Chapter 22 : G/L Reactions on Solid Catalysts: Trickle Beds, Slurry Reactors, and Three-Phase Fluidized Beds

Example 22.1 pageno : 511

In [2]:
import math 

# Variables
PA = 101325.            #Pa
HA = 36845.             #PA.m3.l/mol
CBo = 1000.             #mol/m3
v = 10**-4              #m3*l/s
h = 5.                  #m
A = 0.1                 #m2

# Calculations
FBo = v*CBo;
Vr = A*h;
dp = 5*10**-3;          #mcat
d_solid = 4500.         #kg/m3cat
De = 8*10**-10;         #m3l/mcat.s
n = 0.5;
b = 1.;
k = 2.35*10**-3;
L = dp/6.;
kai_overall = 0.02;
kac_ac = 0.05;
f = 0.6;
#For a half-order reaction
Mt = L*math.sqrt((n+1)*(k*d_solid*(CA)**(n-1))/(2*De));
E = 1/Mt;
rA = (1/((1/(kai_overall))+(1/(kac_ac))+(1/(k*b*(CA**(n-1))*E*f*d_solid))))*(PA/HA);
#From Material Balance
XB = b*rA*Vr/FBo;

# Results
print " The conversion of acetone is %.3f"%(XB)
 The conversion of acetone is 0.158

Example 22.2 pageno : 513

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline

import math 
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
from numpy import *

# Variables
PA = 14.6*101325;           #Pa
HA = 148000.;               # liquid
Vr = 2.;
Vl = Vr;
b = 1.;
fs = 0.0055;

# Calculations
k = 5.*10**-5;              #m6l/kg.molcat.s
dp = 5*10**-5;              #mcat
kac = 4.4*10**-4;kai = 0.277;   #m3l/m3.r.s
density = 1450.;                #kg/m3
De = 5*10**-10;                 #m3l/mcat.s
L = dp/6;                       #for spherical particle
X = 0.9;
CBo = 2500.
CB = CBo*(1-X);
ac = 6*fs/dp;
K = kac*ac;

CB = [2500,1000,250];
e = [0.19,0.29,0.5];
Mt = zeros(3)
rA = zeros(3)
inv_rA = zeros(3)
for i in range(3):
    Mt[i] = L*math.sqrt(k*CB[i]*density/De);
    rA[i] = CA/((1./kai)+(1./K)+(1./(k*density*e[i]*fs*CB[i])))
    inv_rA[i] = 1/rA[i];

# Results
Area = 3460.
t = Vl*Area/(b*Vr);
t = t/60.                         #min
print " The time required for 90 percentage conversion of reactant is %.f"%t,
print "min"
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
 The time required for 90 percentage conversion of reactant is 58 min
WARNING: pylab import has clobbered these variables: ['draw_if_interactive', 'e']
`%pylab --no-import-all` prevents importing * from pylab and numpy
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