declaration
L = 10 #Horn length (lambda)
delta = 0.25 #Path length difference (lambda)
theta = 2*math.acos(L/(L+delta)) #Horn flare angle (radians)
theta = theta*180/math.pi #Horn flare angle (degrees)
print "The largest flare angle for given delta is",round(theta,1), "degrees"
import math
#Variable declaration
f = 599e6 #Frequency of TV Station (Hz)
E = 1e-6 #Field strength (V/m)
D = 20 #Diameter of antenna (m)
c = 3e8 #Speed of light (m/s)
Z_0 = 377 #Intrinsic impedence of free space (ohm)
wave_lt = c/f #Wavelength (m)
A_e = (D*(wave_lt**2))/(4*math.pi) #Effective aperture (m^2)
P_r = (E**2)*A_e/Z_0 #Received power (W)
print "The received power is", round(P_r,17), "W"
import math
#Variable declaration
n = 4 #Number of patch antennas (lambda)
diameter = 0.5 #diameter of patch antennas (lambda)
A_e = n*diameter #Effective aperture (lambda^2)
D = (4*math.pi*A_e) #Directivity (unitless)
D_dbi = 10*math.log10(D) #Directivity (dBi)
ohm_a = (4*math.pi)/D #Beam area (steradians)
print "The directivity is", round(D), "or", round(D_dbi), "dBi"
print "The beam area is", ohm_a, "sr"