Chapter 8 : Potpourri of Multiple Reactions

Example 8.3 page no : 198

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import math 

# Variables
CAo = 185.    
CA = 100.
t = 30.

# Calculations
K123 = math.log(CAo/CA)/t;
m1 = 2.;
k2 = m1/CAo;

##From the initial rate of formation of R
m2 = 1.3;
k1 = m2/CAo;
k3 = K123-k1-k2;

k4 = 0.0001
while k4 <= 0.1:
    Csmax = CAo*(k1/K123)*((K123/k4)**(k4/(k4-K123)));
    if  Csmax>31.8 and Csmax<32.2:
    k4 += 0.0001
k5 = 0.001
#similarly for T
while k5 <= 0.2:
    Ctmax = CAo*(k3/K123)*((K123/k5)**(k5/(k5-K123)));
    if Ctmax>9.95 and Ctmax<10.08:
    k5 += .0001

# Results
print " The rate constants are"
print " k1 =  %.4f min**-1"%(k1)
print " k2 =  %.4f min**-1"%(k2)
print " k3 =  %.4f min**-1"%(k3)
print " k4 =  %.4f min**-1"%(k4)
print " k5 =  %.4f min**-1"%(k5)
 The rate constants are
 k1 =  0.0070 min**-1
 k2 =  0.0108 min**-1
 k3 =  0.0027 min**-1
 k4 =  0.0099 min**-1
 k5 =  0.0157 min**-1
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