Chapter 6:Introduction to Heat Transfer

Example 6.1 Page no:221

In [2]:
#Input data
t1=270		#Temperature inside surface of the furnace wall in degree centigrade
t3=20		#Temperature outside surface is dissipating heat by convection into air in degree centigrade
L=0.04		#Thickness of the wall in m
K=1.2		#Thermal conductivity of wall in W/m-K
t2=70		#Temperature of outside surface should not exceed in degree centigrade
A=1		 #Assuming area in m**2

Q1=(K*A*(t1-t2))/(L)	#Heat transfer through the furnace wall in W
hc=(Q1)/(A*(t2-t3))		#Heat transfer coefficient in W/m**2K

print"The minimum value of heat transfer coefficient at the outer surface is",hc,"W/m**2K"
The minimum value of heat transfer coefficient at the outer surface is 120.0 W/m**2K

Example 6.2 page no:222

In [82]:
#Input data
t1=30		 #Normal temperature of black body in degree centigrade
t2=100		#Heated temperature of black body in degree centigrade
s=20.52*10**-8	#Stefan Boltzmann constant in kJ/hrK**4
A=1		   #Assume area in m**2

T1=273+t1	#Black body temperatures in kelvin K
T2=273+t2	#Heated temperature of black body in kelvin K
E=s*(T2**4-T1**4)	#Increase of emissive power in kJ/hr

print'The change in its emissive power',round(E,4),"kJ/hr"
The change in its emissive power 2242.4228 kJ/hr

Example 6.3 page no:222

In [83]:
#Input data
L=0.012   	#Wall thickness of a mild steel tank in m
t1=100.0		#Temperature of water in tank in degree centigrade
t4=20.0	 	#Atmospheric temperature of air in degree centigrade
K=50.0		  #Thermal conductivity of mild steel in W/m-K
hi=2850.0		#Convection heat transfer coefficient on water side in W/m**2-K
ho=10.0		#Convection heat transfer coefficient on air side in W/m**2-K
Q1=60.0    	#Heat trasfer from the incandicent lamp in W
s=5.67*10**-8	#Stefan boltzmann constant in W/m**2/K**4
T1=2500.0	   #Lamp surface temperature in K
T2=300.0		#Room temperature in K
A=1.0		   #Assuming area in m**2

T=t1-t4		#Temperature difference in degree centigrade
Q=(T)/((1/hi)+(L/K)+(1/ho))	#Rate of heat loss per m**2 area of surface of tank in W
t3=(Q/(ho*A))+(t4)		#Temperature of the outside surface in degree centigrade
U=(Q)/(A*T)		#Overall Heat transfer coefficient in W/m**2/K
a=(Q1)/(s*(T1**4-T2**4))	#surface area of the coil in m**2
a1=a*10**6#Surface area of the coil in mm**2

print'(a) The rate of heat loss per sq m area of the tank is',round(Q,2)," W "
print '(b) Overall heat transfer coefficient is ',round(U,2)," W/m**2/K" 
print '(c) Temperature of the outside surface of tank is ',round(t3,2),"C" 
print '(d)The surface area of the coil is ',round(a1,3),"mm**2"
(a) The rate of heat loss per sq m area of the tank is 795.3  W 
(b) Overall heat transfer coefficient is  9.94  W/m**2/K
(c) Temperature of the outside surface of tank is  99.53 C
(d)The surface area of the coil is  27.096 mm**2

Example 6.4 page no:225

In [84]:
#Input data
A1=3.5		#Area of the boiler plate in m**2
X2=0.02		#Thickness of the plate in m
K2=50.0		#Thermal conductivity of plate in W/m-K
X1=0.002	  #Thickness of layer inside boiler in m
K1=1.0		  #Thermal conductivity of layer in W/m-K
t1=250.0		#The hot gas temperature of the plate in degree centigrade
t3=200.0		#Temperature of cold air in degree centigrade

T=t1-t3		#Temperature difference in degree centigrade
Q=(T*A1)/((X1/K1)+(X2/K2))	#Rate of heat loss in W
Q1=Q/1000		#Rate of heat loss in kJ/s
Q2=Q1*3600		#Rate of heat loss in kJ/hr

print'(a)Rate of heat loss is',round(Q1,2)," kJ/s "
print'(b)Rate of heat loss per hour is',round(Q2,2),"kJ/hr"
(a)Rate of heat loss is 72.92  kJ/s 
(b)Rate of heat loss per hour is 262500.0 kJ/hr

