Chapter 1 : Fundamental Concepts and Definitions

Example 1.1 Page No : 5

In [1]:
# Variables
distanceTravelled = 80. * 1000 			#in meters
timeOfTravel = 2 * 3600. 			#in seconds

# Calculations and Results
Velocity = distanceTravelled / timeOfTravel  			#in meter/second
print "Velocity = %.1f m/s "%(Velocity);
Velocity = 11.1 m/s 

Example 1.2 Page No : 6

In [2]:
# Variables
mass = 120 			#in kg
acceleration = 10 			#in m/s**2

# Calculations and Results
force = mass * acceleration * 0.001  			#in kN
print "Force = %.1f kN "%(force);
Force = 1.2 kN 

Example 1.3 Page No : 6

In [3]:
# Variables
mass = 60                    			#in kg
accelerationDueToGravity = 9.8 			#in m/s**2

# Calculations and Results
weight = mass * accelerationDueToGravity  			#in N
print "Weight = %.0f N "%(weight);
Weight = 588 N 

Example 1.4 Page No : 10

In [5]:
# Variables
Pg = 12E5        			#in N/m**2 			#inlet gauge pressure
Pvac = 75. / 1000 			#in m Hg 			#exit gauge pressure
atmosphericPressure = 760. / 1000 			#in m Hg 			#atmospheric pressure
density = 13.6 * 10**3 			#kg/m**3 			#density of mercury
g = 9.805 			#in m/s**2 			#acceleration due to gravity

# Calculations and Results
Pvac = density*g*Pvac 			#Pvac in N/m**2 
atmosphericPressure = density*g*atmosphericPressure 			#atmospheric pressure in N/m**2
PabsInlet = atmosphericPressure + Pg 			#in N/m**2 			#absolute inlet pressure
PabsExit = atmosphericPressure - Pvac 			#in N/m**2 			#absolute exit pressure
print "At the inlet, absolute pressure = %.3f kPa "%(PabsInlet*.001);
print "At the exit, absolute pressure = %.3f kPa "%(PabsExit*.001);
At the inlet, absolute pressure = 1301.344 kPa 
At the exit, absolute pressure = 91.343 kPa 

Example 1.5 Page No : 12

In [6]:
# Variables
mass = 50 * .001 			#in kg
volume = 0.04 			#in m**3

# Calculations and Results
specificVolume = volume / mass 			#in m**3/kg
density = 1/specificVolume 			#in kg/m**3
print "Specific density = %.2f m**3/kg "%(specificVolume);
print "Density = %.2f kg/m**3 "%(density);
Specific density = 0.80 m**3/kg 
Density = 1.25 kg/m**3 

Example 1.6 Page No : 12

In [7]:
# Variables
temp = 100; 			#in degree Celsius

# Calculations and Results
TEMP = temp + 273.15;
print "Temperature in Kelvin = %.2f K"%(TEMP);
Temperature in Kelvin = 373.15 K

Example 1.7 Page No : 12

In [8]:
# Variables
TEMP = 263.15; 			#in Kelvin

# Calculations and Results
temp = TEMP - 273.15;
print "Temperature in degree Celsius = %.2f degree C"%(temp);
Temperature in degree Celsius = -10.00 degree C