Example 14.1 Page No : 456

In [1]:
CMRR = 10**5;			#common-mode rejection ratio
Ad = 10**5;			#differential gain
Acm = Ad/(CMRR);			#common mode gain
print "common-mode gain is %d"%(Acm);
common-mode gain is 1

Example 14.2 Page No : 458

In [2]:
V0 = 20;			#voltage in volts
t = 4;			#time in microsec
SR = (V0)/t;			#slewrate in V/us
print "slewrate is %d V/us"%(SR);
slewrate is 5 V/us

Example 14.3 Page No : 458

In [3]:
import math 

A = 50;			#gain of inverting amplifier
Vid = 20*10**-3;			#voltage in V
SR = 0.5;			#slewrate in V/us----->SR = (2*math.pi*f*Vm)/(10**6)
Vm = A*(Vid);			#maximum output voltage in V
fmax = (SR*10**6)/(2*math.pi*Vm);			#frequency in hz
print "thus maximum frequency of the input for which undistorted output is obtained is %g hz"%(fmax);
thus maximum frequency of the input for which undistorted output is obtained is 79577.5 hz

Example 14.4 Page No : 458

In [4]:
import math 

A = 10;			#gain of inverting amplifier
f = 40*10**3;			#frequency in hz
SR = 0.5;			#slewrate in V/us----->SR = (2*math.pi*f*Vm)/(10**6)
Vm = (SR*10**6)/(2*math.pi*f);			#maximum output voltage in V peak
Vm = 2*Vm;			#maximum output voltage in V peak to peak
Vid = Vm/A;			#maximum peak-to-peak input voltage for undistorted output 
print "Thus maximum peak-to-peak input voltage for undistorted output is %1.3f V peak-to-peak"%(Vid);
Thus maximum peak-to-peak input voltage for undistorted output is 0.398 V peak-to-peak

Example 14.5 Page No : 465

In [6]:
Rf = 10.*10**3;			#feedback resistance in ohms
R1 = 1*10**3;			#resistance in ohms
Af = -(Rf/R1);			#closed-loop voltage gain for inverting amplifier
print "Thus closed-loop voltage gain is %d"%(Af);
Thus closed-loop voltage gain is -10

Example 14.6 Page No : 466

In [7]:
Rf = 10.*10**3;			#forward resistance in ohms
R1 = 1.*10**3;			#resistance in ohms
Af = 1+(Rf/R1);			#closed-loop voltage gain in non-inverting amplifier
b = (R1/(R1+Rf));			#feedback factor
print "Thus closed-loop voltage gain and feedback factor are %d and %1.3f respectively"%(Af,b);
Thus closed-loop voltage gain and feedback factor are 11 and 0.091 respectively

Example 14.7 Page No : 473

In [8]:
V1 = 2.;			#input voltage 1 of summing amplifier in V
V2 = 3.;			#input voltage 2 of summing amplifier in V
V3 = 4.;			#input voltage 3 of summing amplifier in V
R1 = 1.;			#resistance 1 of summing amplifier in kilo ohms
R2 = 1.;			#resistance 2 of summing amplifier in kilo ohms
R3 = 1.;			#resistance 3 of summing amplifier in kilo ohms
Rf = 1.;			#feedback resistance in kilo ohms
R = 1.;			#resistance in kilo ohms

V0 = (-Rf/R)*(V1+V2+V3);			#output voltage in volts

# result
print "Thus output voltage is %d V"%(V0);
Thus output voltage is -9 V