Chapter 2 , Energy Levels and Electron Emission

Example 2.1 , Page Number 33

In [4]:
import math


phi = 3.4              #Voltage (in electron-volt)
e = 1.6 * 10**-19      #Charge on electron (in Coulomb)
A = 6.0 * 10**4        #Emission constant (in Ampere per meter-square per kelvin-square)
T = 2000.0             #Temperature (in kelvin)
l = 40.0 * 10**-3      #Length (in meter)
D = 0.2 * 10**-3       #Diameter (in meter)
k = 1.38 * 10**-23     #Boltzmann constant (in meter-square kilogram per second-square per kelvin)


b = phi * e /k         #Constant 
Js = A*T**2*math.exp(-b/T)  #Emission current density (in Ampere per meter-square)
S = math.pi * D * l    #Emitting surface (in meter-square)
I = Js * S             #Emission current (in Ampere)       


print "Emission current is ",round(I,4)," A."

#Slight variation due to higher precision.
 Emission current is  0.0166  A.