%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
# Variables
Cp = 40. #J/mol.k
Hr = 80000. #J/mol.k
FAo = 100. #mol/s
nA = 1.
nB = 7.
n = nA + nB
T1 = 300. #k
T2 = 600. #k
T3 = 800. #k
# Calculations
m = Cp/Hr;
XA = [0.8,0.78,0.7,0.66,0.5,0.26,0.1,0];
inv_rA = [20,10,5,4.4,5,10,20,33];
ylabel("1/8 X 1/-rA")
print ('From the plot we can say that a recycle reactor should be used')
W = FAo*38.4
R = 1.;
Q1 = n*FAo*Cp*(T2-T1);
Q2 = n*FAo*Cp*(T1-T3);
# Results
print " The weight of catalyst needed is %.f kg"%(W)
print " The Recycle Ratio is %.f"%(R)
print " The heat exchange for feed is %.f MW"%(Q1/10**6)
print " The heat excahnge for the product is %.f MW"%(Q2/10**6)
import math
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
# Variables
Cp = 40.
Hr = 80000.
m = Cp/Hr;
FAo = 100. #mol/s
print ('We should use a mixed flow reactor operating at optimum')
# Calculations and Results
XA = [0.85,0.785,0.715,0.66,0.58,0.46];
inv_rAopt = [20,10,5,3.6,2,1];
area1 = 0.66*3.6;
area2 = (0.85-0.66)*20;
W1 = FAo*area1;
W2 = FAo*area2;
print " The weight of catalyst needed for 1st bed is %.1f kg"%(W1)
print " The weight of catalyst needed for 2ndbed is %.1f kg"%(W2)
#Heat exchange
#For the first reactor
Q = (820-300)*Cp+0.66*(-Hr);
#For 100 mol/s
Q1 = FAo*Q/10**6;#MW
print " The amount of heat exchanged for 1st reactor is %.2f MW"%(Q1)
#For 2nd reactor
#To go from XA = 0.66 at 820 k to XA = 0.85 at 750 k
Q2 = FAo*((750-820)*Cp+(0.85-0.66)*(-Hr));
Q2 = Q2/10**6;
print " The amount of heat exchanged for 2nd reactor is %.2f MW"%(Q2)
#For the exchanger needed to cool the exit stream from 750 k to 300 k
Q3 = FAo*Cp*(300. - 750);
Q3 = Q3/10**6;#MW
print " The amount of heat exchanged for exchanger is %.2f MW"%(Q3)