# Variables
tg = (8.*(9.-6)*(0.5)+11.*(15.-9)*(0.5))/((15.-6)*0.5) #sec
tl = 40. #sec
vg = 0.5
vl = 0.1;
# Calculations
Vg = tg*vg;
Vl = tl*vl;
G = Vg*10
L = Vl*10
Stagnant = (100-G-L)
# Results
print " fraction of gas is %.f %%"%(G)
print " fraction of liquid is %.f %%"%(L)
print " fraction of Stangnant liquid is %.f %%"%(Stagnant)
# Variables
CAo = 1.;
XA = 0.75 #present
CA = 1-XA;
# Calculations
kt1 = (CAo-CA)/CA;
kt2 = 3*kt1; #volume is reduced by 1/3
CA_unconverted = 1./(kt2+1);
XA = 1-CA_unconverted #New XA after replacing the stirrer
# Results
print " New Conversion expected is %.1f %%"%(XA*100)