Z_ch = 100 #in ohms
S = 5 #VSWR (unitless)
Z = Z_ch*S
print 'The terminating impedence =',Z, 'ohms'
import math
e = 2.718
R = 8
f = 2000 #in ohm/kilometer
L = 2*10**-3 #in henry/kilometer
C = 0.002*10**-6 #in farad/kilometer
G = 0.07*10**-6 #second/kilometer
#in hertz
#Since [w=2*(pi)*f] & [Zch={(R+jwL)/(G+jwC)}**0.5]
w = 2*math.pi*f #in radians
#Z_ch=((R+(w*L)j)/(G+(w*C)j))**0.5 #computing characteristic impedance
Z_ch = (complex(R,w*L)/complex(G,w*C))**0.5 #computing characteristic impedance
y = Z_ch
a = y.real #atteneuation consmath.tant
b = y.imag #phase consmath.tant
V_in = 2 #in volts
l = 500 #in kilometers
Z_in = Z_ch #Since line terminated at its char. imped. so, Z_in=Z_ch=Z(load)
I_s = V_in/Z_in
Imag = (((((I_s).real)**2)+(((I_s).imag)**2))**0.5)*10**3 #in milliampere
Iang = math.atan((I_s).imag/(I_s).real)*(180/math.pi) #in degrees
I = Imag*e**-1.99 #I=Is*e**-yl
P = I*I*(Z_ch).real
print "Characteristic impedance (in ohms) =",Z_ch,4
print "Atteneuation constant (in NP/km) =",round(a,4)
print "Phase constant (in radian/km) =",round(b,4)
#P(power delivered)=I*I*REAL(Z_ch)
print "Power delivered to load (in microwatt =",round(P,4),")"
import math
b = 0.02543 #in rad/km
w = 4*math.pi*10**3 #in rad/sec
V_p = w/b # phase velocity
print "Phase velocity (in km/sec) =",round(V_p,4)
import math
f = 37.5*10**6 #frequency(in hertz)
wl = (3*10**8)/f #wavelength (in meters)
Z_l = 100 #in ohms
Z_o = 200 #in ohms
l = 5*wl/4 #length of line (in meters)
b = 2*math.pi/wl
#At generator end,
Z_i = Z_o*(complex(Z_l,Z_o*math.tan(b*l))/complex(Z_o,Z_l*math.tan(b*l)))
V_s = 200*Z_i / 200 + Z_i
I_s = 200/(200+Z_i)
P_avg = V_s*I_s #in watts
I_load=(P_avg/Z_l)**0.5 #in amps
print "Current drawn from generator(in amps) =",round((I_s).real,4)
#for a lossless line , P(avg)*I_input=P(avg)*I_load
print "Power delivered to load (in watts) =",round((P_avg).real,4)
print "Current flowing in load (in amps) =",round((I_load).real,4)
import math
Z_o = 50 #in ohms
f = 300*10**6 #in Hz
Z_l = complex(50,50) #in ohms
wl =(3*10**8)/f #wavelength(in meters)
P =((Z_l-Z_o)/(Z_l+Z_o))
P_mag = (((P).real**2)+((P).imag**2))**0.5
P_ang = math.atan((P).imag/(P).real)*180/math.pi #in degrees
S = (1+P_mag)/(1-P_mag)
print "Reflection coefficient =",P
print "Magnitude of reflection coeffcient =",round(P_mag,4)
print "Angle (in degree) =",round(P_ang,4)
print "VSWR =",round(S,4)
import math
import numpy
Z_l = 100. #in ohms
Z_o = 600. #in ohms
f = 100.*10**6 #in Hz
wl = complex((3.*10**8)/f)
#Position of stub is :
m = complex((Z_l*Z_o)/(Z_l-Z_o))**0.5
pos = (wl/(2*math.pi))*math.atan((Z_l/Z_o)**0.5) #in meters
l = (wl/(2*math.pi))*(numpy.arctan(m)) #in meters
print "Position of stub (in meters) =",(pos)
print "Length of stub (in meters) =",(abs(l))
##### m is a complex number hence can not take its atan #####
import math
Z_o = 50
S = 3.2
X_min = 0.23 #in terms of wavelength(wl))
#So :
Z_l = Z_o*(complex(1,-S*math.tan(2*math.pi*X_min))/complex(S,-math.tan(2*math.pi*X_min))) #in ohms
Z_lmag = (((Z_l).real**2)+((Z_l).imag**2))**0.5
Z_lang = math.tan((Z_l).imag/(Z_l).real)
print "The load impedance"
print "magnitude (in ohms) =",round(Z_lmag,4)
print "angle (in degrees) =",round(Z_lang*180/math.pi,4)
import math
Z_o = 50 #in ohms
Z_l = 100 #in ohms
f = 300*10**3 #in Hz
P_l = 50*10**(-3) #in watts
wl = (3*10**8)/f
p =(Z_l-Z_o)/(Z_l+Z_o)
S =(1+abs(p))/(1-abs(p))
#Since real Zl > Zo ,
pos = wl/4
V_max = (P_l*Z_l)**0.5
V_min = V_max/S
print "VSWR =",round(S,4)
print "First Vmax is located --->at the load "
print "First Vmin is located at --->(wavelength/4)= ",round(pos,4),"(in meters)"
print "Vmax (in volts) =",round(V_max,4)
print "Vmin (in volts) =",round(V_min,4)
print "Zin at Vmin (in ohms) =:",round(Z_o/S,4)
print "Zin at Vmax (in ohms) =",round(Z_o*S,4)
import math
Z_o = 600. #in ohm
Z_s = 50. #in ohm
l = 200. #in meter
Z_l = 500. #in ohm
p = (Z_l-Z_o)/(Z_l+Z_o)
ref_los = 10*(math.log(1/(1-(abs(p))**2)))/(math.log(10)) #in dB
tran_los = ref_los
print "Reflection loss (in dB) =",round(ref_los,4)
#attenuation loss= 0 dB
#Transmisson loss = (attenuation loss)+(reflection loss) = (reflection loss)
print "Transmisson loss (in dB) =",round(tran_los,4)
print "Return loss(in dB) =",round(ret_los,4)
import math
f=1000 #in Hz
l=10000 #in meters
Z_sc=complex(2631,1289) #in ohms
Z_oc=complex(221,-137) #in ohms
#As, math.tanh(t)=[e**t-e**-t]/[e**t+e**-t]
print "Characteristic impedance (in ohms) =",round(Z_mag,4)
print "Angle (in degrees) =",round(Z_ang,4)
print "Phase velocity (in meter per sec.) =",round(2*math.pi*f/b,4)