13: Acoustics of Buildings and Acoustic Quieting

Example number 1, Page number 13-14

In [4]:
#importing modules
import math
from __future__ import division

#Variable Declaration
A=92.9;          #absorption(m**2)
V=2265;          #volume(m**3)

T1=0.161*V/A;        #reverberation time of hall without audience(seconds)
T2=0.161*V/(A*2);    #reverberation time of hall with audience(seconds)

print "reverberation time of hall without audience is",round(T1,1),"seconds"
print "reverberation time of hall with audience is",round(T2,3),"seconds"
reverberation time of hall without audience is 3.9 seconds
reverberation time of hall with audience is 1.963 seconds