Example 6.5 page no:226

In [85]:
#Input data 
L1=0.225		#Thickness of the brick in m
K1=4.984		#Thermal conductivity of brick in kJ/hr m C/m
L2=0.125		#Thickness of insulating brick in m
K2=0.623		#Thermal conductivity of insulating brick in kJ/hr m C /m
Ti=1650.0		#Temperature inside the furnace in degree centigrade
hl=245.28		#Conductance at inside wall in kJ/hr m**2 C
ho=40.88		#Conductance at outside wall in kJ/hr m**2 C
To=27.0		#Temperature of surrounding atmosphere in degree centigrade 

R=((1.0/hl)+(L1/K1)+(L2/K2)+(1.0/ho))	#Total resistance of the wall in C hr/kJ
q=(Ti-To)/R			#Rate of heat loss per m**2 of the wall in kJ/hr m**2
T1=Ti-(q*(1.0/hl))			#Inner surface temperature in degree centigrade
T3=Ti-(q*((1.0/hl)+(L1/K1)+(L2/K2)))	#Outer surface temperature in degree centigrade

print'(a)The rate of heat loss per sq m of the wall is',round(q,1), "kJ/hr m**2"
print'(b)The temperature at the inner surface is',round(T1,2),"C" 
print'(c)The temperature at the outer surface is',round(T3,2),"C"
(a)The rate of heat loss per sq m of the wall is 5916.3 kJ/hr m**2
(b)The temperature at the inner surface is 1625.88 C
(c)The temperature at the outer surface is 171.72 C

Example 6.6 page no:227

In [86]:
#Input data
x=0.3		#Thickness of the wall in degree centigrade
t1=24.0		#Inside surface temperature of the wall in degree centigrade
t2=-6		#Outside temperature of wall in degree centigrade
h=2.75		#Height of the wall in m
L=6.1		#Length of the wall in m
K=2.6		#Coefficient of conductivity of brick in kJ/hr m C

A=h*L		#Area of the wall in m**2
T=t2-t1		#Temperature difference in degree centigrade
q=(K*A*(-T))/(x)	#Heat transfer by conduction in kJ/hr
R=(t1-t2)/q	#Resistance of the wall in C hr/kJ
C=1.0/R		#Conductance of the wall in kJ/m C

print'(a)The heat transfer by conduction through the wall is',q, "kJ/hr"
print'(b)Resistance of the wall is',round(R,5),"C hr/kJ"
print'(C)Conductance of the wall is',round(C,1),"kJ/m C"
(a)The heat transfer by conduction through the wall is 4368.0 kJ/hr
(b)Resistance of the wall is 0.00687 C hr/kJ
(C)Conductance of the wall is 145.6 kJ/m C

Example 6.8 page no:230

In [87]:
T=300		#Temperature of the earth as a black body in K
s=20.52*10**-8	#Stefan Boltzmann constant in kJ/hr m**2 T**4

Q=s*T**4	#Heat received by unit area on the earths surface perpendicular to solar rays in kJ/hr

print'Heat received by the unit area of earths surface',round(Q,2),"kJ/hr"
Heat received by the unit area of earths surface 1662.12 kJ/hr

Example 6.9 page no:230

In [88]:
#Input data
D=0.07		  # Diameter of the steel tube in m
L=3.0		   #Length of the steel tube
t1=227.0		#Temperature of the steel tube in m
t2=27.0	 	#Temperature of the room in degree centigrade
s=20.52*10**-8	#Stefan Boltzmann constant in kJ/hr m**2 T**4
pi=3.1428		#Constant value of pi

A=2*pi*D*L	  #Surface area of the tube in m**2
Q=(A)*(s)*((t1+273)**4-(t2+273)**4)	#Loss of heat by radiation in kJ/hr
Q1=Q/3600.0	 #Loss of heat by radiation in kW

print'The loss of heat by radiation from steel tube is',round(Q1,3),"KW"
The loss of heat by radiation from steel tube is 4.093 KW

Example 6.10 page no:231

In [89]:
#Input data
T1=7.0		 #Inside temperature of refrigerator in degree centigrade 
T0=28.0		#Temperature in the kitchen in degree centigrade
K1=40.0		#Thermal conductivity of mild steel in W/mC
x1=0.03		#Thickness of mild sheets in m
K3=40.0		#Thermal conductivity of the mild steel in W/mC
x3=0.03		#Thickness of another side mild sheet in m
x2=0.05		#Thickness of glass wool insulated in m
hi=10.0		#Heat transfer coefficient in the inner surface of refrigerator in W/m**2 C
ho=12.5		#Heat transfer coefficient in the outer surface of refrigerator in W/m**2 C
K2=0.04		#Thermal conductivity of glass in W/mC

