Chapter 4 : Microwaves Transmission Lines

Example 4.1 Page No : 66

In [1]:
import math 

d = 0.49                #in cm
D = 1.1                 #in cm
e_r = 2.3

c = 3*10**8                                  #in meter/second
L = 2*(10**-7)*math.log(D/d)                 #in Henry/meter
C = 55.56*(10**-12)*(e_r)/math.log(D/d)      #in farad/meter
R_o = (60/math.sqrt(e_r)) *math.log(D/d)     #in ohms
v = c/math.sqrt(e_r)                         #in meter/second

print 'Inducmath.tance per unit length(in H/m) =',round(L,4)
print 'Capacimath.tance per unit length(in F/m) =',round(C,4)
print 'Characteristic Impedance (in ohms) =',round(R_o,4)
print 'Velocity of propagation (in m/s)=',round(v,4)
Inducmath.tance per unit length(in H/m) = 0.0
Capacimath.tance per unit length(in F/m) = 0.0
Characteristic Impedance (in ohms) = 31.9929
Velocity of propagation (in m/s)= 197814142.019

Example 4.2 Page No : 67

In [2]:
import math 

R = 0.05                             #in ohms
G = 0
l = 50                               #in meter
e = 2.3                              #dielectric consmath.tant

c = 3*10**8                          #in m/s
L = 2*(10**(-7))                     #from Exa:4.1
C = 1.58*(10**(-10))                 #from Exa:4.1
P_in = 480                           #in watts
f = 3*10**9                          #in hertz
Z_o = math.sqrt(L/C)
a = R/Z_o                            #in Np/m
b = 2*math.pi*f*math.sqrt(L*C)       #in rad/m
V_p = 1/math.sqrt(L*C)
e_r = (c/V_p)**2
P_loss = P_in*2*l

print 'Atteneuation (in Np/m) =',round(a,4)
print 'Phase consmath.tant (in rad/m) =',round(b,4)
print 'Phase velocity (in m/s) =',round(V_p,4)
print 'Relative permittivity =',round(e_r,4)
print 'Power loss (in watts) =',round(P_loss,4)
Atteneuation (in Np/m) = 0.0014
Phase consmath.tant (in rad/m) = 105.9607
Phase velocity (in m/s) = 177892016.741
Relative permittivity = 2.844
Power loss (in watts) = 48000.0

Example 4.3 Page No : 69

In [3]:
import math 

a = 2.42                                          #in cm
x = 2.3                                           #x=(b/a)

P_bd = 3600*a**2*math.log(x)                      #in kilowatts

print 'Breakdown Power (in kW) =',round(P_bd,4)

#answer in book is wrongly written as 398 kW.
Breakdown Power (in kW) = 17560.2564

Example 4.4 Page No : 74

In [4]:
import math 

b = 0.3175                                     #in cm
d = 0.0539                                     #in cm
c = 3*10**8                                    #in m/s
e_r = 2.32

Z_o = 60*math.log(4*b/(math.pi*d))/math.sqrt(e_r) #in ohms
V_p = c/math.sqrt(e_r)                            #in m/s

print 'Charcteristic impedance (in ohms) =',round(Z_o,4)
print 'Velocity of propagation (in m/s) =',round(V_p,4)
Charcteristic impedance (in ohms) = 79.3713
Velocity of propagation (in m/s) = 196959649.29

Example 4.5 Page No : 79

In [7]:
import math 

e_r = 9.7
c = 3*10**8           #in m/s
r_1 = 0.5             #when ratio: (W/h)=0.5
r_2 = 5               #when ratio: (W/h)=5
                      #For W/h ratio=0.5

e_eff_1 = (e_r+1)/2+((e_r-1)/2)*(1/(math.sqrt(1+12*(1/r_1))+0.04*(1-r_1)))
Z_o_1 = 60*math.log(8/r_1+r_1/4)/math.sqrt(e_eff_1)
v_1 = c/math.sqrt(e_eff_1)
e_eff_2 = (e_r+1)/2+((e_r-1)/2)*(1/(math.sqrt(1+12*(1/r_2))))
Z_o_2 = 120*math.pi*(1/(r_2+1.393+0.667*math.log(1.444+r_2)))/math.sqrt(e_eff_2)
v_2 = c/math.sqrt(e_eff_2)

print "For W/h=0.5 ,"
print 'Effective dielectric consmath.tant =',round(e_eff_1,4)
print 'Charcteristic impedance (in ohms) =',round(Z_o_1,4)
print 'Velocity of propagation (in m/s) =',round(v_1)
                     #For W/h ratio=5
print "For W/h=5,";
print 'Effective dielectric consmath.tant =',round(e_eff_2,4)
print 'Charcteristic impedance (in ohms) =',round(Z_o_2,4)
print 'Velocity of propagation (in m/s) =',round(v_2,4)
For W/h=0.5 ,
Effective dielectric consmath.tant = 6.2165
Charcteristic impedance (in ohms) = 66.9083
Velocity of propagation (in m/s) = 120322571.0
For W/h=5,
Effective dielectric consmath.tant = 9.7
Charcteristic impedance (in ohms) = 15.8524
Velocity of propagation (in m/s) = 96324194.8602

