Chapter 6: Magnetism, Electromagnetism and Electromagnetic Induction

Example 6.1: page 99:

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math

#given data:
I=1.5#  in  amperes
n=50  #turns
l=0.25#length  of  coil  in  meter

H=(I*n)/l#field  strength  in  ampere-turns/m

print  "field  strength  in  ampere-turns/m is",H
field  strength  in  ampere-turns/m is 300.0

Example 6.2: page 100:

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import math

#given data:
I=70  #  in  amperes
B=0.4#flus  density  in  Wb/m**2
n=1    #turns

F=B*n*I#  in  newton

print  "force  in  newtons  is", F
force  in  newtons  is 28.0

Example 6.3: page 104:

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
import math

#given data:
b=2    #in  Wb/m**2
l=6    #in  cm
s=0.75#in  m's


print  "emf  induced  in  volts  is",emf
emf  induced  in  volts  is 9.0