Q=(T1-T0)/((1/hi)+(x1/K1)+(x2/K2)+(x3/K3)+(1/ho))	#Heat transfer per unit area in W/m**2

print'The rate of heat removed from the refrigirator ',round(Q,3),"W/m**2"
The rate of heat removed from the refrigirator  -14.67 W/m**2

Example 6.11 page no:232

In [90]:
#Input data
x1=0.2	 	#Thickness of the fire brick
x2=0.2	 	#Thickness of the common brick
Ti=1400.0  	#Temperature of hot gases in the inner surface of the brick in degree centigrade
To=50.0		#Temperature of gases in the outer surface of the brick in degree centigrade
h1=16.5		#Convection heat transfer coefficient on gas side in W/mC
h2=17.5		#radiation heat transfer coefficient on gas side in W/mC
h3=12.5		#Convection heat transfer coefficient on outer side in W/mC
h4=6.5 		#Radiation heat transfer coeeficient on outer side in W/mC
K1=4.0 		#Thermal conductivity of fire brick in W/mC
K2=0.65		#Thermal conductivity of common brick in W/mC

hi=h1+h2		#Total heat transfer coefficient in inner 
ho=h3+h4		#Total heat transfer coefficient in outer 
Q=(Ti-To)/((1/hi)+(x1/K1)+(x2/K2)+(1/ho))	#Heat flow through the furnace composite wall per unit area in W/m**2
T1=Ti-(Q/hi)	#Temperature at the inside of the fire brick 
T2=T1-(Q*(x1/K1))#Maximum temperature to which common brick is subjected in degree centigrade

print'(a)Heat loss per m**2 area of the furnace wall is',round(Q)/1000,"kW/m**2" 
print'(b)Maximum temperature to which common brick is subjec',round(T1,3),"C" 
print'(c)similarly on other side is',round(T2,3),"C"
(a)Heat loss per m**2 area of the furnace wall is 3.07 kW/m**2
(b)Maximum temperature to which common brick is subjec 1309.705 C
(c)similarly on other side is 1156.204 C

Example 6.12 page no:234

In [91]:
#Input data
K1=0.93		#Thermal conductivity of fire clay in W/mC
K2=0.13		#Thermal conductivity of diatomite brick in W/mC
K3=0.7		#Thermal conductivity of red brick in W/mC
x1=0.12		#Thickness of fire clay in m
x2=0.05		#Thickness of diatomite in m
x3=0.25		#Thickness of brick in m
T=1		#Assume the difference between temperature in degree centigrade

Q=(T)/((x1/K1)+(x2/K2)+(x3/K3))	#The heat flow per unit area in W/m**2
X3=K3*((T/Q)-(x1/K1))		#Thickness of the red brick layer in m
X=X3*100			#Thickness of the red brick layer in cm

print'The thickness of the red brick layer is',round(X,3),"cm"
The thickness of the red brick layer is 51.923 cm

Example 6.13 page no:235

In [92]:
#Input data
R1=0.06		#Thickness of material layer in m
R2=0.12		#Thickness of the two insulating materials in m
R3=0.16		#Thickness of material layers with pipe in m
K1=0.24		#Thermal conductivity of one layer in W/mC
K2=0.4		 #Thermal conductivity of another layer in W/mC
L=60.0		 #Length of the pipe in m
hi=60.0		#Heat transfer coefficient inside in W/m**2C
ho=12.0		#Heat transfer coefficient outside in W/m**2C
ti=65.0		#Temperature of hot air flowing in pipe in degree centigrade
to=20.0		#Atmospheric temperature in degree centigrade
pi=3.1428	  #Constant value of pi

Q=(ti-to)*(2*pi*L)/((1/(hi*R1))+(math.log(R2/R1)/(K1))+(math.log(R3/R2)/(K2))+(1/(ho*R3)))	#Rate of heat loss in W
Q1=Q/1000	#Rate of heat loss in kW

print'The rate of heat loss is',round(Q1,4),"kW"
The rate of heat loss is 3.8519 kW

