Chapter 1 : Introduction

Example 1.1 Page No : 6

In [1]:
# Variables
weight = 981. 			 #weight of payload in N
gmoon = 1.62;			 #acceleration due to gravity on the moon in m/s**2
g = 9.81;			     #acceleration due to gravity on earth

# Calculations
mass = weight/g;        			 # Calculations of mass of the payload in kg (calculated as F = m*g)
weightmoon = mass*gmoon;			 # Calculations of weight of payload on the moon in N

# Results
print ' The weight of payload on the moon =  %d N'%(weightmoon);
 The weight of payload on the moon =  162 N

Example 1.2 Page No : 7

In [14]:
# Variables
l = 15.;			 #length of the child's head in cm
b = 12.;			 #breadth of the child's head in cm
p = 101325.;			 #atmospheric pressure in Pa

# Calculations
area = (l*b)/(10**4);			 # Calculations of area of the child's head in m**2
force = p*area;			 # Calculations of force exerted on the child's head due to atmospheric air in N

# Results
print ' The force exerted on the childs head due to atmospheric air =  %.2f N'%(force);
 The force exerted on the childs head due to atmospheric air =  1823.85 N

Example 1.3 Page No : 7

In [13]:
import math

# Variables
rho_water = 1000.;			 #density of water flowing through the pipeline in kg/m**3
rho_manomtr = 1595.;		 #density of manometric fluid (carbon tetrachloride) in kg/m**3
l = 40.;	        		 #length between the selected sections in cm
theta = 45.			         #inclination of the manometer in degrees
g = 9.81;	        		 #acceleration due to gravity in m/s**2

# Calculations
delp = (l/100.)*math.sin((theta*math.pi)/180.)*g*(rho_manomtr-rho_water);   # Calculations of pressure drop between the required sections in Pa

# Results
print ' The pressure drop between the required sections =  %.2f Pa'%delp
 The pressure drop between the required sections =  1650.94 Pa