Chapter 4 , Junction Diode

Example 4.1 , Page Number 103

In [3]:
import math


Io = 0.15 * 10**-6                 #Peak reverse biased current (in Ampere)
V = 0.12                           #Voltage (in volts)
VT = 26.0 * 10**-3                 #Volt-equivalent of temperature (in volts)


I = Io * (math.exp(V/VT)-1)        #Current flowing (in Ampere) 


print "Current flowing through Germanium diode is ",round(I * 10**6)," micro-A."
Current flowing through Germanium diode is  15.0  micro-A.

Example 4.2 , Page Number 103

In [9]:
import math


I = 10 * 10**-3                    #Forward biased current (in Ampere)
Io = 2.5 * 10**-6                  #Peak reverse biased current (in Ampere)
nVT = 2*26.0 * 10**-3              #Volt-equivalent of temperature (in volts)
n = 2                              #For Silicon


V = nVT*math.log(I/Io + 1)         #Forward Voltage (in volts)


print "Forward Voltage = ",round(V,2),"V."
Forward Voltage =  0.43 V.

Example 4.3 , Page Number 103

In [4]:

ND = 10**21          #Donor concentration (in per cubic meter)
NA = 10**22          #Acceptor concentration (in per cubic meter)
De = 3.4 * 10**-3    #Diffusion constant for electron (in meter square per second)
Dh = 1.2 * 10**-3    #Diffusion constant for holes (in meter square per second)
Le = 7.1 * 10**-4    #Diffusion length for electrons (in meter)
Lh = 3.5 * 10**-4    #Diffusion length for holes (in meter)
ni = 1.6 * 10**16    #intrinsic concentration (in per cubic-meter)
e = 1.6 * 10**-19    #Charge on electron (in Coulomb)


Io_by_A =  (Dh/(Lh*ND) + De/(Le*NA))*e*ni**2     #Reverse saturation current density (in Ampere per meter-square)


print "Reverse saturation current density is ",round(Io_by_A * 10**6,2),"micro Ampere."
Reverse saturation current density is  0.16 micro Ampere.

Example 4.4 , Page Number 107

In [5]:

I = 2 * 10**-3                   #Forward current (in Ampere)
VT = 25 * 10**-3                 #Volt equivalent of temperature (in Volts)
n = 1                            #eeta for the given semiconductor


r = n*VT/I                       #Dynamic resistance (in ohm) 


print "Dynamic resistance = ",r," ohm."
Dynamic resistance =  12.5  ohm.

Example 4.5 , Page Number 107

In [11]:
import math


VT = 26.0 * 10**-3             #Volt equivalent of temperature (in Volts)
V = 200 * 10**-3               #Voltage (in volts)
Io = 1.0 * 10**-6              #Reverse saturation current (in Ampere)
n = 1                          #For Germanium


r = n*VT/(Io*math.exp(V/(n*VT)))


print "A.C. resistance = ",round(r,2),"ohm."
A.C. resistance =  11.86 ohm.

Example 4.6 , Page Number 108

In [8]:

Vo = 0.7                  #Barrier potential (in volts)
V = 5                     #Voltage (in volts)
R = 100                   #Resistance (in ohm)


I = (V-Vo)/R              #Current flowing through circuit (in Ampere)   


print "Current flowing through the circuit is ",I,"A."
Current flowing through the circuit is  0.043 A.

Example 4.7 , Page Number 109

In [15]:

Vo = 0.7                  #Barrier potential (in volts)
V = 15                    #Voltage (in volts)
R = 7.0 * 10**3           #Resistance (in ohm) 


I = (V-2*Vo)/R              #Current (in Ampere)
VA = I * R                #Voltage drop (in volts) 


print "Voltage drop across 7 ohm resistance is ",VA," V."
Voltage drop across 7 ohm resistance is  13.6  V.

Example 4.8 , Page Number 109

In [18]:

V = 15                    #Voltage (in volts)
Vo = 0.3                  #Voltage across parallel connection (in volts)


VA = V - Vo               #Voltage drop (in volts) 


print "Voltage drop = ",VA," V."
Voltage drop =  14.7  V.

