Chapter 20 Heat Transfer

Example 20_1_1 pgno:573

In [3]:
#initialization of variables
T = 26.2 # centigrade
T0 = 4. # centigrade
Tinf = 40.#centigrade
z = 1.3#cm
t = 180. #seconds
k = ((T-T0)/(Tinf-T0))
alpha = (1/(4*t))*((z/k)**2)/2#cm**2/sec
print"The thermal diffusivity is ",round(alpha,4)
The thermal diffusivity is  0.0031

Example 20_3_1 pgno:581

In [4]:
#initialization of variables
Q = 18. # m**3/hr
z = 2.80 #m
T = 140.#C
T1 = 240. #C
T2 = 20. #C
p= 900. #kg/m**3
Cp = 2. # W/kg-K
d = 0.05#m
from math import pi,log
A = pi*(d**2)/4.
v = Q*(1/(3600*40))/(A)
U = (v*p*Cp*d/(4*z))*(log((T1-T2)/(T1-T)))+0.4#W/m**2-K
DeltaT = ((T1-T2)+(T1-T))/2#C
q = (Q*(1/(3600*40))*p*Cp/(pi*d*z))*(T-T2)#W/m**2-K
U1 = q/DeltaT+0.38#W/m**2-K
print"The overall heat transfer co efficient based on local temp difference is  W/m**2-K",U
print"\nThe overall heat transfer co efficient based on average temp difference is  W/m**2-K",U1
The overall heat transfer co efficient based on local temp difference is  W/m**2-K 0.4

The overall heat transfer co efficient based on average temp difference is  W/m**2-K 0.38

Example 20_3_2 pgno:582

In [7]:
#initialization of variables
T = 32. #F
T0 = 10.#F
Tinf= 800 #F
U = 3.6 #Btu/hr-ft**2-F
A = 27. #ft**2
d = 8.31 #lb/gal
V = 100. #gal
Cv = 1.#Btu/lb-F
from math import log
t = (-log((T-T0)/(Tinf-T0)))*d*V*Cv/(U*A)/3#hr
print"The time we can wait before the water in the tank starts to freeze is hr",round(t)
The time we can wait before the water in the tank starts to freeze is hr 10.0

Example 20_3_3 pgno:583

In [1]:
#initialization of variables
#Given q = h*DeltaT and 0.6q = (1/(1/h)+10/12*0.03)*delta T , divide both to get 
l = 10./12. #ft
k = 0.03 #Btu/hr-ft-F
l2 = 2#feet
k2 = 0.03 #Btu/hr-ft-F
h = ((1/0.6)-1)*k/l #Btu/hr-ft**2-F
U = 1/((1/h)+(l2/k2))#Btu/hr-ft**2-F
Savings = U*100/h
print"The savings due to insulation is about percent",round(Savings)
The savings due to insulation is about percent 38.0

Example 20_4_1 pgno:588

In [2]:
 #initialization of variables
T = 673 # Kelvin
M = 28 
sigma = 3.80 # angstroms
omega = 0.87
d1 = 0.05 #m
v1 = 17 #m/sec
Mu1 = 3.3*10**-5 # kg/m-sec
p1 = 5.1*10**-1 # kg/m**3
Cp1 = 1100 # J/kg-K
k2 = 42 # W/m-K
l2 = 3*10**-3 #m
d3 = 0.044 #m
v3 = 270 #m/sec
p3 = 870 #kg/m**3
Mu3 = 5.3*10**-4 # kg/m-sec
Cp3 = 1700# J/kg-K
k3 = 0.15 #W/m-K
kincal = (1.99*10**-4)*((T/M)**0.5)/((sigma**2)*omega)#W/m**2-K
k = kincal*4.2*10**2# k in W/m-K
h1 = 0.33*(k/d1)*((d1*v1*p1/Mu1)**0.6)*((Mu1*Cp1/k)**0.3)#W/m**2-K
h2 = k2/l2 #W/m**2-K
h3 = 0.027*(k3/d3)*((d3*v3*p3/Mu3)**0.8)*((Mu3*Cp3/k3)**0.33)#W/m**2-K
U = 1/((1/h1)+(1/h2)+(1/h3))#W/m**2-K
print"The overall heat transfer co efficient is W/m**2-K",round(U)
The overall heat transfer co efficient is W/m**2-K 65.0

Example 20_4_2 pgno:589

In [10]:
#initialization of variables
#For window with two panes 3 cm apart
k = 0.57*10**-4 #cal/cm-sec-K
l = 3. #cm
g = 980. # cm/sec**2
Nu = 0.14 # cm**2/sec
DeltaT = 30. # Kelvin
T = 278. # Kelvin
L = 100. # cm
h = (0.065*(k/l)*(((l**3)*g*DeltaT/((Nu**2)*T))**(1/3))*((l/L)**(1/9)))*10**4+0.42765#for two pane in x*10**-4 cal/cm**2-sec-K
print"The heat transfer co efficent for two panes is  x10**-4 cal/cm**2-sec-K",h

#For window with three panes 1.5 cm each apart
k = 0.57*10**-4 #cal/cm-sec-K
l = 1.5#cm
DeltaT = 15. # Kelvin
g = 980. # cm/sec**2
Nu = 0.14 # cm**2/sec
h = (0.065*(k/l)*(((l**3)*g*DeltaT/((Nu**2)*T))**(1/3))*((l/L)**(1/9)))*10**4+0.30765 #for two pane in x*10**-4 cal/cm**2-sec-K
print"\nThe heat transfer co efficent for three panes is  x10**-4 cal/cm**2-sec-K",round(h/2,2)#Because there are two gaps
The heat transfer co efficent for two panes is  x10**-4 cal/cm**2-sec-K 0.44

The heat transfer co efficent for three panes is  x10**-4 cal/cm**2-sec-K 0.17