Chapter 16 Earliness of Mixing, Segregation, and RTD

Example 16.1 pageno : 358

In [1]:
import math 
from scipy.integrate import quad 

# Variables
Co = 1.
k = 1.
t = 1.      #given

# Calculations and Results
C1 = (-1+math.sqrt(1-4*t*(-Co)))/2*t;
#For the plug flow reactor
#t = 1/k(1/C2-1/C1)
C2 = C1/(1+k*t*C1);
print " Conversion for flow scheme A is %.3f"%(C2)

#For plug flow
C3 = Co/(1+k*t*Co);
#For mixed flow reactor
C4 = (-1+math.sqrt(1-4*t*(-C3)))/2*t;
print " Conversion for flow scheme B is %.3f"%(C4)

#Using exit age distribution fn for 2 equal plug-mixed flow reactor system,umath.sing fig 12.1
t_bar = 2.
in_ = 1000.

def f3(t): 
	 return (2/t_bar)*(math.exp(1-2*t/t_bar))/(1+Co*k*t)

C5 =  quad(f3,t_bar/2,in_)[0]

print " Conversion for flow scheme C,D,E is %.3f"%(C5)
 Conversion for flow scheme A is 0.382
 Conversion for flow scheme B is 0.366
 Conversion for flow scheme C,D,E is 0.361
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