Example 6.14 page no:237

In [93]:
#Input data
R1=8.0		  #Inner radius of the pipe in cm
R2=8.5		  #Outter radius of the pipe in cm
x1=3.0		  #Thickness of first layer in cm
x2=5.0		  #Thickness of second layer in cm
T1=300.0		#Inner surface temperature of the steam pipe in degree centigrade
pi=3.1428	   #Constant value of pi 
T4=50.0		 #Temperature at outer surface of insulation in degree centigrade
L=1.0		   #Length of the pipe in m
K1=50.0	 	#Thermal conductivity of pipe in W/mC
K2=0.15	 	#Thermal conductivity of first layer in W/mC
K3=0.08	 	#Thermal conductivity of second layer in W/mC
h=2751.0		#Enthalpy of dry and saturated steam at 300 degree centigrade in kJ/kg
q=40.0	  	#Quantity of steam flow in gm/hr
hf=1345.0		#Enthalpy of fluid at 300 degree centigrade in kJ/kg
hfg=1406.0		#enthalpy at 300 degree centigrade in kJ/kg

R3=R2+x1	#Radius of pipe with first layer
R4=R3+x2	#Radius of pipe with two layers
Q1=Q/1000	#Quantity of heat loss per meter length of pipe in kW
Q2=Q1*3600	#Quantity of heat loss per meter length of pipe in kJ/hr
hg=((h)-(Q2/q))	#Enthalpy of steam in kJ/kg
x=(hg-hf)/(hfg)	#Dryness fraction of steam

print'(a)The quantity of heat lost per meter length of steam pipe is',round(Q,2),"W/m or",round(Q*3600/1000),"kJ/hr"
print'(b)The quantity of steam coming out of one meter length pipe is',round(x,4),"gm/h"
(a)The quantity of heat lost per meter length of steam pipe is 240.68 W/m or 866.0 kJ/hr
(b)The quantity of steam coming out of one meter length pipe is 0.9846 gm/h

Example 6.15 page no:238

In [94]:
#Input data
x=0.3		#Thickness of brick wall in m
ti=24.0		#Inside surface temperature of wall in degree centigrade
to=-6.0		#Outside surface temperature of wall in degree centigrade
h=2.75		#Height of the wall in m
L=6.1		#Length of the wall in m
K=2.6		#Thermal conductivity of brick material in kJ/m hr C

T=ti-to		#Temperature difference across the wall in degree centigrade
A=h*L		#Area of the wall in m**2
Q=(K*A*T)/(x)	#Heat transfer through conduction by the wall per hour in kJ/hr
R=T/Q		#Resistance of the wall in hr C/kJ
C=1.0/R		#Conductance of the wall in kJ/hr C

print'(a)The heat transfer by conduction through the wall is',round(Q),"kJ/hr "
print'(b)The resistance of the wall is ',round(R,5),"Chr/Kj "      
print'  The conductance of the wall is',round(C,1), "kJ/hr C "
(a)The heat transfer by conduction through the wall is 4362.0 kJ/hr 
(b)The resistance of the wall is  0.00688 Chr/Kj 
  The conductance of the wall is 145.4 kJ/hr C 

Example 6.16 page no:240

In [95]:
#Input data
x1=0.3     	#Thickness of refractory bricks in m
K1=5.66		#Thermal conductivity of refractory bricks in kJ/hr mC
t1=1650.0		#Inner surface temperature of the wall in degree centigrade
t2=320.0	 	#Outside surface temperature of the wall in degree centigrade
x2=0.3	 	#Thickness of insulating brick in m
K2=1.26		#Thermal conductivity of insulating brick in kJ/hr mC
A=1.0	  	#unit surface area in m**2
t3=27.0		#Outside surface temperature of the brick in degree centigrade

T1=t1-t2		#Temperature difference in degree centigrade
Q1=(K1*A*T1)/(x1)	#Heat loss without insulation in kJ/hr/m**2
R1=(K1*A)/(x1)	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for refractory brick wall material in kJ/hrC
R2=(K2*A)/(x2)	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for insulated brick wall material kJ/hrC
Q2=(t1-t3)/((1.0/R1)+(1.0/R2))	#Heat loss with insulation in kJ/hr/m**2
Q3=Q1-Q2		#Reduction in heat loss through the wall in kJ/hr/m**2

print'The reduction in heat loss through the wall is ',round(Q3,1),"kJ/hr/m**2"
print"\nNOTE:Answer wrongly written in book as 1951.4"
The reduction in heat loss through the wall is  19517.2 kJ/hr/m**2

NOTE:Answer wrongly written in book as 1951.4

Example 6.17 page no:241

In [96]:
#Input data
L=4.6	 	  #Length of the wall in m
b=2.3	   	#Breadth of the wall in m
x1=0.025		#Thickness of the wood in m
x2=0.075		#Thickness of the cork slabbing in m
x3=0.115		#Thickness of the brick in m
t1=18.0		 #Exterior temperature of the wall in degree centigrade
t4=-20.0		#Interior temperature of the wall in degree centigrade
K1=7.5 		 #Thermal conductivity of the wood in kJ/hr mC
K2=1.9 		 #Thermal conductivity of the wood in kJ/hr.mC
K3=41.0		 #Thermal conductivity of the brick in kJ/hr mC