Example 4.6 Page No : 84

In [9]:
import math 

                                           #For TE Wave propagated:
                                           #for Recmath.tangular , taking (a=2b)
r = 100                                    #assume
                                           #for TE11, wavelength=2*pi*r/1.841
                                           #for TE10, wavelength=2a
a = (2*math.pi*r/1.841)/2
ar_rec_TE = (a)*(a/2)
ar_cir_TE = math.pi*r**2
ratio_TE = (ar_cir_TE)/(ar_rec_TE)
b = (2.6155*r)/1.78885
ar_rec_TM = (b)*(b)
ar_cir_TM = math.pi*r**2
ratio_TM = (ar_cir_TM)/(ar_rec_TM)

print 'Ratio of Circular & Rectangular coss-section area (in TE) =',round(ratio_TE,4)
                                         #For TM Wave propagated:
                                         #for Recmath.tangular , taking (a=2b)
                                         #for TE01, wavelength=2.6155*r
                                         #for TE11, wavelength=4b/math.sqrt(5)

print 'Ratio of Circular & Rectangular coss-section area (in TM) =',round(ratio_TM,4)
Ratio of Circular & Rectangular coss-section area (in TE) = 2.1577
Ratio of Circular & Rectangular coss-section area (in TM) = 1.4696

Example 4.7 Page No : 89

In [10]:
import math 

f = 9*10**9               #in Hz
c = 3*10**10              #in cm/s

wl_g = 4                  #in m
wl_o = c/f
wl_c = (math.sqrt(1-((wl_o/wl_g)**2))/wl_o)**(-1)
b = wl_c/4

print 'Breadth of rectangular waveguide (in cm) =',round(b,4)
Breadth of rectangular waveguide (in cm) = 0.75

Example 4.8 Page No : 96

In [11]:
import math 

a = 10                               #in cm
c = 3*10**10                         #in cm/s

wl_c = 2*a                           #in cm
f = 2.5*10**9                        #in Hz
wl_o = c/f
wl_g = wl_o/(math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2))       #in cm
V_p = c/(math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2))
V_g = c**2/V_p

print 'Cut-off wavelength (in cm) =',round(wl_c,4)
print 'Guide wavelength (in cm) =',round(wl_g,4)
print 'Phase velocity (in cm/s) =',round(V_p,4)
print 'Group velocity (in cm/s) =',round(V_g,4)
Cut-off wavelength (in cm) = 20.0
Guide wavelength (in cm) = 15.0
Phase velocity (in cm/s) = 37500000000.0
Group velocity (in cm/s) = 24000000000.0

Example 4.9 Page No : 102

In [12]:
import math 

                                          #For TE mode:

a = 2.5                     #in cm
b = 1                       #in cm
f = 8.6*10**9               #in Hz
c = 3*10**10                #in cm/s

wl_o = c/f
wl_c_1 = 2*b                #for TE01
wl_c_2 = 2*a                #for TE10
f_c = c/wl_c_2
wl_c_3 = 2*a*b/math.sqrt(a**2+b**2)                    #for TE11 & TM11
wl_g_TE10 = wl_o/(math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c_2)**2))       #for TE10
wl_c_TM11 = wl_c_3;
wl_g_TM11 = wl_o/(math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c_2)**2))       #for TM11

print 'Only TE10 mode is possible'
print 'Cut-off frequency(in Hz) =',round(f_c,4)
print wl_g_TE10,'Guide wavelength for TE10 (in cm) =',round(wl_g_TE10,4)
                                                     #For TM mode:
print 'TM11 also propagates'
print 'Guide wavelength for TM11 (in cm) =',round(wl_g_TM11,4)
Only TE10 mode is possible
Cut-off frequency(in Hz) = 6000000000.0
4.86920604871 Guide wavelength for TE10 (in cm) = 4.8692
TM11 also propagates
Guide wavelength for TM11 (in cm) = 4.8692

