Example E01 : Pg 448

In [1]:
#  Example 11.1
#  Computation of (a) The armature current when operating at rated conditions 
#  (b) The resistance and power rating of an external resistance required in 
#  series with the shunt field circuit to operate at 125 percent rated speed
#  Page No. 448
#  Given data
HP=40.;                  #  hp rating of the device
Perratedload=0.902;     #  Percentage rated load
VT=240.;                 #  Voltage value of motor
RF=99.5;                #  Resistance of shunt motor
Nf=1231.;                #  Turns per pole of the shunt motor
Ra=0.0680;              #  Armature resistance
RIP=0.0198;             #  Interpole winding resistance
Rs=0.00911;             #  Resistance of series field winding
Bp1=0.70;               #  Flux density for a net mmf
n1=1150.;                #  Speed of shunt motor

#  (a) The armature current when operating at rated conditions
IT=P/VT;                #  Total current
IF=VT/RF;               #  Field current

#  (b) The resistance and power rating of an external resistance required in 
#  series with the shunt field circuit to operate at 125 percent rated speed

Fnet=Nf*IF;                  #  Corresponding mmf from magnetization curve
n2=n1*1.25;                  #  125 percent rated speed
#  Shaft load is adjusted to  value that limits the armature current to 115% 
#  of rated current

#  Display result on command window
print"The armature current =",Ia,"A"
print"The resistance rating =",Rx,"Ohm"
print"The power rating =",PRx,"W"

# Note: Answer varies due to round-off errors
The armature current = 135.429772662 A
The resistance rating = 28.952173913 Ohm
The power rating = 101.069646111 W

Example E02 : Pg 450

In [2]:
#  Example 11.2
#  Computation of (a) Shunt field current (b) Armature current (c) Developed 
#  torque (d) Armature current if a resistor inserted in series with the shunt 
#  field circuit caused the speed to increase to 900 r/min (e) External 
#  resistance required in series with the shunt field circuit to operate 
#  at 900 r/min
#  Page No. 450
#  Given data
perratedload=0.854;          #  Percentage rated load
VT=240.;                      #  Voltage value of motor
RF=49.2;                     #  Resistance of shunt motor
Nf=577.;                      #  Turns per pole of the shunt motor
Ra=0.0172;                   #  Armature resistance
RIP=0.005;                   #  Interpole winding resistance
Rs=0.0023;                   #  Resistance of series field winding
n1=850.;                      #  Speed of shunt motor

#  (a) Shunt field current

IF=VT/RF;                    #  Field current

#  (b) Armature current 
Pin=HP*746./perratedload;    #  Input power 
IT=Pin/VT;                  #  Total current

#  (c) Developed torque 

Ea=VT-Ia1*Racir;            #  Armature emf
Pmech=Ea*Ia1;               #  Mechanical power
TD=Pmech*5252./n1/746.;            #  Torque developed

#  (d) Armature current if a resistor inserted in series with the shunt field 
#  circuit caused the speed to increase to 900 r/min


# (e) External resistance required in series with the shunt field circuit to 
#  operate at 900 r/min

#  Display result on command window
print"\n Shunt field current =",IF,"A"
print"\n Armature current =",Ia1,"A"
print"\n Developed torque =",TD,"lb-ft"
print"\n Armature current if a resistor inserted in series =",Ia2,"A"
print"\n External resistance required =",Rx,"Ohm"
 Shunt field current = 4.87804878049 A

 Armature current = 450.088774014 A

 Developed torque = 853.589546189 lb-ft

 Armature current if a resistor inserted in series = 476.56458425 A

 External resistance required = 17.7013485007 Ohm

Example E03 : Pg 453

In [3]:
#  Example 11.3
#  Computation of Speed if the load is reduced to a value that causes the 
#  armature current to be 30 percent of the rated current
#  Page No.453
#  Given data
perratedload=0.896;     #  Percentage rated load
VT=240.;                 #  Voltage value of motor
Ns=14.;                  #  Number of turns/pole in series field
Ra=0.0202;              #  Armature resistance
RIP=0.00588;            #  Interpole winding resistance
Rs=0.00272;             #  Resistance of series field winding
n1=650.;                 #  Speed of shunt motor
Bp2=0.34;               #  Air gap flux density from magnetization curve
Bp1=0.87;               #  Air gap flux density from magnetization curve

#  Computation of Speed if the load is reduced to a value that causes the 
#  armature current to be 30 percent of the rated current

Pin=HP*746./perratedload;       #  Input power
IT=Pin/VT;                     #  Total current
Ia=IT;                         #  Armature current

