import math
m = 140 #m is the mass of N2 in Kg
P = 4.052*(10**5) #P is the pressure of the system in Pa
V = 30 #V is the volume of the system in m**3
R = 8314.4 # R is the gas consmath.tant
#To determine temperature required
T = P*V/float(((m/28)*R)) #T is the temperature of the system in K
print "Temperature of the system is ",
print "%.6f"%T,
print "K"
import math
import numpy
from numpy.polynomial import Polynomial as poly
n = 1 #n is Kg moles of methane
T = 423 #T is the temperatue of the system in kelvin
P = float(100) #P is the pressure of the system in atm
Tc = 191 #Tc is the critical temperature of the system in K
Pc = 45.8 #Pc is the critical pressure of the system in atm
R = 0.08206 #R is the gas consmath.tant in (m**3 atm/Kg mole K)
#To calculate the volume of methane
#(i)Umath.sing ideal gas equation
V1 = (n*R*T)/P #V1 is the volume of the gas in m**3
print "i)Volume of the gas umath.sing ideal gas equation is ",
print "%.6f"%V1,
print "cubic meter"
#(ii)Umath.sing Vander Waals' equation
a = (27*(R**2)*(Tc**2))/(64*Pc) #Vander Waais consmath.tant
b = (R*Tc)/(8*Pc) #Vander Waais consmath.tant
q = numpy.poly1d([1,-(((R*T)+(b*P))/P),-((a*b)/P)+(a/P),0])
r = numpy.roots(q)
print " ii)Volume of the gas umath.sing Vander Waals equation is",
print "%.6f"%r[0],
print "cubic meter"
#(iii)Umath.sing generalized Z chart
Tr = T/Tc #Tr is the reduced temperatue
Pr = P/Pc #Pr is the reduced pressure
#From the figure A.2.2,
Z = 0.97 #Z is the compressibility factor
V = (Z*R*T)/P
print " iii)Volume of the gas umath.sing Z chart is ",
print "%.6f"%V,
print "cubic meter"
#(iv)Umath.sing molar polarisation method
#From Table 2.2
Pmc = 6.82 #Pmc is the molar polarisation for methane
#From figure A.2.4
Z0 = .965
Z1 = 14.8*(10**-4)
Z = Z0+(Z1*Pmc)
V = (Z*R*T)/P
print " iv)Volume of the gas umath.sing molar polarisation method is ",
print "%.6f"%V,
print "cubic meter"
#(v)From experiment
Z = 0.9848
V = (0.9848*n*R*T)/P
print " v)Volume of the gas calculated by experimental Z value is ",
print "%.6f"%V,
print "cubic meter"
%matplotlib inline
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
P1 = 266
T1 = 473.16#Initial temperature in Kelvin
T2 = 273.16#Final temperature in Kelvin
V1 = 80
V2 = 80 #Initial & final volume in litres
N1 = (14.28/28)
N2 = (14.28/28) #Initial and final Kg moles are equal
Tc = 126 #Critical temperature of N2 in K
Pc = 33.5#Critical pressure of N2 in atm
#To calculate the final pressure achieved
#(i)Umath.sing ideal gas law
p2 = (P1*V1*N2*T2)/(V2*N1*T1);
print "i)Final pressure of N2 using ideal gas law is ",
print "%.6f"%p2,
print "atm"
#(ii)Umath.sing generalized Z chart
Tr1 = T1/Tc#reduced initial temp in k
Pr1 = P1/Pc #reduced initial press in K
#From the Z-chart compressibility factor coressponding to the above Tr1 &Pr1 is
Z1 = 1.07
P2 = [125,135,150]
Z2 = [0.95, 0.96, 0.98]
F = [];
for i in range(0,3):
plt.title("P2 vs F")
P3 = numpy.interp(0,F,P2);
print " ii)Final pressure of N2 from Z chart is ",
print "%.6f"%P3,
print " atm"
#(iii)Umath.sing Pseudo reduced density chart
R = 0.082 #gas consmath.tant
v = V1/N1 #Volume per moles of nitrogen in m**3/Kg mole
Dr = (R*Tc)/(Pc*v)
Tr2 = T2/Tc #final reduced temp in K
#From figure A.2.1, reduced pressure coressponding to this Dr and Tr2 is
Pr2 = 4.1#final reduced pressure in atm
p2_ = Pr2*Pc
print " iii)Final pressure achieved umath.sing Dr chart is ",
print "%.6f"%p2_,
print "atm"
import math
n = 1 #n is the Kg mole of methane gas
T = 298 #T is the consmath.tant temperature in K
P1 = 1 #P1 is the initial pressure of the system
P2 = 100 #P2 is the final pressure of the system
