Chapter 7: Structures and File Input/Output

C28ST1 :Page 592

In [1]:
from collections import namedtuple
#Structure declaration and definition
struct_cd_collection = namedtuple("struct_cd_collection", "title artist num_songs price date_purch")
#Structure for Cd Collection
cd1 = struct_cd_collection("Red Moon Men", "Sam and the Sneeds", 12,11.95,"02/13/92")

print "Here is the CD information :\n\n"
print "Title:",cd1.title,"\n"
print "Artist:",cd1.artist,"\n"
print "Songs:",cd1.num_songs,"\n"
print "Price:",cd1.price,"\n"
print "Date purchased:",cd1.date_purch,"\n"
Here is the CD information :

Title: Red Moon Men 

Artist: Sam and the Sneeds 

Songs: 12 

Price: 11.95 

Date purchased: 02/13/92 

C28ST2 :Page 593

In [3]:
from collections import namedtuple

#Structure initial declaration
students = namedtuple("students", "name age average")
#Get data
print "What is first student's name? ",
print "What is the first student's age? ",
print "What is the first student's average ? ",
#Assign data to the structure variable
print "\n"
#Get data
print "What is second student's name? ",
print "What is the second student's age? ",
print "What is the second student's average ? ",
#Assign data to the structure variable
print "\n\nHere is the student information you entered:\n\n"
print "Student #1:\n"
print "Name:    ",,"\n"
print "Age:     ",student1.age,"\n"
print "Average: ",'%.2f'%student1.average,"\n"
print "Student #2:\n"
print "Name:    ",,"\n"
print "Age:     ",student2.age,"\n"
print "Average: ",'%.2f'%student2.average,"\n"
What is first student's name? Larry
 What is the first student's age? 14
 What is the first student's average ? 87.67

What is second student's name? Judy
 What is the second student's age? 15
 What is the second student's average ? 95.38

Here is the student information you entered:

Student #1:

Name:     Larry 

Age:      14 

Average:  87.67 

Student #2:

Name:     Judy 

Age:      15 

Average:  95.38 

C28ST3 :Page 596

In [4]:
#Function definitions
def fill_structs(student_var):
    #Get student data
    print "What is student's name? ",
    print "What is the student's age? ",
    print "What is the student's average ? ",
    return student_var
def pr_students(student_var):
    print "Name:    ",,"\n",
    print "Age:     ",student_var.age,"\n",
    print "Average: ",student_var.average,"\n",
#Structure declaration
from collections import namedtuple
students=namedtuple("students","name age average")
#Structure variable declaration
student1=students(" ",0,0.0)
student2=students(" ",0,0.0)
#Stucture variable is passed as copy to the function
print "\n\nHere is the student information you entered:\n\n"
What is student's name? Larry
 What is the student's age? 14
 What is the student's average ? 87.67
 What is student's name? Judy
 What is the student's age? 15
 What is the student's average ? 97.38

Here is the student information you entered:

Name:     Larry 
Age:      14 
Average:  87.67 
Name:     Judy 
Age:      15 
Average:  97.38 

C28CUST :Page 598

In [5]:
#Structure definition
from collections import namedtuple
customer_rec=namedtuple("customer_rec","cust_name balance dist_rate")
customer=customer_rec("Steve Thompson",431.23,.25)
print "Before the update",customer.cust_name," has a balance of $",'%.2f' %customer.balance,"\n",
#Update the balance
print "After the update",customer.cust_name," has a balance of $",'%.2f' %customer.balance,"\n",
Before the update Steve Thompson  has a balance of $ 431.23 
After the update Steve Thompson  has a balance of $ 323.42 

C28STCPY :Page 599

In [6]:
#Structure declaration
from collections import namedtuple
students=namedtuple("students","st_name grade age average")
#Structure variable declaration
std1=students("Joe Brown",'A',13,91.4)
std2=students(" "," ",0,0.0)
std3=students(" "," ",0,0.0)
#Assigning one structure variable to another.
print "The contents of std2:\n",
print std2.st_name,", ",std2.grade,", ",std2.age,", ",'%.1f' %std2.average,"\n\n"
print "The contents of std3:\n",
print std3.st_name,", ",std3.grade,", ",std3.age,", ",'%.1f' %std3.average,"\n\n"
The contents of std2:
Joe Brown ,  A ,  13 ,  91.4 

The contents of std3:
Joe Brown ,  A ,  13 ,  91.4 

C30WR1 :Page 635

In [1]:
#open a new file in write mode
fp = open ("NAMES.txt", "w" ) 
fp.writelines("Michel Langston\n")
fp.writelines("Sally Redding\n")
fp.writelines("Jane Kirk\n")
fp.writelines("Stacy Wikert\n")
fp.writelines("Joe Hiquet\n")
#Close file
print "names were written into the file"
names were written into the file

