Chapter 2: Circuits With Resistive Feedback

Example 2.1, Page 62

In [26]:
import math

#Variable Declaration

R = 1.0      # Mega ohm
a = 200.0    # V/mV
rd = 2.0     # 2 MV
ro = 75.0    # ohm


T = a/(10**(-3))*rd*(10**6)/((rd*(10**6))+(R*(10**6))+ro)           # equation 2.2
A = (-1)/(1+1/T)
Ri = rd*(10**6)*((R*(10**6))+ro)/((rd*(10**6))+(R*(10**6))+ro)/(1+T) # equation 2.3
Ro = ro/(1+T)                                                        # equation 2.3  


print "T =",int(round(T))
print "A =",round(A,7),"V/micro Ampere"
print "Ri =",round(Ri),"ohm"
print "Ro =",round(Ro*(10**5)),"mili ohm"

# answer of A has precision error in the book
T = 133330
A = -0.9999925 V/micro Ampere
Ri = 5.0 ohm
Ro = 56.0 mili ohm

Example 2.2, Page 62

In [27]:
import math

#Variable Declaration

kR = 0.1/(10**(-9))      # ohm
R = 1*(10**6)            # High starting value of R
R1 = 1*(10**3)           # Assumption


R2 = (100-1)*R*R1/(R+R1)   # equation 2.4b


print "One possible combination is:"
print "  R1 =",R1/(10**3),"kilo ohm"
print "  R2 =",R2/(10**3),"kilo ohm (100 closest standard)"
One possible combination is:
  R1 = 1 kilo ohm
  R2 = 98 kilo ohm (100 closest standard)

Example 2.3, Page 65

In [28]:
#Variable Declaration

vt = 5.0     # V
R = 10.0     # kilo ohm
Vsat1 = 13.0  # V
Vsat2 = -13.0  # V


io = vt/R                # equation 2.6
Vl1 = Vsat1-vt           # vo = vt + vl
Vl2 = Vsat2-vt
Rl1 = Vl1/io
Rl2 = Vsat1/io


print "a)\n  Io =",io,"mA, flowing from left to right in Fig. 2.4a and right to left in Fig. 2.4b"
print "b)\n  For Fig. 2.4a ",Vl2,"< VL <",Vl1,"and for Fig. 2.4b ",Vsat2,"< VL <",Vsat1
print "c)\n  For Fig. 2.4a RL <",Rl1,"kilo ohm and for Fig. 2.4b RL <",Rl2,"kilo ohm"
  Io = 0.5 mA, flowing from left to right in Fig. 2.4a and right to left in Fig. 2.4b
  For Fig. 2.4a  -18.0 < VL < 8.0 and for Fig. 2.4b  -13.0 < VL < 13.0
  For Fig. 2.4a RL < 16.0 kilo ohm and for Fig. 2.4b RL < 26.0 kilo ohm

Example 2.4, Page 67

In [29]:
#Variable Declaration

Vt = 15.0        # V
Io = 1.0         # mA


R1 = Vt/Io             # equation 2.10
R3 = R1
R2 = (13.0/10*R1)-R1
R4 = R2


print "R1 =",R1,"Kilo ohm"
print "R2 =",R2,"Kilo ohm"
print "R3 =",R3,"Kilo ohm"
print "R4 =",R4,"Kilo ohm"
R1 = 15.0 Kilo ohm
R2 = 4.5 Kilo ohm
R3 = 15.0 Kilo ohm
R4 = 4.5 Kilo ohm

Example 2.5, Page 68

In [30]:
import math

#Variable Declaration

R1=15*10**3      #From the result of Example 2.4 
p=0.01           #For 1% tolerance p=t /100=1/100=0.01 


emax=4*p         #imbalace factor
emax=4*p         #imbalace factor


print "a)\n  Ro can be anywhere in the range Ro >=",round(Romina*10**(-3),2),"kilo ohm"
print "b)\n  Ro can be anywhere in the range Ro >=",round(Rominb*10**(-6),2),"mega ohm"
print "c)\n  Resistance tolerance Required =",round(pper,5),"%"
  Ro can be anywhere in the range Ro >= 375.0 kilo ohm
  Ro can be anywhere in the range Ro >= 3.75 mega ohm
  Resistance tolerance Required = 0.0075 %

Example 2.6, Page 69

In [31]:
import math

#Variable Declaration

p = 0.01
R1 = 15     # kilo ohm


Rs = round(R1-4.0*p*R1)                   #Rs must be smaller than R1 by 4pR1
Rpot = 2*(R1-Rs)


print "Rpot =",Rpot,"Kilo ohm"
print "Rs =",Rs,"Kilo ohm"
Rpot = 2.0 Kilo ohm
Rs = 14.0 Kilo ohm