R = 8314.4 #R is the gas consmath.tant in Nm/Kgmole deg K
#To compute the work required
#(i)Umath.sing ideal gas law
W = R*T*math.log(P1/float(P2))
print "i)Work done by the system if the gas obeys ideal gas law is ",
print "%.2e"%W,
#(ii)Umath.sing Vander Waals' equation
#For methane
a = 2.32*(10**5) #Vander Wals' consmath.tant a in N/m**2
b = 0.0428 #Vanderwaals' consmath.tant b in m**3
#V1 and V2 are evaluated by trial and error umath.sing Vanderwaals' equation as P1 and P2 are known
V1 = 11.1 #initial volume of the gas in m**3
V2 = 0.089 #final volume of the gas in m**3
W = (R*T*math.log((V2-b)/(V1-b)))+(a*((1/V2)-(1/V1)))
print " ii)Work done by the system if the gas obeys Vander Waals equation is ",
print "%.2e"%W,
print "Nm"
%matplotlib inline
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy
V = 27*(10**-3) #Volume of the container in m**3
n = (15/70.91) #n is the Kg moles of chlorine
T = float(293)#T is the temperature in K
R = 0.08206
P = pow(10,(4.39-(1045/293))) #P is the vapour pressure of chlorine
Pc = 76.1 #Critical pressure of Chlorine
Tc = float(417) #Critical temperature of Chlorine
Pr = P/Pc #Reduced pressure of Chlorine
Tr = T/Tc #Critical temperature of Chlorine
M = 70.91 #Molecular weight of the Chlorine
#To determine the vapour pressure of chlorine, amount of liquid Cl2 and temperature required
#(i)Specific volume of liquid Chlorine
#From figure A.2.2
Zg = 0.93
#From figure A.2.6
Zl = 0.013
vl = ((Zl*R*T)/P)
print "i)Specific volume of liquid Chlorine from compressibility chart is ",
print "%.6f"%vl,
print "cubic meter /Kgmole"
#From Francis relation, taking the consmath.tants from Table 2.3
D = (1.606-(216*(10**-5)*20)-(28/(200-20)))*10**3 #Density of liq Cl2 in Kg/m**3
Vl = M/D;
print " Specific volume of liquid Chlorine from Francis relation is ",
print "%.6f"%Vl,
print "cubic meter /Kgmole"
#(ii)Amount of liquid Cl2 present in the cylinder
vg = ((Zg*R*T)/P)
V1 = V-vg #V1 is the volume of liquid Chlorine
Vct = 0.027 #volume of the container
Vg = (0.212-(Vct/vl))/((1/vg)-(1/vl)) #By material balance
W = ((V-Vg)*70.9)/vl
print " ii)Weight of Chlorine at 20deg cel is ",
print "%.6f"%W
print "Kg"
#(iii)Calculation of temperature required to evaporate all the liquid chlorine
#math.log P' = 4.39 - 1045/T (given)
#Assume the various temperature
Ng = 0.212#total Kg moles of gas
Ta = [413,415,417]
N = [0,0,0]
for i in range(0,3):
Tr = Ta[i]/Tc #reduced temperature in K
P = pow(10,(4.39-(1045/Ta[i])))
Pr = P/Pc #reduced pressure in K
#From the compressibility factor chart,Z values coressponding to the above Tr &Pr are given as
Z = [0.4,0.328,0.208]
N[i] = (P*Vct)/(Z[i]*R*Ta[i])
plt.title("Ta vs N")
T1 = numpy.interp(0.212,N,Ta) #in K
print " iii)The temperature required to evaporate all the liquid chlorine is ",
print "%.6f"%(T1-273),
print "deg celsius"
import math
import numpy
N1 = 0.7 #Kg mole of CH4
N2 = 0.3 #Kg mole of N2
R = 0.08206 #Gas consmath.tant
T = float(323) #Temperature in Kelvin
V = 0.04 #Volume in m**3
a1 = 2.280
b1 = 0.0428 #Vanderwaals consmath.tants for CH4
a2 = 1.345
b2 = 0.0386 #Vanderwaals consmath.tants for N2
Tc1 = 191
Pc1 = 45.8 #Critical temperature in K and pressure of CH4 in atm
Tc2 = 126
Pc2 = 33.5 #Critical temperature in K and pressure of N2 in atm
#To find Approx Value
def approx(V,n):
A = numpy.around([V*pow(10,n)])/pow(10,n)
return A[0]
#To calculate the pressure exerted by the gas mixture
#(i)Umath.sing ideal gas law
P = (N1+N2)*((R*T)/V)
print "i) Pressure exerted by the gas mixture umath.sing ideal gas law is ",
print "%d"%P,
print "atm"
