#Variable declaration
E=498.7*10**3/(6.022*10**23) #energy in J/molecule
h=6.63*10**-34 #plancks constant, J s
v=E/h #frequency of the photon, s**-1
lamda=3*10**8/v #wavelength in m, since v*lambda=speed of light in vacuum
#Variable declaration
print"The maximum wavelength of the photon which can dissociate an O2 molecule is :",round(lamda*10**9),"nm"
#Variable declaration
Rninitial=1 #initial mass of Rn, g
Rnfinal=Rninitial*0.5**10 #final mass of Rn, g
print"The amount of Rn left after 10 half lives is :%.1e"%Rnfinal,"g"