Chapter 3: Principles of Electromechanical Energy Conversion

Example 3.1, Page 144

In [2]:
import math

#Variable declaration
A=20*10**-4;#surface area of each  capacitor's plate 
d=5*10**-3;#separation between the plates
e=(10**-9)/(36*math.pi);#permetivity of air
V=10*10**3;#potential diff. between the plates

F_e=(e*A*V**2)/(2*d**2);#electric force
g=9.81;#acceleration due to gravity (in meter/second**2)
#For condt of balancing electric force=weight of object
print 'mass of object (in grams)=%.2f'%(m*1000)
print 'energy stored in the feild (in micro-joules)=%.f'%(W_f*1000000)
mass of object (in grams)=3.61
energy stored in the feild (in micro-joules)=177

Example 3.3, Page 148

In [7]:
import scipy
from scipy.integrate import quad

#Variable declaration
#i=current in the ckt (in Amperes)
#x=total flux linkage

def f(x):
    return x/(6-(2*x))
#Refer to eqn:3.18
W_m,err=quad(f,0,2);#Energy stored in magnetic feild

print 'Energy stored in magnetic feild (in Joules)=%.3f'%W_m
Energy stored in magnetic feild (in Joules)=0.648

Example 3.4, Page 151

In [18]:
import math
import scipy
from scipy.misc import derivative

#Variable declaration
N=100;#no. of turns of coil
x=1*10**-2;#length of air gap
u_o=4*math.pi*10**-7;#permeablity of air
u_r=2000;#permeablity of magnetic material
D=7.85*10**3;#density of material (in kg/m**3)
V=11*10**-6;#volume of material
m=D*V;#mass of material
g=9.81;#acceleration due to gravity

#Refer to fig:3.7
R_o=(15.5*10**-2)/(u_o*u_r*A);#reluctance of outer legs
R_c=(5.5*10**-2)/(u_o*u_r*A);#reluctance of central leg
def L( x ):#inductance
    return (N**2)/ R ( x );

def R( x ):#total reluctance 
    return R_c+R_g(x)+(0.5*(R_o+R_g(x)));

def R_g( x ):#reluctance of air gap
    return x/(u_o*A);

x = 0.01 ;     # Points of interest
t = derivative(L,x)
#t=[diag(derivative(L,x))];#t=dL/dx (at x=0.01m)
#since t<o,i.e,F_m is acting in opp direction that of weight  
#for equilibrium F_m=m*g
I=math.sqrt((m*g)/(0.5*t*(1)));#Refer to eqn3.23
print 'current in the coil (in Amperes)= %.2f'%(I/100)
print 'energy stored in the magnetic feild  (in mili-Joules)= %.1f'%(W_f*10**3/10000)
current in the coil (in Amperes)= 14.22
energy stored in the magnetic feild  (in mili-Joules)= 8.4

Example 3.5, Page 153

In [24]:
import math
import scipy
from scipy.misc import derivative

#Variable declaration
T=20;#torque exerted by spring (in Newton-meter)
r=0.2;#radius of spring (in meter)

F_s=T/r;#force exerted by spring on magnetic plate
N=1000;#no. of turns in coil
u_o=4*math.pi*10**-7;#permablityof air
A=9*10**-4;#area (in meter**2)
def L( x ):#inductance
    return (N**2)/ R ( x );

def R( x ):#reluctance of air gap
    return (2*x)/(u_o*A);

x = 0.001;     # Points of interest
t = derivative(L,x)
#t=[diag(derivative(L,x))];#t=dL/dx (at x=0.001m)
#since t<o i.e,F_m is acting in opp direction that of weight  
#for equilibrium F_m=F_s
I=math.sqrt((2*F_s)/(t*(1)));#Refer to eqn3.23

print 'current in the coil (in Amperes)=%.3f'%(I/1000)
current in the coil (in Amperes)=0.595

Example 3.6, Page 168

In [26]:
import math

#Variable declaration
N=100;#no. of turns in coil
P=4;#number of poles
N_m=1800;#rotor speed (in rpm)

flux_p=4.5*10**-3;#flux per pole (in Wb)
f=(P*N_m)/120;#Refer to eqn:3.30a
print '(a) frequency of induced emf (in Hertz)=%.f'%f
#refer to eqn:3.31
E_m=(2*math.pi*P*flux_p*N_m)/120;#max value of induced emf per turn
print '(b) m/ax value of induced emf in coil (in Volts)= %.2f'%E_mc
print '(c) rms value of induced emf (in Volts)= %.f'%E_rms
print '(d) average value of induced emf (in Volts)= %.f'%E_avg
(a) frequency of induced emf (in Hertz)=60
(b) m/ax value of induced emf in coil (in Volts)= 169.65
(c) rms value of induced emf (in Volts)= 120
(d) average value of induced emf (in Volts)= 108

Example 3.7, Page 177

In [31]:
#Variable declaration
P=4;#no. of pole
f=50;#frequency (in Hz)
N_r=1200.;#speed of rotor(in rpm)

print 'synchronous speed (in rpm)= %.f'%N_s
print 'percent slip of the motor(%%)= %.f'%s_p
synchronous speed (in rpm)= 1500
percent slip of the motor(%)= 20

Example 3.8, Page 185

In [34]:
import math

#Variable declaration
N=2;#no. of poles
f=60;#frequency in Hz
I_rms=10;#current intake
L_q=1;#min inductance (in H)
L_d=2;#max inductance(inH)

print 'rotor speed(in rad/sec)= %f'%w
#Refer to eqn:3.52
if ( T_avg <0 ):
    print "average torque developed by motor (in Newton-meter)= %.f"%(T_avg*(-1))
    print "average torque developed by motor (in Newton-meter)= %f"%T_avg
rotor speed(in rad/sec)= 376.991118
average torque developed by motor (in Newton-meter)= 25

Example 3.9, Page 188

In [36]:
import math

#Variable declaration
N=500;#no. of turns
u_o=4*math.pi*10**-7;#Permeablity of air
I=4.2;#main winding current(in A)
A=2.25*10**-4;#area of air gap(in m**2)
x=0.002;#length of air gap(in m)

i=I*1.50;#min current needed for activating relay
F_m=u_o*A*0.5*((N*i)/x)**2;#Refer to eqn 3.53

print 'restraining force of the spring(in Newton)=%.2f'%F_m
restraining force of the spring(in Newton)=350.69