%matplotlib inline
import math
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
#initialisation of variables
a= 60.5
Q= 0.2 #ft**3/sec flow rate
d= 3. #in diameter
u= 0.0325
g= 32.2 #ft/sec**2
T= [50.0, 60.0, 70.0, 80.0, 90.0, 100.0]
Ep= [294.5, 188.6, 113.2, 60.4, 37.7, 24.5]
Eh= [0 ,69.9, 139.8, 209.7, 279.5, 349.4]
Et= [295, 258, 253, 270, 317, 374]
re= a*4*Q/(math.pi*(d/12)*u*g)
print 'Reynolds Number = %.1f '%(re)
print (T)
print (Ep)
print (Eh)
print (Et)
xlabel("T (F)")
ylabel("Eh,Ep,Eh&Ep (kW)")
suptitle("Variations of Ep, Eh and (Ep+Eh) with T")
#initialisation of variables
wcb= 2. #ton weighing
wc= 100. #ton
wa= 6.5 #% of the weight
wca= 20.
r= 0.8
r1= 1.2
wca1= wc/wa
wca2= wcb*(wca1/wca)**1.5
Wca= wcb*r**(9./4)*(1./r1)**(9./4)*(wca1/wca)**1.5
print ' Wc/Wa = %.2f '%(wca1)
print ' Wc,a = %.2f ton'%(wca2)
print ' Wc,a = %.2f ton'%(Wca)