# variables
R = 82.06 # gas constant-[(cm**3 *atm)/(g mol *K)]
a = 9.24 *10**(6) ; #(atm) *(cm**3/g mol)**2
b = 90.7 ; # (cm**3)/(g mol)
m_C3H8 = 22.7 # Mass of propane-[kg]
mw_C3H8 = 44. ; # Mol. wt. of 1kmol propane-[kg]
V = 0.15 *10**(6) ; # Volume of cylinder -[cm**3]
pg = 4790. # Gauge pressure -[kPa]
# Calculations
P = (pg +101.3)/101.3 # Pressure absolute-[atm abs]
n = (m_C3H8/mw_C3H8) *10**3 ; # Moles of propane
# Get T using Van der Waal's eqn.
T = ((P +((n**(2) *a/(V**(2))))) *(V-n *b))/(R *n) ;# Temperature of propane-[K]
# Result
print 'Temperature of propane is %.0f K.'%T