Example 4.10 Page No : 105

In [13]:
import math 

wl_c = 10                       #in cm 
c = 3*10**10                    #in cm/s

r = wl_c/(2*math.pi/1.841)      #in cm
area = math.pi*r**2             #in sq. cm
f_c = c/wl_c

print 'Radius of circular waveguide(in cm) =',round(r,4)
print 'Area of cross-section of circular waveguide(in cm) =',round(area,4)
print 'Frequency above',round(f_c,4),'can be propagated'
Radius of circular waveguide(in cm) = 2.93
Area of cross-section of circular waveguide(in cm) = 26.971
Frequency above 3000000000.0 can be propagated

Example 4.11 Page No : 106

In [14]:
import math 

a = 4                                    #in cm
b = 3                                    #in cm 
f = 5*10**9                              #in Hz
c = 3*10**10                             #in cm/s

wl_o = c/f 

                                        #For TE waves:
wl_c_TE01 = 2*b                          #for TE01
wl_c_TE10 = 2*a                          #for TE10
wl_c_TE11 = 2*a*b/math.sqrt(a**2+b**2)   #for TE11

    print 'TE01 can propagate'
    print 'TE01 cannot propagate'

    print 'TE10 can propagate'
    print 'TE10 cannot propagate'

    print 'TE11 can propagate'
    print 'TE11 cannot propagate'
TE01 cannot propagate
TE10 can propagate
TE11 cannot propagate

Example 4.12 Page No : 107

In [15]:
import math 

c = 3*10**10                       #in cm/s
d = 4                              #in cm

r = d/2                            #in cm
wl_c = 2*math.pi*r/1.841           #in cm
f_c = c/wl_c 
f_signal = 5*10**9                 #in Hz
wl_o = c/f_signal 
wl_g = wl_o/math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2)

print 'Cut-off wavelength (in cm) =',round(wl_c,4)
print 'Cut-off frequency (in Hz) =',round(f_c,4)
print 'Guide wavelength (in cm) =',round(wl_g,4)
Cut-off wavelength (in cm) = 6.8258
Cut-off frequency (in Hz) = 4395063753.48
Guide wavelength (in cm) = 12.5839

Example 4.14 Page No : 115

In [16]:
import math 

c = 3*10**10                        #in cm/s
a = 5                               #in cm
b = 2.5                             #in cm
wl_o = 4.5                          #in cm
                             #For TE10 mode:

wl_c = 2*a 
wl_g = wl_o/math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2) 
V_p = c/math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2) 
w = 2*math.pi*c/wl_o 
w_c = 2*math.pi*c/wl_c
b = math.sqrt(w**2-w_c**2)/c

print 'Guide wavelength (in cm) =',round(wl_g,4)
print 'Phase consmath.tant =',round(b,4)
print 'Phase velocity (in cm/s) =',round(V_p,4)

#answer in book is wrongly written as guide wavelength =7.803 cm
#answer in book is wrongly written as Phase velocity = 5.22*10**10 cm/s
Guide wavelength (in cm) = 5.039
Phase consmath.tant = 1.2469
Phase velocity (in cm/s) = 33593550657.4

Example 4.15 Page No : 121

In [17]:
import math 

c = 3*10**10                                   #in cm/s
wl_c_TE10 = 16                                 #Critical wavelength of TE10
wl_c_TM11 = 7.16                               #Critical wavelength of TM11
wl_c_TM21 = 5.6                                #Critical wavelength of TM21
                                        #For (i): 10 cm
wl_o = 10                                      #in cm

wl_o=5                                         #in cm

print 'For free space wavelength (in cm) =',round(wl_o,4)
    print '    TE10 can propagate'
    print '    TE10 cannot propagate'

    print '    TM11 can propagate'
    print '    TM11 cannot propagate'

    print '    TM21 can propagate'
    print '    TM21 cannot propagate'

                                                 #For (ii): 5 cm

print ('For free space wavelength (in cm) =',round(wl_o)) 
    print ('    TE10 can propagate')
    print ('    TE10 cannot propagate')

    print ('    TM11 can propagate')
    print ('    TM11 cannot propagate')

    print ('    TM21 can propagate')
    print ('    TM21 cannot propagate')
For free space wavelength (in cm) = 5.0
    TE10 can propagate
    TM11 can propagate
    TM21 can propagate
('For free space wavelength (in cm) =', 5.0)
    TE10 can propagate
    TM11 can propagate
    TM21 can propagate

Example 4.16 Page No : 126

In [18]:
import math 

c = 3*10**10                      #in cm/s
f = 10*10**9                      #in Hz
a = 3                             #in cm
b = 2                             #in cm

n = 120 * math.pi
wl_o = c/f
wl_c = 2*a*b/math.sqrt(a**2+b**2)
Z_TM = round(n*math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2),4)

print 'Characteristic impedance (in ohms) =', Z_TM

#answer in book is wrongly written as 61.618 ohms
Characteristic impedance (in ohms) = 163.2419