Example 4.9 , Page Number 110

In [36]:
import math
import numpy
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,title,xlabel,ylabel,annotate


VS = 10.0                   #Supply voltage (in volts)
RL = 160                    #Resistance (in ohm)


I = VS / RL                 #Current (in Ampere)


print "Current flowing is ",I * 10**3," mA."


x = numpy.linspace(0,10)
plot(x,62.5 -62.5/10*x,'b')
title("VI Characteristics")
xlabel("Diode Voltage , v in volts")
ylabel("Diode Forward Current , I in A")
annotate("Load Line",xy=(5,35))
Current flowing is  62.5  mA.
<matplotlib.text.Annotation at 0x4deeef0>

Example 4.11 , Page Number 120

In [24]:

V25 = 5                  #Initial voltage at 25 degree celsius (in volts)
V100 = 4.8               #Voltage at 100 degree celsius (in volts)
t1 = 25                  #Temperature (in celsius)
t2 = 100                 #Temperature (in celsius)


dVZ = V100 - V25         #Change in zener voltage (in volts)
dt = t2 - t1             #Change in temperature (in celsius)
tc = dVZ/(V25*dt)        #Temperature coefficient


print "Temperature coefficient is ",round(tc*100,4),"%."
Temperature coefficient is  -0.0533 %.

Example 4.12 , Page Number 123

In [39]:

Vs = 12                         #Source voltage (in volts)
Vout = VZ = 8                   #Output voltage (in volts)
VRs = VS - Vout                 #Voltage across resistance in series (in volts)
RL = 10 * 10**3                 #Load resistance (in ohm) 
Rs = 5 * 10**3                  #Resistance in series (in ohm)


IL = Vout/RL                    #Load current (in Ampere)
Is = (Vs-Vout)/Rs               #Current through series resistance (in Ampere)
IZ = Is - IL                    #Current through zener diode (in Ampere)


print "Output Voltage = ",Vout," V."
print "Voltage across Rs = ",Vs," V."
print "Current through series resistance = ",IZ," A."
Output Voltage =  8  V.
Voltage across Rs =  12  V.
Current through series resistance =  0  A.

Example 4.13 , Page Number 123

In [43]:

Vout = VZ = 50              #Output voltage (in volts)
RL = 10.0 * 10**3           #Load resistance (in ohm)
VSmax = 120                 #Maximum voltage (in volts)
RS = 5.0 * 10**3            #Resistance in series (in ohm)
VSmin = 80                  #Minimum voltage (in volts)


IL = Vout / RL              #Load current (in Ampere)
ISmax = (VSmax - Vout)/RS   #Maximum series current (in Ampere)
IZmax = ISmax - IL          #Maximum zener current (in Ampere)
ISmin = (VSmin - Vout)/RS   #Minumum series current (in Ampere)
IZmin = ISmin - IL          #Minimum zener current (in Ampere)


print "Maximum value of zener diode current is ",IZmax * 10**3," mA.\nMinimum value of zener diode current is ",IZmin * 10**3," mA."
Maximum value of zener diode current is  9.0  mA.
Minimum value of zener diode current is  1.0  mA.

Example 4.14 , Page Number 123

In [46]:

IZK = 6 * 10**-3               #Minimum zener current (in Ampere)
ILmax = 20.0 * 10**-3          #Maximum load current (in Ampere)
VS = 20                        #Source voltage (in volts)
Vout = 15                      #Output voltage (in volts)


RS = (VS - Vout)/(IZK + ILmax) #Series resistance (in ohm)


print "Series resistance is ",round(RS,1)," ohm."
print "When the load current will decrease and become 10 mA, the zener current will increase and become 6 + 10 i.e. 16 mA. Thus the current through the series resistance RS will remain unchanged as 6 + 20 i.e. 26 mA. Thus voltage drop in series resistance RS will remain constant. Consequently the output voltage (Vout = VS - IS*RS) will also remain constant."
Series resistance is  192.3  ohm.
When the load current will decrease and become 10 mA, the zener current will increase and become 6 + 10 i.e. 16 mA. Thus the current through the series resistance RS will remain unchanged as 6 + 20 i.e. 26 mA. Thus voltage drop in series resistance RS will remain constant. Consequently the output voltage (Vout = VS - IS*RS) will also remain constant.

Example 4.15 , Page Number 124

In [50]:

VL = VZ = 50.0              #Output voltage (in volts)
VS = 120.0                  #Source voltage (in volts)
RL = 10.0 * 10**3           #Load resistance (in ohm)
RS = 5.0 * 10**3            #Resistance in series (in ohm)


VRS = VS - VZ               #Voltage across resistance in series (in volts)
IL = VL/RL                  #Load current (in Ampere)
IS = VRS / RS               #Current through resistance in series (in Ampere)
IZ = IS - IL                #Current through zener diode (in Ampere)


print "The output voltage is ",VL," V."
print "Voltage drop across RS is ",VRS," V."
print "Current through zener is ",IZ * 10**3," mA."
The output voltage is  50.0  V.
Voltage drop across RS is  70.0  V.
Current through zener is  9.0  mA.

