# Variables
m_CO2 = 40. ; # Mass of CO2-[kg]
mol_wt_CO2 = 44. ; # Molecular mass of 1kmol CO2 -[kg]
mol_V = 22.42 ; # Molar of ideal gas at standard condition-[cubic metre/kg mol]
# Calculations
V_CO2 = (m_CO2 * mol_V)/(mol_wt_CO2); # volume of CO2-[cubic metre]
# Results
print 'Volume occupied by 40 kg CO2 at standard condition is %.1f cubic metre.'%V_CO2
# Variables
p =1. ; # Pressure -[atm]
V = 22415. ; # Molar valume -[cubic centimetre/g mol]
T = 273.15 ; # Temperature-[K]
# Calculations
R = (p*V/T); # Universal gas constant-[(cubic centimetre.atm)/(K.g mol)]
# Results
print 'Universal gas constant is %.2f (cubic centimetre*atm)/(K*g mol). '%R
# Variables
m_CO2 = 88. ; # Mass of CO2-[lb]
mol_wt_CO2 = 44. ; # Molecular mass of 1 lb mol CO2 -[lb]
mol_V = 359. ; # Molar volume-[cubic feet]
# State 1-standard condition
P1 = 33.91 ; # Pressure -[ft of water]
T1 = 273. ; # Temperature-[K]
# State 2
P2 = 32.2 ; # Pressure -[ft of water]
Tc = 15. ; # Temperature-[degree C]
T2 = Tc+273 ; # Temperature-[K]
# Calculations
V1 = (m_CO2 * mol_V) / (mol_wt_CO2);
V2 = (V1 * T2 * P1) / (T1 * P2);
# Results
print 'The volume occupied 88 lb of CO2 at given condition is %.0f cubic feet.'%V2
# Variables
mol_wt_N2 = 28. ; # Molecular mass of 1 kg mol N2 -[kg]
mol_V = 22.42 ; # Molar of ideal gas at standard condition-[cubic metre/kg mol]
Tc = 27. ; # Temperature-[degree C]
T = Tc + 273. ; #Temperature-[K]
P = 100. ; #Pressure-[kPa]
Ps = 101.3 ; # Pressure -[kPa]
Ts = 273. ; #Temperature-[K]
# Calculations
V = (T * Ps * mol_V)/(Ts * P) ; # Volume occupied by N2-[cubic metre]
D_N2 = mol_wt_N2/V ; # Density of N2 at given condition-[kg/cubic metre]
# Results
print ' Density of N2 at given condition is %.3f kg/cubic metre.'%D_N2
# Variables
mol_wt_N2 = 28. ; # Molecular mass of 1 lb mol N2 -[lb]
mol_wt_air = 29. ; # Molecular mass of 1 lb mol air -[lb]
mol_V = 359. ; # Molar volume of ideal gas-[cubic feet]
Tf = 80. ; # Temperature-[degree F]
T = Tf + 460. ; #Temperature-[degree Rankine]
P = 745. ; #Pressure-[mm of Hg]
Ps = 760. ; # Pressure -[mm of Hg]
Ts = 492. ; #Temperature-[degree Rankine]
# Calculations
D_air = (Ts * P * mol_wt_air)/(T * Ps * mol_V) ; # Density of air at given condition-[lb/cubic feet]
D_N2 = (Ts * P * mol_wt_N2)/(T * Ps * mol_V) ; # Density of N2 at given condition-[lb/cubic feet]
sg_N2 = D_N2/D_air ; # Specific gravity of N2 compared to air at given condition
# Results
print ' Specific gravity of N2 compared to air at given condition is %.3f .'%sg_N2
# Variables
F_gas = 1. ; # Flue gas [kg mol]
mf_CO2 = 14./100 ; # [mol fraction]
mf_O2 = 6./100 ; # [mol fraction]
mf_N2 = 80./100 ; # [mol fraction]
P = 765. ; #Pressure-[mm of Hg]
T = 400. ; # Temperature-[degree F]
# Calculations
p_CO2 = P * mf_CO2 ; # Partial pressure of CO2-[mm of Hg]
p_O2 = P * mf_O2 ; # Partial pressure of O2-[mm of Hg]
p_N2 = P * mf_N2 ; # Partial pressure of N2-[mm of Hg]
# Results
print ' Component pi(Partial pressure-[mm of Hg]) '
print ' CO2 %.1f mm of Hg '%p_CO2
print ' O2 %.1f mm of Hg '%p_O2
print ' N2 %.1f mm of Hg '%p_N2
# Variables
G = 100. ; # Basis: Pyrolysis Gas-[lb mol]
ub_CO = 10./100 ; # fraction of CO left unburnt
ex_air = 40./100 ; # fraction of excess air
m_vol = 359. ; # molar volume of gas at std. cond.-[cubic feet]
Ts = 492. ; # Standard temperature -[degree Rankine]
