Chapter 4 : Temperature

Example 4.1 Page no. 92

In [1]:
# Variable
Temp_c=100. ;              #[degree Celsius]

# Calculation and Result
Temp_k=Temp_c+273 ;        #[K]
print '(a) Temperature in kelvin is %.2f K'%Temp_k

Temp_f=(100*(1.8/1)) +32 ;         #[degree Fahrenheit]
print ' (b) Temperature in degree Fahrenheit is %.2f '%Temp_f

Temp_r= Temp_f + 460 ;             #[degree Rankine ]
print ' (c) Temperature in degree Rankine is %.2f '%Temp_r
(a) Temperature in kelvin is 373.00 K
 (b) Temperature in degree Fahrenheit is 212.00 
 (c) Temperature in degree Rankine is 672.00 

Example 4.2 Page no. 93

In [2]:
# Variables
c = 139.1 + (1.56*10**-1)*(-460-32)/1.8 ;
d = (1.56*10**-1)/1.8;

# Calculation
#Now convert c +dTR to (Btu/lb mol*degree R) to get answer of form a + bTR,where
a = c*(454/(1055*1.8)) ;
b = d*(454/(1055*1.8)) ;

# Result
print 'The required answer is %.2f + (%.2e)T Btu/(lb mol*degree R) , where T is in degree R .  '%(a,b)
The required answer is 23.06 + (2.07e-02)T Btu/(lb mol*degree R) , where T is in degree R .  
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