%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,title,xlabel,ylabel,show
from math import log
#From the gel polarisation model:
#J = (1/A)(dV/dt) = hD ln(Cg/Cf)
#Cf = Co(Vo/V)
#where Co and Vo are the initial concentration and volume,respectively and Cf and V are the values at subsequent times
#Combining these eq gives
#dV/dt = A(hDln(Cg/Co)-hDln(Vo/V))
V = [10, 5 ,3 ,2, 1]#
y = [9.90, 13.64, 18.92, 27.30, 112.40]
title("Area under the curve is 184.4")
ylabel("(J - hDln(Vo/V))**(-1)")
Jo = 0.04*log(250/20)#
print"\n Jo = %.3f m/h"%(Jo)#
Jf = 0.04*log(250/200)#
print"\n Jf = %.3f m/h"%(Jf)#
Jav = Jf + 0.27*(0.101-0.008)#
print"\n Jav = %.3f m/h"%(Jav)#
#For the removal of 9m**3 filtrate in 4 hours
Area = (9/4)/Jav#
print"\n Area = %.3f m**2"%(Area)#
from __future__ import division
from math import log
#It is assumed that Q0 is the volumetric flowrate of feed
# Q2 the volumetric flowrate of concentrate
#C0 the solute concentration in the feed
# C2 the solute concentration in the concentrate
# F the volumetric flowrate of membrane permeate
# A the required membrane area.
# It is also assumed that there is no loss of solute through the membrane.
Cl = 3#
while 1:
Clnew = Cl -(0.04-0.02*log(30/Cl))/(Cl**(-1)/50)#
if Clnew == Cl:
Cl = Clnew#
print"\n Cl = %d kg/m**3"%(Cl)#
print"\n below this concentration the membrane flux is 0.04 m/h"
#This does not pose a constraint for the single stage as the concentration of solute C2 will be that of the final concentrate, 20 kg/m3.
#Conservation of solute gives:QoCo = Q2C2
#A fluid balance gives : Qo = F + Q2
#Combining these eq and substituting Known values:
A = (2.438/0.02)/log(30/20)#
print"\n A = %d m**2"%(A)#
#The tubular membranes to be used are available as 30 m**2modules.
print"\n the no of required modules are %d "%(A/30)#
#Conservation of solute gives = QoCo = Q1C1 = Q2C2
#A fluid balance on stage 2 gives Q1 = Q2 + F2
#A fluid balance on stage 2 gives Q1 = Q2 +F2
#Substituting given values in above eqns
#2.5 = 1.25/C1 + 0.02A1ln(30/C1)
def a(C1):
A1 = (2.5-1.25/C1)/(0.02*log(30/C1))#
return A1
def b(C1):
A2 = (1.25/C1 - 0.0625)/0.00811
return A2
print"\n The procedure is to use trial and error to estimate the value of C1 that gives the optimum values of A1 and A2"
print"\n If C1 = 5kg/m**3 then A1 = %d m**2 and A2 = %d m**2"%(a(5),b(5))#
print"\n an arrangement of 3 modules −1 module is required."
print"\n\n\n If C1 = 4 kg/m**3 then A1 = %dm**2 and A2 = %dm**2"%(a(4),b(4))#
print"\n an arrangement of 2 modules −1 module is almost sufficient."
print"\n\n\n If C1 = 4.5 kg/m**3 then A1 = %dm**2 and A2 = %d m**2"%(a(4.5),b(4.5))#
print"\n an arrangement of 2 modules −1 module which meets the requirement"
print"\n\n This arrangement requires the minimum number of modules."