Example 4.16 , Page Number 124

In [54]:

VS = 16.0                   #Source voltage (in volts)
RL = 1.2 * 10**3            #Load resistance (in ohm)
RS = 1.0 * 10**3            #Resistance in series (in ohm)


VL = VS * RL/(RS + RL)      #Voltage across load (in volts)
IZ = 0                      #Current through zener diode (in Ampere) 
PZ = VZ*IZ                  #Power across zener diode (in Ampere)


print "VL = ",round(VL,2)," V."
print "IZ = ",IZ," A."
print "PZ = ",PZ," W."
VL =  8.73  V.
IZ =  0  A.
PZ =  0.0  W.

Example 4.17 , Page Number 124

In [60]:

Vin = 20                   #input voltage (in volts)
RS = 220.0                 #Series resistance (in ohm)
VZ = 10                    #Zener voltage (in volts)
RL1 = 200                  #Load resistance1 (in ohm)
RL2 = 50                   #Load resistance2 (in ohm)
PZmax = 400 * 10**-3       #Power (in watt)


VL1 = Vin*RL1/(RS + RL1)   #Voltage across load1 (in volts)
IL1 =IR=Vin/(RS + RL1)     #Load1 current (in Ampere)
IZ1 = 0                    #Zener current 1 (in Ampere)
VL2 = Vin*RL2/(RS + RL2)   #Voltage across load2 (in volts)
IL2 =IR=Vin/(RS + RL2)     #Load2 current (in Ampere)
IZ2 = 0                    #Zener current 2 (in Ampere)


print "VL1 = ",round(V,2)," V."
print "IL1 = ",round(IL1*10**3,2),""
print "IZ1 = ",IZ1," A."
print "IR1 = ",round(IL1*10**3,2)," A."

print "VL2 = ",round(VL2,1)," V."
print "IL2 = ",round(IL2*10**3,2)," A."
print "IZ2 = ",IZ2," A."
print "IR2 = ",round(IL2*10**3,2)," A."
VL1 =  15.0  V.
IL1 =  47.62 
IZ1 =  0  A.
IR1 =  47.62  A.
VL2 =  3.7  V.
IL2 =  74.07  A.
IZ2 =  0  A.
IR2 =  74.07  A.

Example 4.18 , Page Number 125

In [61]:

VS = 100              #Source voltage (in volts)
VL = VZ = 50          #Voltage across load (in volts)
V = 10.0/(10 + 5)     #Voltage (in volts)


VR = VS - VL          #Voltage across resistance using KVL (in volts)


print "Voltage drop across 5 kilo-ohm resistor is ",VR," V."
Voltage drop across 5 kilo-ohm resistor is  50  V.

Example 4.19 , Page Number 125

In [68]:

V = 12                 #Voltage (in volts)
R = 120                #Resistance (in ohm)
VDCmin = 15            #Minimum dc voltage (in volts)
VZ = 12                #Zener voltage (in volts)
VDCmax = 19.5          #Maximum dc voltage (in volts)
IZmin = 20 * 10**-3    #Minimum current through zener (in Ampere) 
IL = 100 * 10**-3      #Current through load (in Ampere)
IZmax = 200 * 10**-3   #Maximum current through zener (in Ampere)


VSmin = VDCmin - VZ    #Minimum voltage across Ri (in volts)
VSmax = VDCmax - VZ    #Maximum voltage across Ri (in volts)
ISmin = IZmin + IL     #Minimum current through Ri (in Ampere)
Rimin = VSmin/ISmin    #Resistance Ri1 (in ohm)
ISmax = IZmax + IL     #Minimum current through Ri (in Ampere)
Rimax =VSmax/ISmax     #Resistance Ri2 (in ohm)


print "Ri for minimum voltage is ",Rimin," ohm."
print "Ri for maximum voltage is ",Rimax," ohm."
Ri for minimum voltage is  25.0  ohm.
Ri for maximum voltage is  25.0  ohm.

Example 4.20 , Page Number 126

In [78]:

Vi = 50.0                #Voltage (in volts)
R = 1.0 * 10**3          #Resistance (in ohm)
VZ = 10.0                 #Voltage across zener (in volts)
IZmax = 32.0 * 10**-3    #Maximum current across zener (in Ampere)
IZmin = 0.0              #Minimum current across zener (in Ampere) 


IR = (Vi - VZ)/R         #Supply current (in Ampere)
ILmax = IR - IZmin       #Maximum load current (in Ampere)
RLmin = VZ/ILmax         #Minimum corresponding load resistance (in ohm)
ILmin = IR - IZmax       #Minimum load current (in Ampere) 
RLmax = VZ/ILmin         #Maximum corresponding load resistance (in ohm)      


print "Range of RL : From ",RLmin,"ohm to ",RLmax*10**-3," kilo-ohm."
print "Range of IL : From ",ILmin* 10**3," mA to ",ILmax*10**3," mA."
Range of RL : From  250.0 ohm to  1.25  kilo-ohm.
Range of IL : From  8.0  mA to  40.0  mA.