# Variables
def func(C,phi):
return C+2-phi
# Calculations and results
print ("part a")
print "degrees of freedom = %d "%(func(2,2))
print ("part b")
print "degrees of freedom = %d "%(func(3,2))
print ("part c")
print "degrees of freedom = %d "%(func(3,3))
# Variables
T = 95. #C
P = 1013. #kPa
Tc = 135. #C
Pc = 3648. #kPa
T0 = 273.1 #C
D = 0.3
P0 = 1800. #kPa
D2 = 0.42
# Calculations
Zc = 0.283
Tr = (T+T0)/(Tc+T0)
Pr = P/Pc
phic = 0.88
phi2 = phic*10**(D*0.013)
Prd = P0/Pc
phi3 = 0.78
phi4 = phi3*10**(D2*0.013)
gl = phi2*P/(phi3*P0)
# Results
print "equation is gl = %.3f *y/x"%(gl)
import math
# Variables
ye = 0.434
Pt = 40.25 #kPa
xe = 0.616
Pe1 = 22.9 #kPa
Pe2 = 29.6 #kPa
# Calculations
ge = ye*Pt/(xe*Pe1)
gb = (1-ye)*Pt/((1-xe)*Pe2)
E = math.log10(ge) *(1+ (1-xe)*math.log(gb) /(xe*math.log(ge)))**2
B = math.log10(gb) *(1+ xe/(1-xe) *math.log(ge) /math.log(gb))**2
xe2 = 0.4
xb2 = 0.6
lnge2 = E/(1+ E*xe2/(B*xb2))**2
lngb2 = B/(1+ B*xb2/(E*xe2))**2
ge2 = 10**(lnge2)
gb2 = 10**(lngb2)
Pt1 = ge2*Pe1
Pt2 = gb2*Pe2
# Results
print "Total pressure in case 1 = %.2f kPa and in case 2 = %.2f kPa"%(Pt1, Pt2 )
from numpy.linalg import solve
# Variables
k4 = 1.8
k5 = 0.8
# Calculations
A = [[k4, k5],[1, 1]]
b = [[1],[1]]
C = solve(A,b)
x4 = C[0]
x5 = C[1]
y4 = k4*x4
y5 = k5*x5
# Results
print "Vapor and liquid mole fractions of component 1 = %.2f and %.2f respectively"%(y4,x4)
print " Vapor and liquid mole fractions of component 2 = %.2f and %.2f respectively"%(y5,x5)
import math
# Variables
v1 = 81. #cm**3/gmol
v2 = 97. #cm**3/gmol
d1 = 9.2 #(cal/cm**3)**0.5
d2 = 8.6 #(cal/cm**3)**0.5
R = 1.987
T = 373.1 #K
# Calculations
d = 0.5*(d1+d2)
lng1 = v1*(d1-d)**2 /(R*T)
lng2 = v2*(d2-d)**2 /(R*T)
g1 = math.exp(lng1)
g2 = math.exp(lng2)
# Results
print "Activity coeffecients of components are %.3f and %.3f respectively"%(g1,g2)
# Variables
xe = 0.3
xe2 = 0.9
Pe0 = 810.
Pa0 = 470.
ge = 1.85
ge2 = 1.05
ga = 1.15
ga2 = 3.
Pt = 820. #mm
Pt2 = 900. #mm
# Calculations
ye = ge*xe*Pe0/Pt
ya = ga*(1-xe)*Pa0/Pt
yt = ye+ya
ye2 = ye/yt
ya2 = ya/yt
ye3 = ge2*xe2*Pe0/Pt2
ya3 = ga2*(1-xe2)*Pa0/Pt2
yt2 = ye+ya
ye4 = ye3/yt2
ya4 = ya3/yt2
# Results
print "In case 1, ye = %.3f and ya = %.3f"%(ye2,ya2)
print " In case 1, ye = %.3f and ya = %.3f"%(ye4,ya4)
print ('The calculations of ya in case 1 in textbook is wrong. please use a calculator')
# Variables
m1 = 121.
m2 = 18.
p1 = 0.0042
p2 = 0.0858
# Calculations
massfrac = (p1*m1)/(p1*m1+p2*m2)
# Results
print "mass fractions of DMA and water are %.3f and %.3f respectively"%(massfrac,1-massfrac)
from numpy import array
# Variables
FR = 25.
FE = 19.
bf = 130. #kg
af = 85. #kg
# Calculations
law = FR/FE
x1 = 45./150
x2 = 65./150
ER = 18.5/6
e = array([0.5, 0.1, 0.9])
r = array([0.28, 0.96, 0.04])
et = sum(e)
rt = sum(r)
ett = e/et
rtt = r/rt
# Results
print "the compositions of raffinate are ",
print (rtt)
print "the compositions of extract are",
print (ett)
# Variables
v1 = 0.1316
v2 = 0.2941
x1 = 0.5
x2 = 0.2
x3 = 0.8
d1 = 14.87
d2 = 16.34
# Calculations and results
vm = x1*(v1+v2)
phi1 = x1*v1/vm
phi2 = (1-x1)*v2/vm
Hl1 = vm*phi1*phi2*(d1-d2)**2 *10**3
print ("case 1")
print "enthalpy = %.1f kJ/mol"%(Hl1)
import math
# Variables
v1 = 0.1316
v2 = 0.2941
x1 = 0.5
x2 = 0.2
x3 = 0.8
d1 = 14.87
d2 = 16.34
# Calculations and results
vm = (1-x2)*v1+x2*v2
phi1 = (1-x2)*v1/vm
phi2 = (x2)*v2/vm
Hl2 = vm*phi1*phi2*(d1-d2)**2 *10**3
print ("case 2")
print "enthalpy = %.1f kJ/mol"%(Hl2)
import math
# Variables
v1 = 0.1316
v2 = 0.2941
x1 = 0.5
x2 = 0.2
x3 = 0.8
d1 = 14.87
d2 = 16.34
# Calculations and results
vm = (1-x3)*v1+x3*v2
phi1 = (1-x3)*v1/vm
phi2 = (x3)*v2/vm
Hl3 = vm*phi1*phi2*(d1-d2)**2 *10**3
print ("case 3")
print "enthalpy = %.1f kJ/mol"%(Hl3)