Example 2.7, Page 70

In [32]:
import math

#Variable Declaration

a = 200
R1 = 15.0              #kilo ohm
R2 = 3.0               #kilo ohm


Ro = (R1*R2/(R1+R2))*(1+(a/(1+(R2/R1))))


print "Output Resistance =",round(Ro),"Mega ohm"

#Answer is 417 in book cause of precision loss
Output Resistance = 419.0 Mega ohm

Example 2.8, Page 74

In [33]:
import math

#Variable Declaration

R1 = R3 = 10.0     #kilo ohm
R2= R4 = 100.0    #kilo ohm


def find_Vo(V1,V2):
    global R1,R2;
    Vo = R2/R1*(V2-V1)
    return Vo

def find_Vo_mismatched(V1,V2):
    global R1,R2,R3,R4
    A1 = R2/R1
    A2 = (1+A1)/(1+R3/R4)
    Vo = (A2*V2)-(A1*V1)
    return Vo


print "a)"
print "  Input voltage pair(-0.1V,+0.1V), Vo =",find_Vo(-0.1,0.1),"V"
print "  Input voltage pair(4.9V,5.1V), Vo =",find_Vo(4.9,5.1),"V"
print "  Input voltage pair(9.9V,10.1V), Vo =",find_Vo(9.9,10.1),"V"

R1 = 10      #kilo ohm
R2 = 98      #kilo ohm
R3 = 9.9     #kilo ohm
R4 = 103     #kilo ohm

print "b"
print "  Input voltage pair(-0.1V,+0.1V), Vo =",round(find_Vo_mismatched(-0.1,0.1),3),"V"
print "  Input voltage pair(4.9V,5.1V), Vo =",round(find_Vo_mismatched(4.9,5.1),3),"V"
print "  Input voltage pair(9.9V,10.1V), Vo =",round(find_Vo_mismatched(9.9,10.1),3),"V"
  Input voltage pair(-0.1V,+0.1V), Vo = 2.0 V
  Input voltage pair(4.9V,5.1V), Vo = 2.0 V
  Input voltage pair(9.9V,10.1V), Vo = 2.0 V
  Input voltage pair(-0.1V,+0.1V), Vo = 1.812 V
  Input voltage pair(4.9V,5.1V), Vo = 2.428 V
  Input voltage pair(9.9V,10.1V), Vo = 3.043 V

Example 2.9, Page 76

In [34]:
import numpy as np
from sympy import Symbol
from sympy.solvers import solve
import math

#Variable Declaration

p = 0.01
R1 = R3 = 10.0    #kilo ohm
R2= R4 = 100.0    #kilo ohm
Vcm = 10          # V
new_CMRR = 80.0   # dB


Emax = 4*p
Adm = round(R2/R1*(1-((R1+(2*R2))/(R1+R2)*Emax/2)),2)      #equation 2.24b
Acm = round(R2/(R1+R2)*Emax,4)                                      #equation 2.24c
CMRRdb =round(20*np.log10((1+(R2/R1)/Emax)),1)                  #equation 2.26
Vo = Acm*Vcm
x = Symbol('x')
st = 10**(new_CMRR/20.0)
ans = solve (st*x-1-(R2/R1),x)


print "a)"
print "  Adm =",Adm,"V/V\n  Acm =",Acm,"V/V\n  CMRRdb =",CMRRdb,"dB"
print "b)"
print "  Vo =",Vo,"V"
print "c)"
print "  p =",round(ans[0]/4*100,4),"%"

#part a, CMMRdb value is 48.4 in book
  Adm = 9.62 V/V
  Acm = 0.0364 V/V
  CMRRdb = 48.0 dB
  Vo = 0.364 V
  p = 0.0275 %

Example 2.10, Page 80

In [35]:
from sympy import Symbol
from sympy.solvers import solve
import math

#Variable Declaration

Amin=1.0           #V/V
Amax=10**3         #V/V


R1=100*10**3          # Tolerance (1%)
R2=AI*R1              # Tolerance (1%)
#AImin=1+((2∗R3) /(R4+R1) ) −> 1+((2∗R3) /(R4+R1) )− Amin=0 −> (1−AImin)∗R4+2∗R3+(1−AImin)∗R1=0...( i )
#and AImax=1+((2∗R3) /(R4+0)) −>(1−AImax)∗R4+2∗R3 =0 ... .( i i )
#Solving these two equations will give R3 and R4 
R2red=R2-e-500           # to be on the safer side 0.5 kohms more is reduced 
Rpot=2*(R2-R2red)        #Potentiometer Resistance


