Chapter 23 : Fluid-Fluid Reactions: Kinetics

Example 23.1 pageno : 536

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import math 

# Variables
k = 10.**6;
Kag_a = 0.01              #mol/hr. m**3. Pa
fl = 0.98;
Kal = 1.;
HA = 10.**5;              # very low solubility
DAl = 10.**-6;
DBl = DAl;
PA = 5*10.**3               #Pa
CB = 100.                   #mol/m3
b = 2.      
a = 20.                     #m2/m3

# Calculations
Mh = math.sqrt(DAl*k*CB*CB)/Kal;
Ei = 1+(DBl*CB*HA/(b*DAl*PA));
E = 100.
print " Part a"

res_total = (((1/(Kag_a))+(HA/(Kal*a*E))+(HA/(k*CB*CB*fl))))            #Total Resismath.tance
f_gas = (1/(Kag_a))/res_total;              #fraction of resismath.tance in gas film
f_liq = (HA/(Kal*a*E))/res_total;           #fraction of resismath.tance in liquid film

# Results
print " Fraction of the resistance in the gas film is %f"%(f_gas)
print " Fraction of the resistance in the liquid film is %f"%(f_liq)
print " Part b"
print " The reaction zone is in the liquid film"
print " Part c"
if Ei>5*Mh:
     print " We have pseudo 1st order reaction in the film"

rA = PA/(((1/(Kag_a))+(HA/(Kal*a*E))+(HA/(k*CB*CB*fl))));
print " Part d"
print " The rate of reactionmol/ is %f"%(rA)
 Part a
 Fraction of the resistance in the gas film is 0.666667
 Fraction of the resistance in the liquid film is 0.333333
 Part b
 The reaction zone is in the liquid film
 Part c
 We have pseudo 1st order reaction in the film
 Part d
 The rate of reactionmol/ is 33.333331
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