

In [1]:
##example 3.7.1##
import math
wt_oil=5.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=45.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=15.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.5##normality of KOH##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  168.00  mgs KOH


In [2]:
##example 3.7.2##
import math
S=180.##Saponification value of oil##
wt_oil=1.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=50.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.4##normality of KOH ##
volume=S*wt_oil/(normality_KOH*56.)##formula for saponification value##
back=blank-volume##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nQuantity of alcoholic KOH required per gm is ",back," ml");
Quantity of alcoholic KOH required per gm is  41.96  ml


In [3]:
##example 3.7.3##
import math
wt_oil=5.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=50.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=15.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.5##normality of KOH ##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  196.00  mgs KOH


In [4]:
##example 3.7.4##
import math
wt_oil=2.5##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=40.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=20.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.25##normality of KOH ##
normality_HCl=.5##normality of HCl##
e=normality_HCl/normality_KOH##for equivalence in titration ##
volume=(blank-back)*e##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  224.00  mgs KOH


In [5]:
##example 3.7.5##
import math
wt_oil=5.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=40.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=10.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
strength_KOH=1.4/50##strength of KOH (gm/ml)##
normality_KOH=strength_KOH*1000.##normality of KOH##
normality_HCl=.5##normality of HCl##
e=normality_HCl/normality_KOH##for equivalence in titration##
volume=(blank-back)*e##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  168.00  mgs KOH


In [6]:
##example 3.7.6##
import math
wt_oil=5.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=50.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=25.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.5##normality of KOH ##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  140.00  mgs KOH


In [7]:
##example 3.7.7##
import math
wt_oil=1.55##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=26.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=15.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
normality_KOH=1./2.##normality of KOH ##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  198.71  mgs KOH


In [8]:
##example 3.7.8##
import math
wt_oil=5.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=52.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=20.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.5##normality of KOH ##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  179.20  mgs KOH


In [9]:
##example 3.7.9##
import math
S_C=192.##Saponification value of castor oil##
wt_oil=16.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=45.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=31.5##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
N_H=0.5##normality of HCl in titration##
V_H=blank##volume of HCl in titration(ml)##
V_K=50.##volume of KOH in titration(ml)##
N_K=N_H*V_H/V_K##normality of KOH for equivalence##
S_blended=volume*N_K*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of blended oil is ",S_blended," mgs KOH")
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\npercentage of castor oil in blend is ",pc_C," percent");
Saponification value of blended oil is  21.26  mgs KOH

percentage of castor oil in blend is  11.07  percent


In [10]:
##example 3.7.9.A##
import math
wt_oil=1.55##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=20.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=15.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.5##normality of KOH ##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  90.32  mgs KOH


In [11]:
##example 3.7.9.B##
import math
wt_oil=3.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
blank=36.##volume blank titration reading(ml)##
back=12.##volume back titration reading(ml)##
volume=blank-back##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.5##normality of KOH ##
S=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for saponification value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nSaponification value of oil is ",S," mgs KOH");
Saponification value of oil is  224.00  mgs KOH


In [12]:
##example 3.7.10##
import math
wt_oil=2.5##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=2.5##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=(1./100.)##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");
Acid value of oil is  0.56  mgs KOH


In [13]:
##example 3.7.11##
import math
wt_oil=10.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=.2##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.02##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");
Acid value of oil is  0.02  mgs KOH


In [14]:
##example 3.7.12##
import math
wt_oil=4.45##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=2.5##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.01##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");
if A<=0.1:
	print("\nOil can be used for lubrication");
	print("\nOil cannot be used for lubrication");
Acid value of oil is  0.31  mgs KOH

Oil cannot be used for lubrication


In [15]:
##example 3.7.13##
import math
volume_oil=5.##volume of oil titrated(ml)##
density_oil=0.92##density of oil titrated##
wt_oil=volume_oil*density_oil##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=2.##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.01##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");
Acid value of oil is  0.24  mgs KOH


In [ ]:
##example 3.7.14##
import math
volume_oil=9.##volume of oil titrated(ml)##
density_oil=0.81##density of oil titrated##
wt_oil=volume_oil*density_oil##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=3.75##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.1##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");


In [16]:
##example 3.7.15##
import math
volume_oil=20.##volume of oil titrated(ml)##
density_oil=0.86##density of oil titrated##
wt_oil=volume_oil*density_oil##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=2.5##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.1##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");
Acid value of oil is  0.81  mgs KOH


In [17]:
##example 3.7.16##
import math
wt_oil=3.##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=.2##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=0.025##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");
Acid value of oil is  0.09  mgs KOH


In [18]:
##example 3.7.17##
import math
volume_oil=7.##volume of oil titrated(ml)##
density_oil=0.885##density of oil titrated##
wt_oil=volume_oil*density_oil##weight f oil saponified(gms)##
volume=3.8##volume of alcoholic KOH consumed to neutralize fatty acids(ml)##
normality_KOH=1./20.##normality of KOH ##
A=volume*normality_KOH*56./wt_oil##formula for acid value##
print'%s %.2f %s'%("\nAcid value of oil is ",A," mgs KOH");
Acid value of oil is  1.72  mgs KOH