print "a)\n  Designed Instrumentation Amplifier : "
print "  R1 =",round(R1*10**(-3),2),"kilo ohm"
print "  R2 =",round(R2*10**(-3)-0.1,2),"kilo ohm"       
print "  R3 =",round(R3*10**(-3)),"kilo ohm"
print "  R4 =",round(R4),"ohm"
print "b)\n  Designed Instrumentation Amplifier with trimmed resistances : "
print "  R1 =",round(R1*10**(-3),2),"kilo ohm"
print "  R2 =",round(R2*10**(-3)-0.1,2),"kilo ohm"       
print "  R3 =",round(R3*10**(-3)),"kilo ohm"
print "  R4 =",round(R4),"ohm"
print "  R5 =",round(R5*10**(-3)),"kilo ohm"
print "  R6 =",round(R2red*10**(-3),2),"kilo ohm"
print "  R7 =",round(Rpot*10**(-3),2),"kilo ohm"
print "c)\n  To calibrate the circuit , tie the inputs together and set the 100 kilo ohm pot for the "   
print "  maximum gain (wiper allthe way up). Then , switching the common inputs back and forth between −5V and +5V," 
print "  adjust the 5 kilo ohm pot for the minimum change at the output . "
  Designed Instrumentation Amplifier : 
  R1 = 100.0 kilo ohm
  R2 = 49.9 kilo ohm
  R3 = 50.0 kilo ohm
  R4 = 50.0 ohm
  Designed Instrumentation Amplifier with trimmed resistances : 
  R1 = 100.0 kilo ohm
  R2 = 49.9 kilo ohm
  R3 = 50.0 kilo ohm
  R4 = 50.0 ohm
  R5 = 100.0 kilo ohm
  R6 = 47.5 kilo ohm
  R7 = 5.0 kilo ohm
  To calibrate the circuit , tie the inputs together and set the 100 kilo ohm pot for the 
  maximum gain (wiper allthe way up). Then , switching the common inputs back and forth between −5V and +5V,
  adjust the 5 kilo ohm pot for the minimum change at the output . 

Example 2.11, Page 92

In [36]:
import math
import sympy

#Variable Declaration

alpha = 0.00392    # per degree celsius
R0 = 100           # ohm
delT = 10.0          # degree celsius

T = Symbol('T')
expr = R0*(1+alpha*T)

def find_R(t):
    global T,expr
    return expr.subs(T,t)

delR = R0*alpha*delT
delta = alpha*delT*100


print "a)"
print "  R(T) =",expr
print "b)"
print "  R(25 degree celsius) =",round(find_R(25),1),"ohm"
print "  R(100 degree celsius) =",round(find_R(100),1),"ohm"
print "  R(-15 degree celsius) =",round(find_R(-15),2),"ohm"
print "c)"
print "  Change in R =",delR,"ohm"
print "  Delta =",delta,"%"
  R(T) = 0.392*T + 100
  R(25 degree celsius) = 109.8 ohm
  R(100 degree celsius) = 139.2 ohm
  R(-15 degree celsius) = 94.12 ohm
  Change in R = 3.92 ohm
  Delta = 3.92 %

Example 2.12, Page 93

In [37]:
from sympy import Symbol
from sympy.solvers import solve
import math

#Variable Declaration

PRTD = 0.2      # mW
R = 100         # ohm
Vref = 15       # V
delVo = 0.1     # V
delT = 1.0      # degree celsius
alpha = 0.00392 


#part a)

i = round(math.sqrt(PRTD/1000/R)*1000)
R1 = Vref/i
delta = alpha*delT
x = Symbol('A')
A = solve(x*(delta*Vref/(2+(R/R1/1000)+(R1/R*1000)))-delVo,x)              # equation 2.47

#part b)

delT = 100
delta = alpha*delT
Vo1 = round(A[0]*Vref*delta/(1+(R1/R*1000)+((1+(R/R1/1000))*(1+delta))),3) # equation 2.46
Vo2 = round(A[0]*Vref*delta/(2+(R/R1/1000)+(R1/R*1000)))
error = (Vo2-Vo1)/delVo


print "a)"
print "  R1 =",R1,"kilo ohm\n  A =",round(A[0],1),"V/V"
print "b)"
print "  Error =",error,"degree celsius"
  R1 = 15.0 kilo ohm
  A = 258.5 V/V
  Error = 0.26 degree celsius

Example 2.14, Page 96

In [38]:
import math

#Variable Declaration

R = 120              #ohm
i = 20*(10**(-3))    # A
Vref = 15            # V


Vb = 2*R*i
v1 = 0.01*Vb/2+Vb/2
v2 = -0.01*Vb/2+Vb/2
ir1 = (v1-v2)/R*2*1000
R1 = Vb/2/ir1
R2 = 1                    # kilo ohm,  Assumption
ir3 = round((2*i+Vb/1000)*1000)
R3 = round(2/ir3*1000)
R4 = round((Vref-(25*ir3/1000)-Vb)/(ir3/1000))


print "a)"
print "  R1 =",R1,"kilo ohm\n  R2 =",R2,"kilo ohm\n  R3 =",R3,"ohm\n  R4 =",R4,"ohm"

# answer in book is after looking up standard values
  R1 = 3.0 kilo ohm
  R2 = 1 kilo ohm
  R3 = 44.0 ohm
  R4 = 202.0 ohm