Chaptet 6:Quantum theory of the Hydrogen Atom

Example 6.4,Page no:226

In [2]:
#Variable declaration
B= 0.300  #magnetic field, T
Lambda= 450  #wavelength, nm
Lambda= Lambda*(10**(-9))  #converting to m
e= 1.6*(10**(-19))  #charge of an electron, C
Me= 9.1*(10**(-31))  #mass of electron, kg
c= 3 *(10**8)  #speed of light, m/s
import math
dLambda= e*B*(Lambda**2)/(4*(math.pi)*Me*c)  #m
dLambda= dLambda*(10**9)  #converting to nm

print"The separation between Zeeman components is: ",round(dLambda,5),"nm"
The separation between Zeeman components is:  0.00283 nm