C30WR2 :Page 636

In [2]:
#Creates a file in write mode
fp = open ( "NUMS.1.txt", "w" )      
if not fp:
    print "Error opening file.\n"
    for ctr in range(1,101,1):
        fp.write('%d' %ctr)                     #Writes number from 1-100 into the file
print "ctr value is written into the file"
ctr value is written into the file

C30AP1 :Page 638

In [3]:
#opens existing file
fp = open ( "NAMES.txt", "a" ) 
#Adds to file
fp.writelines("Johnny Smith\n")
fp.writelines("Laura Hull \n")
fp.writelines("Mark Brown\n")
#Close file
print "Names are added to the existing file"
Names are added to the existing file

C30RE2 :Page 641

In [1]:
#File1 to take backup
print "What is the name of the file you want to back up? "
#File2 to copy contents
print "What is the name of the file you want to copy ",in_filename,"to? "
if not in_fp:
    print "\n\n*** ",in_filename,"does not exist***\n"
    if not out_fp:
        print "\n\n*** Error opening ",out_filename,"***\n"
        print "\nCopying...\n"                          #Reads from old file 
        for in_char in in_fp.readlines():               #and copies it to new file
        print "\nThe file is copied.\n"
#Close all files
What is the name of the file you want to back up? 
What is the name of the file you want to copy  NAMES.txt to? 


The file is copied.

C32CON :Page 664

In [1]:
PI = 3.14159
class Sphere:                                                           #Class declaration
    def __init__(self, xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,radius):
        self.r = radius
        self.x = xcoord
        self.y = ycoord
        self.z = zcoord
    def volume(self):
        return r*r*r*4*PI/3

    def surface_area(self):
        return r*r*4*PI
def main():
    s = Sphere(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)                                      #Class object    
    print "X=",s.x,", Y=",s.y,", Z=",s.z,", R=",s.r         #Result

X= 1.0 , Y= 2.0 , Z= 3.0 , R= 4.0

C32DES :Page 665

In [2]:
PI = 3.14159
#Class declaration
class Sphere:                                                          
    def __init__( self,xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,radius):
        self.r = radius
        self.x = xcoord
        self.y = ycoord
        self.z = zcoord
    def __del__(self):
        print "Sphere(",self.x,"," ,self.y,",",self.z,",",self.r,") destroyed"
    def volume(self):
        return self.r*self.r*self.r*4*PI/3
    def surface_area(self):
        return self.r*self.r*4*PI
def main():
    #Class object
    s = Sphere(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)                                      
    print "X=",s.x,", Y=",s.y,", Z=",s.z,", R=",s.r         
X= 1.0 , Y= 2.0 , Z= 3.0 , R= 4.0
Sphere( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 ) destroyed

C32MEM :Page 667

In [3]:
PI = 3.14159
#Class declaration
class Sphere:                                                           
    def __init__( self,xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,radius):
        self.r = radius
        self.x = xcoord
        self.y = ycoord
        self.z = zcoord
    def __del__(self):
        print "Sphere(",self.x,"," ,self.y,",",self.z,",",self.r,") destroyed"
    def volume(self):
        return self.r*self.r*self.r*4*PI/3
    def surface_area(self):
        return self.r*self.r*4*PI
def main():
    #Class object
    s = Sphere(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)                                      
    print "X=",s.x,", Y=",s.y,", Z=",s.z,", R=",s.r         
    print "The volume is ",s.volume(),"\n",
    print "The surface area is ",s.surface_area(),"\n",
X= 1.0 , Y= 2.0 , Z= 3.0 , R= 4.0
The volume is  268.082346667 
The surface area is  201.06176 
Sphere( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 ) destroyed

C32MEM1 :Page 668

In [4]:
PI = 3.14159
#Class declaration
class Sphere:                                                           
    def __init__( self,xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,radius):
        self.r = radius
        self.x = xcoord
        self.y = ycoord
        self.z = zcoord
    def __del__(self):
        print "Sphere(",self.x,"," ,self.y,",",self.z,",",self.r,") destroyed"
    def volume(self):
        return self.r*self.r*self.r*4*PI/3
    def surface_area(self):
        return self.r*self.r*4*PI
def main():
    #Class object
    s = Sphere(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)                                      
    print "X=",s.x,", Y=",s.y,", Z=",s.z,", R=",s.r         
    print "The volume is ",s.volume(),"\n",       
    print "The surface area is ",s.surface_area(),"\n",
X= 1.0 , Y= 2.0 , Z= 3.0 , R= 4.0
The volume is  268.082346667 
The surface area is  201.06176 
Sphere( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 ) destroyed