Ps = 29.92 ; #Standard pressure -[in. Hg]
# Calculations
# Analysis of entering gas of entering gas
Tf1 = 90. ; # Temperature of gas-[degree F]
T_gas = Tf1 + 460. ; #Temperature of gas-[degree Rankine]
P_gas = 35. ; #Pressure-[in. Hg]
CO2 = 6.4/100 ; # mol fraction of CO2
O2 = 0.1/100 ; # mol fraction of O2
CO = 39./100 ; # mol fraction of CO
H2 = 51.8/100 ; # mol fraction of H2
CH4 = 0.6/100 ; # mol fraction of CH4
N2 = 2.1/100 ; # mol fraction of N2
# Analysis of entering air
Tf2 = 70. ; # Temperature of air -[degree F]
T_air = Tf2 + 460. ; #Temperature of air-[degree Rankine]
P_air = 29.4 ; #Pressure of air [in. Hg]
f_N2 = 79./100 ; # mol fraction of N2
f_O2 = 21./100 ; # mol fraction of O2
O2r_O2 = O2 * G ; # O2 required by O2-[lb mol]
O2r_CO = CO * G/2 ; # O2 required by CO-[lb mol]
O2r_H2 = H2 * G/2 ; # O2 required by H2-[lb mol]
O2r_CH4 = G * CH4 * 2 ; # O2 required by CH4-[lb mol]
O2r_total = O2r_O2 + O2r_CO + O2r_H2 + O2r_CH4 ; # Total O2 required-[lb mol]
ex_O2 = ex_air * O2r_total ; # Excess O2-[lb mol]
total_O2 = ex_O2 + O2r_total ; # Total amt of O2 in air-[lb mol]
total_N2 = total_O2 * (f_N2/f_O2); # Total amt of in air-[lb mol]
air = total_O2 + total_N2 ; # Total air entering -[lb mol]
# Product analysis
P_CO = ub_CO * CO * G ; #Unburnt CO in P-[lb mol]
P_N2 = N2 * G + total_N2 ; # N2 in P-[lb mol]
P_CO2 = (CO2 + CO + CH4) * G - 1 * P_CO; #CO2 in P-[lb mol]
P_H2O = (H2 + 2 * CH4) * G ; # H2 in P-[lb mol]
P_O2 = (CO2 + O2 + 0.5 * CO) * G + total_O2 -P_CO2-0.5 * (P_H2O + P_CO); # O2 in P-[lb mol]
P = P_CO + P_N2 + P_CO2 + P_H2O + P_O2 ; # Product-[lb mol]
Tf3 = 400 ; # Temperature of product-[degree F]
T_prod = Tf3 + 460 ; #Temperature of product-[degree Rankine]
P_prod = 35 ; # Pressure of product -[in.Hg]
V_gas = (G * m_vol * T_gas * Ps)/(Ts * P_gas);
V_air = (air * m_vol * T_air * Ps)/(Ts * P_air);
V_prod = (P * m_vol * T_prod * Ps)/(Ts * P_prod);
air_ft3 = V_air/V_gas ; #Air supplied per ft**3 of gas entered-[cubic feet]
P_ft3 = V_prod/V_gas ; #Product gas produced per ft**3 of gas entered-[cubic feet]
# Results
print ' Air supplied per ft**3 of gas entered %.2f cubic feet. '%air_ft3
print ' Product gas produced per ft**3 of gas entered %.2f cubic feet.'%P_ft3
# Variables
T1c = 15. ; # Temperature of F & P -[degree C]
T1 = 273. + T1c ;S # Temperature of F & P -[K]
P1 = 105. ; # Pressure of F & P -[kPa]
# Calculations
# F analysis
F_CO2 = 1.2/100 ; # Volume fraction
F_odr = 98.8/100 ; # Volume fraction
# P analysis
P_CO2 = 3.4/100 ; # Volume fraction
P_odr = 96.6/100 ; # Volume fraction
Tc_CO2 = 7. ; #Temperature CO2 -[degree C]
T_CO2 = 273. + Tc_CO2 ; # Temperature CO2 -[K]
P_CO2 = 131. ; # Pressure of CO2 -[kPa]
CO2 = 0.0917 ; # Volume flow rate of CO2-[cubic metre/min]
# Convert given volume flow rate of CO2 at temperature of F & P
nw_CO2 = (CO2 * T1 * P_CO2)/(T_CO2 * P1) ; # volume flow rate of CO2 at temperature of F & P-[cubic metre]
from numpy import matrix
a = matrix([[F_odr,-P_odr],[1, -1]]); # Matrix formed by coefficients of unknown
b = matrix([[0],[-nw_CO2]]) ; # Matrix formed by constants
a = a.I
x = a*b ; # matrix of solution, x(1) = F;x(2) = P
F = x[0] ; #Volume flow rate of entering gas-[cubic metre/min]
P = x[1] ; #Volume flow rate of product [cubic metre/min]
# Results
print 'Volume flow rate of entering gas is %.2f cubic metre/min'%F