Chapter 7:Quantum theorem and electronic structure of Atoms

Example no:7.1,Page no:27

In [58]:
#Variable declaration
lamda=522*10**-9 #wavelength, m
c=3*10**8 #speed of light in vacuum, m/s

v=c/lamda #frequency, Hz

print"The frequency of the wave is :%.2e"%v,"Hz"
The frequency of the wave is :5.75e+14 Hz

Example no:7.2,Page no:280

In [59]:
#Variable declaration
c=3*10**8 #speed of light in vacuum, m/s
h=6.63*10**-34 #planck's constant, J s
lamda1=5*10**-5 #wavelength, m
lamda2=5*10**-11 #wavelength, m

E1=h*c/lamda1 #energy, J
E2=h*c/lamda2 #energy, J

print"(a) the energy of the photon is :%.2e"%E1,"J"
print"(b) the energy of the photon is :%.2e"%E2,"J"
(a) the energy of the photon is :3.98e-21 J
(b) the energy of the photon is :3.98e-15 J

Example no:7.3,Page no:281

In [60]:
#Variable declaration
W=3.42*10**-19      #Work function of cesium in J
h=6.63*10**-34      #planck's constant in J.s
v2=10**15     #Freq for irridation in s-1

#part a
#part b

print"(a)Minimum frequency of light is %.2e"%v,"s**-1"
print"(b).Kinetic energy of ejected electron is",KE,"J"
(a)Minimum frequency of light is 5.16e+14 s**-1
(b).Kinetic energy of ejected electron is 3.21e-19 J

Example no:7.4,Page no:287

In [61]:
#Variable declaration
c=3*10**8 #speed of light in vacuum, m/s
h=6.63*10**-34 #planck's constant, J s
Rh=2.18*10**-18 #rydberg's constant, J
ni=5.0 #initial orbit
nf=2.0 #final orbit


print"The wavelength of the photon is :",round(lamda*10**9),"nm"
The wavelength of the photon is : 434.0 nm

Example no:7.5,Page no:291

In [62]:
#Variable declaration
h=6.63*10**-34 #planck's constant, J s
m1=0.06 #mass, kg
u1=68.0 #speed, m/s
m2=9.1094*10**-31 #mass, kg
u2=68 #speed, m/s

# (a)
lamda1=h/(m1*u1) #wavelength, m
lamda2=h/(m2*u2) #wavelength, m

print"The wavelength of the tennis ball is :",lamda1,"m"
print"The wavelength of the electron is :%.1e"%lamda2,"m"
The wavelength of the tennis ball is : 1.625e-34 m
The wavelength of the electron is :1.1e-05 m

Example no:,7.7,Page no:299

In [63]:
#Variable declaration
n=3    #Principal quantum no

#The possible values of l are 0,1,2
s=1    #One 3s orbital,n=3,l=0,ml=0
p=3    #Three p obitals
d=5    #five 'd' orbital

print"The total no of orbitals is:",total
The total no of orbitals is: 9

Example no:7.9,Page no:306

In [64]:
#Variable declaration
n=3    #Principal quantum number

print"Value of l \t\t No of orbitals(2l+1)"
for i in range(0,3):
    print l[i],"\t\t\t\t",n[i]

print"The maximum number of electrons that can reside is",max
Value of l 		 No of orbitals(2l+1)
0 				1
1 				3
2 				5
The maximum number of electrons that can reside is 18