C32MEM1A :Page 669

In [5]:
PI = 3.14159
#Class declaration
class Sphere:                                                           
    def __init__( self,xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,radius):
        self.r = radius
        self.x = xcoord
        self.y = ycoord
        self.z = zcoord
    def __del__(self):
        print "Sphere(",self.x,"," ,self.y,",",self.z,",",self.r,") destroyed"
    def volume(self):
        return self.r*self.r*self.r*4*PI/3
    def surface_area(self):
        return self.r*self.r*4*PI
def main():
    #Class object
    s = Sphere(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)                                      
    print "X=",s.x,", Y=",s.y,", Z=",s.z,", R=",s.r         
    print "The volume is ",(s.r*s.r*s.r*4*PI/3),"\n",       #volume() function is expanded here
    print "The surface area is ",s.surface_area(),"\n",
X= 1.0 , Y= 2.0 , Z= 3.0 , R= 4.0
The volume is  268.082346667 
The surface area is  201.06176 
Sphere( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 ) destroyed

C32DEF :Page 671

In [6]:
PI = 3.14159
#Class declaration
class Sphere:                                                           
    def __init__( self,xcoord,ycoord=2.0,zcoord=2.5,radius=1.0):
        self.r = radius
        self.x = xcoord
        self.y = ycoord
        self.z = zcoord
    def __del__(self):
        print "Sphere(",self.x,"," ,self.y,",",self.z,",",self.r,") destroyed"
    def volume(self):
        return self.r*self.r*self.r*4*PI/3
    def surface_area(self):
        return self.r*self.r*4*PI
def main():
    #Class objects
    s = Sphere(1.0)                                     
    t = Sphere(1.0,1.1)
    u = Sphere(1.0,1.1,1.2)
    v = Sphere(1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3)
    print "s: X=",s.x,", Y=",s.y,", Z=",s.z,", R=",s.r         
    print "The volume is ",s.volume(),"\n",       
    print "The surface area is ",s.surface_area(),"\n",
    print "t: X=",t.x,", Y=",t.y,", Z=",t.z,", R=",t.r        
    print "The volume is ",t.volume(),"\n",      
    print "The surface area is ",t.surface_area(),"\n",
    print "u: X=",u.x,", Y=",u.y,", Z=",u.z,", R=",u.r         
    print "The volume is ",u.volume(),"\n",       
    print "The surface area is ",u.surface_area(),"\n",
    print "v: X=",v.x,", Y=",v.y,", Z=",v.z,", R=",v.r        
    print "The volume is ",v.volume(),"\n",       
    print "The surface area is ",v.surface_area(),"\n",
s: X= 1.0 , Y= 2.0 , Z= 2.5 , R= 1.0
The volume is  4.18878666667 
The surface area is  12.56636 
t: X= 1.0 , Y= 1.1 , Z= 2.5 , R= 1.0
The volume is  4.18878666667 
The surface area is  12.56636 
u: X= 1.0 , Y= 1.1 , Z= 1.2 , R= 1.0
The volume is  4.18878666667 
The surface area is  12.56636 
v: X= 1.0 , Y= 1.1 , Z= 1.2 , R= 1.3
The volume is  9.20276430667 
The surface area is  21.2371484 
Sphere( 1.0 , 2.0 , 2.5 , 1.0 ) destroyed
Sphere( 1.0 , 1.1 , 2.5 , 1.0 ) destroyed
Sphere( 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.0 ) destroyed
Sphere( 1.0 , 1.1 , 1.2 , 1.3 ) destroyed

C32OVCON :Page 673

In [7]:
PI = 3.14159
#Class declaration
class Sphere:                                                               
    def __init__( self,xcoord,ycoord,zcoord,radius):
        self.r = radius
        self.x = xcoord
        self.y = ycoord
        self.z = zcoord
    def __del__(self):
        print "Sphere(",self.x,"," ,self.y,",",self.z,",",self.r,") destroyed"
    def volume(self):
        return self.r*self.r*self.r*4*PI/3
    def surface_area(self):
        return self.r*self.r*4*PI
def main():
    #Class object
    s = Sphere(1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0)                                      
    print "X=",s.x,", Y=",s.y,", Z=",s.z,", R=",s.r         
    print "The volume is ",(s.r*s.r*s.r*4*PI/3),"\n",       #volume() function is expanded here
    print "The surface area is ",s.surface_area(),"\n",
X= 1.0 , Y= 2.0 , Z= 3.0 , R= 4.0
The volume is  268.082346667 
The surface area is  201.06176 
Sphere( 1.0 , 2.0 , 3.0 , 4.0 ) destroyed