#(ii)Umath.sing Vander waal equation
P1 = ((N1*R*T)/(V-(N1*b1)))-((a1*(N1**2))/(V**2)) #Partial pressure of CH4
P2 = ((N2*R*T)/(V-(N2*b2)))-((a2*(N2**2))/(V**2)) #Partial pressure of N2
Pt = P1+P2
print "ii) Pressure exerted by the gas mixture umath.sing Vander waal equation is ",
print "%.6f"%Pt,
print "atm"
#(iii)Umath.sing Zchart and Dalton's law
Tra = T/Tc1 #reduced temperature of CH4
Trb = T/Tc2 #reduced temperature of N2
#Asssume the pressure
P = [660,732,793,815,831]
Pa =[]
Pb = []
Pra = []
Prb = []
for i in range(0,5):
Pa.append(N1*P[i]) # partial pressure of CH4 for the ith total pressure
Pb.append(N2*P[i]) # partial pressure of N2 for the ith total pressure
Pra.append(Pa[i]/Pc1) #reduced pressure of CH4 for the ith total pressure
Prb.append(Pb[i]/Pc2) #reduced pressure of N2 for the ith total pressure
#For the above Pr and Tr values compressibility factors from the figure A.2.3 are given as
Za = [1.154,1.280,1.331,1.370,1.390] #Z values of CH4
Zb = [1,1,1,1,1]#Z values of N2
V3 = 0.0421
for i in range(0,5):
Pa[i] = Za[i]*N1*((R*T)/V);#partial pressure of CH4 coressponding to the ith total presure
Pb[i] = Zb[i]*N2*((R*T)/V);#partial pressure of N2 coressponding to the ith total pressure
Pt = Pa[i]+Pb[i] #total pressure of the gas mixture
if Pt-P[i] < 15:
print "iii) pressure exerted by the gas mixture umath.sing Z chart and Dalton Law is ",
print "%d"%Pt,
print "atm"
#(iv)Umath.sing Amagat's law and Z chart
P = [1000,1200,1500,1700]
for i in range(0,4):
Pra[i] = P[i]/Pc1
Prb[i] = P[i]/Pc2
#For the above Pr and Tr values compressibility factors from the figure A.2.3 are given as
Za = [1.87,2.14,2.52,2.77]
Zb = [1.80,2.10,2.37,2.54]
Va = []
Vb = []
V1 = []
for i in range(0,4):
if V1[i]-V <= 0.003:
print "iv) Pressure exerted by the gas mixture umath.sing Amagat law and Zchart is ",
print "%d"%P[i],
print "atm"
import math
yN2 = 1.0/4 #mole faction of N2 in the mixture
yH2 = 3.0/4 #mole fraction of H2 in the mixture
V = 5.7 #V is the rate at which mixture enters in m**3 in 1 hour
P = float(600) #P is in atm
T = float(298) #T is in K
TcN2 = float(126) #critical temp of N2 in K
TcH2 = 33.3 #critical temp of H2 in K
TcNh3 = 406.0 #critical temp of NH3 in K
PcN2 = 33.5 #critical pressure of N2 in atm
PcH2 = 12.8 #critical pressure of H2 in atm
PcNH3 = 111.0 #critical pressure of NH3 in atm
R = 0.082 #gas consmath.tant
#To calculate the amount of ammonia leaving the reactor and the velocity of gaseous product leaving the reactor
#(i)Calculation of amount of NH3 leaving the reactor
Tcm = (TcN2*yN2)+(TcH2*yH2) #critical temperature of the mixture
Pcm = (PcN2*yN2)+(PcH2*yH2) #critical pressure of the mixture
Trm = T/Tcm
Prm = P/Pcm
#From figure A.2.3
Zm = 1.57 #compressibility factor of the mixture
N = (P*V)/(Zm*R*T) #Kg mole of the mixture
N1 = 0.25*N #Kg mole of N2 in feed
#N2+3H2 - 2NH3
W = 2*0.15*N1*17
print "i)Ammonia formed per hour is ",
print "%.6f"%W,
print "Kg"
#(ii)Calculation of velocity
N1 = 0.25*N-(0.25*N*0.15) #Kg mole of N2 after reactor
N2 = 0.75*N-(0.75*N*0.15) #Kg mole of H2 after reactor
N3 = 0.25*N*2*0.15 #Kg mole of NH3 after reactor
Nt = N1+N2+N3 #total Kg moles after reactor
y1NH3 = N3/Nt #mole fraction of NH3 after reactor
y1N2 = N1/Nt #mole fraction of N2 after reactor
y1H2 = N2/Nt #mole fraction of H2 after reactor
T1cm = (TcN2*y1N2)+(TcH2*y1H2)
P1cm = (PcN2*y1N2)+(PcH2*y1H2)
T1 = 448 #in K
P1 = 550 #in atm
T1rm = T1/T1cm
P1rm = P1/P1cm
#From Figure A.2.2
Zm1 = 1.38
V1 = (Zm1*Nt*R*T1)/P1
d = 5*(10**-2)#diameter of pipe
v = V1/((math.pi/4)*(d**2)*3600)
print "ii)Velocity in pipe is ",
print "%.6f"%v,
print "m/s"