Chapter 9:Mechanical Properties of Metals

Example 9.1 Page 310

In [1]:
#initiation of variable
from math import acos, asin, sqrt, cos, sin
E=110.0*10**3  #Young's modulus of Copper in MPa
sigma=276.0   #Applied stress in MPa
l_o=305.0     #Original length in mm

del_l=sigma*l_o/E #Deformation

print" Elongation obtained is %.2f mm \n" %del_l
 Elongation obtained is 0.77 mm 

Example 9.2 Page 312

In [3]:
#initiation of variable
from math import acos, asin, sqrt, cos, sin, pi
del_d=-2.5*10**-3 #Deformation in diameter in mm
d_0=10.0   #Initial diameter in mm
v=0.34 #Poisson ratio for brass
E=97*10**3 #Modulus of elasticity in MPa

e_x=del_d/d_0 # Strain in x-direction
sigma=e_z*E      # Stress produced

print" Strain in x-direction is %.1e" %e_x 
print" Strain in z-direction is %.2e" %e_z
print" Applied force is %d N" %F
print " Answer in book is 5600N. It is due to rounding off at intermediate steps"
 Strain in x-direction is -2.5e-04
 Strain in z-direction is 7.35e-04
 Applied force is 5601 N
 Answer in book is 5600N. It is due to rounding off at intermediate steps

Example 9.3 Page 316

In [6]:
#initiation of variable
from math import acos, asin, sqrt, cos, sin, pi, floor
sigma_2=150.0 # Stress at a point in MPa
sigma_1=0.0 # Stress at a point in MPa
epsilon_2=0.0016 # Strain at a point in MPa
epsilon_1=0.0 # Strain at a point in MPa
d_0=12.8*10**-3 #Initial Diameter in m
sigma=450.0*10**6     #tensile strength in MPa
l0=250.0;     #Initial length in mm
e=0.06;     #strain

# Part A
E=(sigma_2-sigma_1)/(epsilon_2-epsilon_1) #Young's Modulus = stress/strain

print " Modulus of elasticity is %.1f GPa  which is very close to its true value 97 GPa" %(E/10**3)

# Part C

print" Maximum load sustained is %d N" %(floor(F/10)*10)

#part D
print" Change in length is %d mm" %dl;
 Modulus of elasticity is 93.8 GPa  which is very close to its true value 97 GPa
 Maximum load sustained is 57900 N
 Change in length is 15 mm

Example 9.4 Page 323

In [8]:
#initiation of variable
from math import acos, asin, sqrt, cos, sin, pi, floor
di=12.8 #Initial diameter in mm
df=10.7 #Final diameter  in mm
sigma=460.0*10**6     #Tensile strength

# Part A
RA = ((di**2-df**2)/di**2)*100 #Ductility in terms of Reduction Area 

print" Percent reduction in area is %d" %RA

# Part B

print" True stress at failure is %d MPa" %sigma_t 
print "Answer in book is 660. It is due to founding off at intermediate stage"
 Percent reduction in area is 30
 True stress at failure is 658 MPa
Answer in book is 660. It is due to founding off at intermediate stage

Example 9.5 Page 323

In [9]:
#initiation of variable
from math import acos, asin, sqrt, cos, sin, pi, floor, log
sigma_t=415.0 #True stress in MPa
et=0.1 #True strain
K=1035.0 # Bulk modulus in MPa


print" Strain hardening coefficient is %.2f" %n;
 Strain hardening coefficient is 0.40

Example 9.6 Page 332

In [21]:
#initiation of variable
%pylab inline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import acos, asin, sqrt, cos, sin, pi, floor, log
n=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]
T_S=[510.0, 520.0, 512.0, 515.0, 522.0, 530]

#First and Last points are arbitrary to plot the required points

plt.xlabel('sample number')
plt.ylabel('Tensile Strength (Mpa)')
plt.title('Tensile Strength vs Sample Number')

#Mean Tensile strength

for i in range (1,5):

print " Average tensile strength is %d MPa." %TS_mean;
#Standard Deviation


for i in range (1,5):

print" Standard deviation is %.1f MPa" %(sqrt(std))
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
WARNING: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['sin', 'std', 'cos', 'sqrt', 'log', 'pi', 'floor']
`%matplotlib` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy
 Average tensile strength is 517 MPa.
 Standard deviation is 4.6 MPa

Example 9.7 (Design Problem 9.1) Page 334

In [24]:
#initiation of variable
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from math import acos, asin, sqrt, cos, sin, pi, floor, log
f = 220000.0 # Maximum load in N
sigma_y = 310.0 # Minimum field strength in MPa
sigma_t = 565.0 # Tensile strength strength in MPa
N= 5.0 # Factor of safety

sigma_w = sigma_y*1.0e6/N
d = 2*sqrt (f/(2*pi*sigma_w))# Calculation of diameter

print" Diameter of each of two rods should be %.1f mm" %(d*1e3)
 Diameter of each of two rods should be 47.5 mm