Example 4.17 Page No : 134

In [19]:
import math 

c = 3*10**10                    #in cm/s
f = 6*10**9                     #in Hz

f_c = 0.8*f
wl_c = c/f_c
D = round(1.841*(wl_c/math.pi),4)
wl_o = c/f
wl_g = round(wl_o/math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2),4)

print 'Diameter of waveguide (in cm) =', D
print 'Guide wavelength (in cm) =', wl_g
Diameter of waveguide (in cm) = 3.6626
Guide wavelength (in cm) = 8.3333

Example 4.18 Page No : 142

In [20]:
import math 

a = 1.5                       #in cm
b = 1                         #in cm
e_r = 4                       #dielectric
c = 3*10**10                  #in cm/s

wl_c = 2*b
f_c = c/wl_c
f_imp = 6*10**9               #impressed frequency (in Hz)
wl_air = c/f_imp

                              #Inserting dielectric:
wl_dielec = wl_air/math.sqrt(e_r)

if(wl_dielec > wl_c):
    print '    TE01 can propagate'
    print '    TE01 cannot propagate'
    TE01 can propagate

Example 4.19 Page No : 148

In [21]:
import math

u = 4*math.pi*10**-7
e = 8.85*10**-12
c = 3*10**10          #in cm/s
f = 6*10**9           #in Hz
a = 1.5               #in cm
b = 1                 #in cm
                      #For TE10 mode:
m = 1
n = 0

wl_c = 2*a
f_c = c/wl_c
t_1 = (m*math.pi/a)**2
t_2 = (n*math.pi/b)**2
t_3 = (((2*math.pi*f)**2)*u*e)
a = math.sqrt(abs(t_1+t_2-t_3))              #in neper/m
                                             # variable t_1+t_2-t_3 is negative. So I changed the sign to calculate sqrt.

print 'Attenuation (in dB/m) =', round(a*20 / math.log(10),4)
Attenuation (in dB/m) = 1091.8468

Example 4.20 Page No : 149

In [22]:
import math

c = 3*10**10                           #in cm/s
f = 9*10**9                            #inHz
a = 3                                  #in cm
b = 1                                  #in cm
E_max = 3000                           #in V/cm

wl_o = c/f
wl_c = 2*a                             #in TE10
wl_g = round(wl_o/math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2))
P_max = (6.63*10**-4)*E_max**2*a*b*(wl_o/wl_g)

print 'Maximum power for rectangular waveguide (in kilowatts)=', round(P_max/1000, 4)
Maximum power for rectangular waveguide (in kilowatts)= 17.901

Example 4.21 Page No : 150

In [23]:
import math 

c = 3*10**10                #in cm/s
f = 9*10**9                 #inHz
E_max = 300                 #in V/cm
d = 5

wl_o = c/f
                           #For TE11
wl_c = d*math.pi/1.841
wl_g = wl_o/math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2)
P_max = 0.498*E_max**2*d**2*(wl_o/wl_g)

print 'Maximum power (in watts) =',round(P_max,4)
Maximum power (in watts) = 1048954.2981

Example 4.22 Page No : 156

In [25]:
import math

c = 3.*10**10                      #in cm/s
f = 30.*10**9                      #inHz
a = 1.                             #in cm
b = 1.
P_max = 746.                       #in watts

wl_o = c/f
wl_c = 2*a
Z = 120*math.pi/math.sqrt(1-(wl_o/wl_c)**2)
E_max = math.sqrt(P_max*4*Z/(a*b/10000))

print 'Peak value of electric field (in kV/m) =',round(E_max/1000,4)
Peak value of electric field (in kV/m) = 113.9724

Example 4.23 Page No : 163

In [26]:
import math

c = 3*10**10                      #in cm/s
a = 2.3                           #in cm
b = 1                             #in cm
f = 9.375*10**9                   #in Hz

wl_o = c/f
P_bd_TE11 = 597 * 2.3 * 1 * (1-(wl_o/(2*a))**2)**0.5

print 'Breakdown power for dominant mode (in kW) =',round(P_bd_TE11,4)
Breakdown power for dominant mode (in kW) = 986.4059

Example 4.24 Page No : 166

In [27]:
import math 

d = 5                                #in cm
c = 3*10**10                         #in cm/s
f = 9*10**9                          #inHz
                                     #Dominant mode is TE11:
wl_o = c/f
wl_c = math.pi*d/1.841
f_c = c/wl_c
P_bd_TE11 = 1790*(d/2)**2*(1-(f_c/f)**2)**0.5

print 'Breakdown power (in kW) =',round(P_bd_TE11/1000,4)
Breakdown power (in kW) = 6.591