A=L*b		#Area of the wall in m**2
R1=(K1*A)/(x1)	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for insulated wood material in kJ/hrC
R2=(K2*A)/(x2)	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for cork material in kJ/hrC
R3=(K3*A)/(x3)	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for brick in kJ/hrC
Q=(t1-t4)/((1.0/R1)+(1.0/R2)+(1.0/R3))	#Heat loss with insulation in kJ/hr
Q1=Q*24.0		#Heat loss with insulation in kJ/24hr
t2=t1-(Q/R1)	#Interface temperature t2 in degree centigrade 
t3=t2-(Q/R2)	#Interface temperature t3 in degree centigrade

print'(a)The leakage through the wall per 24 hours is',round(Q,2),"kJ/hr=",round(Q,2)*24 
print'(b)Temperature at the interface is',round(t2,3),"C"   
print'(c)Temperature at interface ',round(t3,3),"C"
(a)The leakage through the wall per 24 hours is 8814.37 kJ/hr= 211544.88
(b)Temperature at the interface is 15.223 C
(c)Temperature at interface  -17.663 C

Example 6.18 page no:243

In [97]:
#Input data
L=0.3		#Thickness of the wall in m
ti=320		#Inner surface temperature in degree centigrade
to=38		#Outer surface temperature in degree centigrade
A=1		#Assume unit area in m**2

Q=(A/L)*((0.01256/2)*(ti**2-to**2)-(4.2/3)*10**-6*(ti**3-to**3))  #Heat loss per sq metre of surface area

print'The heat loss per sq metre of surface area for a furnace wall is',round(Q,2),"kJ/hr/m**2 "
The heat loss per sq metre of surface area for a furnace wall is 1960.68 kJ/hr/m**2 

Example 6.19 page no:245

In [98]:
#Input data
d=11.5		#Outer diameter of steam pipe line in cm
t1=5.0		#Thickness of first layer in cm
K1=0.222		#Thermal conductivity of first layer in kJ/hr mC
t2=3.0		#Thickness of second layer in cm
pi=3.1428		#Constant value of pi
K2=3.14		#Thermal conductivity of second layer in kJ/hr mC
T1=235		#Outside surface temperature of steam pipe in degree centigrade
T3=38		#Outer surface of lagging in degree centigrade
L=1.0		#Length of the pipe in m

I=math.log((d+(2*t1))/d)			#For inner layer calculation
O=math.log((d+(2*t1)+(2*t2))/(d+(2*t1)))		#For outer layer calculations
R1=(2.0*pi*L*K1)/I		#Heat loss for change in temperature for first insulated material in kJ/hC
R2=(2.0*pi*L*K2)/O		#Heat loss for the change in temperature for second insulated material in kJ/hC
Q=(T1-T3)/(1.0/R1+1.0/R2)	#Heat loss per metre length of pipe per hr in kJ/hr
T2=T1-(Q/R1)#Temperature between the two layers of insulation in degree centigrade

print'(a)The heat loss per metre length of pipe per hr is',round(Q,2)," kJ/hr" 
print'(b)Temperature between the two layers of insulation is',round(T2,2),"C"
(a)The heat loss per metre length of pipe per hr is 427.45  kJ/hr
(b)Temperature between the two layers of insulation is 43.33 C

Example 6.20 page no:247

In [21]:
#Input data
t1=24.0    	#Temperature at the outside surface in degree centigrade 
t4=-15.0   	#Temperature at the inner surface in degree centigrade
A=1.0  		#Assuming unit area in m**2
K1=23.2		#Thermal conductivity of steel in W/mC
K2=0.014		#Thermal conductivity of glasswood in W/mC
K3=0.052		#Thermal conductivity of plywood in W/mC
x1=0.0015		#Thickness of steel sheet at outer surface in m
x2=0.02		#Thickness of glasswood in between in m
x3=0.01		#Thickness of plywood at a inner surface in m

R1=(K1*A)/x1	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for first insulated material
R2=(K2*A)/x2	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for second insulated material
R3=(K3*A)/x3	#Heat loss for the change in temperature for third insulated material
Q=(t1-t4)/(1/R1+1/R2+1/R3)	#The rate of heat flow in W/m**2

print'The rate of heat flow is',round(Q,2),"W/m**2 "
The rate of heat flow is 24.06 W/m**2