Racir=Ra+RIP+Rs;               #  Resistance of armature circuit
Fnet1=Ns*Ia*(1.-0.080);         #  Net mmf
Fnet2=0.30*Fnet1;              #  Net mmf from magnetization curve
n2=n1/((VT-(Ia*Racir))/Bp1 * Bp2/(VT-(0.30*Ia*Racir)));

#  Display result on command window
print"Speed of the motor =",round(n2,2),"r/min"
Speed of the motor = 1713.81 r/min

Example E04 : Pg 456

In [4]:
#  Example 11.4
#  Computation of resistance using linear approximation and values are 
#  compared with results obtained in example 11.1
#  Page No. 456
#  Given data
HP=40.;                   #  hp rating of the device
percentratedload=0.902;        #  Percentage rated load
VT=240;                  #  Voltage value of motor
RF=99.5;                 #  Resistance of shunt motor
Nf=1231.;                 #  Turns per pole of the shunt motor
Ra=0.0680;               #  Armature resistance
RIP=0.0198;              #  Interpole winding resistance
Rs=0.00911;              #  Resistance of series field winding
Bp1=0.70;                #  Flux density for a net mmf
n1=1150.;                 #  Speed of shunt motor
#  Computation of resistance using linear approximation and values are 
#  compared with results obtained in example 11.1

IF=VT/RF;                #  Field current
Ia1=IT-IF;               #  Armature current
Fnet1=Nf*IF;             #  Net mmf
Racir=Ra+RIP+Rs;         #  Armature circuit resistance
IF1=Fnet2/Nf;           #  Field current
Rx=(VT/IF1)-RF;         #  External resistance required

#  Display result on command window
print"The resistance rating of an external resistance =",Rx,"Ohm"
The resistance rating of an external resistance = 25.9636748422 Ohm

Example E05 : Pg 456

In [5]:
#  Example 11.5
#  Computation  using linear approximation to show the gross error that occurs 
#  when a linear assumption is applied to compound motors operating at overload 
#  conditions
#  Page No. 456
#  Given data
Nf=577.;                  #  Turns per pole of the shunt motor
IF=4.88;                 #  Field current
IA=450.09;               #  Armature current
F2=4367.8;               #  mmf
VT=240.;                  #  Voltage value of motor
RF=49.2;                 #  Resistance of shunt motor
perratedload=0.854;      #  Percentage rated load
Rx1=17.8;                #  Value of resistance in Example 11.2

Fnet1=(Nf*IF)+ (0.90 * Ns*IA);   
Ia2=Fnet1*IA/F2;         #  Armature current

If2=(F2 - Ns*Ia2*0.90)/Nf;
Rx=(VT/If2)-RF;         #  External resistance required

#  Error introduced by linear approximation

#  Display result on command window
print"External resistance required in series =",Rx,"Ohm"
print"Error introduced by linear approximation =",PE,"Percent"
External resistance required in series = 7.74291596939 Ohm
Error introduced by linear approximation = 56.5004720821 Percent

Example E06 : Pg 460

In [6]:
#  Example 11.6
#  Determine (a) Torque developed when operating at rated speed (b) Developed 
#  torque required at half rated speed (c) Armature voltage required for half 
#  rated speed 
#  Page No. 460
#  Given data
VT=750.;                   #  Voltage value of motor
Nf=1231.;                  #  Turns per pole of the shunt motor
Ra=0.00540;               #  Armature resistance
RIPcw=0.00420;            #  Interpole winding resistance
N=955.;                    #  Speed of shunt motor
Ia1=1675.;                 #  Armature current

#  (a) Torque developed when operating at rated speed 


#  (b) Developed torque required at half rated speed 


#  (c) Armature voltage required for half rated speed 

V2=(0.5*N/N)*(VT-Ia1*Racir) + Ia2*Racir ;

#  Shaft load is adjusted to  value that limits the armature current to 115 % of rated current

# Display result on command window
print"Torque developed when operating at rated speed =",TD,"lb-ft"
print"Developed torque required at half rated speed =",T2,"lb-ft"
print"Armature voltage required for half rated speed =",V2,"V"
Torque developed when operating at rated speed = 9062.45895316 lb-ft
Developed torque required at half rated speed = 2265.61473829 lb-ft
Armature voltage required for half rated speed = 370.98 V

Example E07 : Pg 464

In [7]:
#  Example 11.7
#  Computation of the resistance of a dynamic braking resistor that will be 
#  capable of developing 500 lb-ft of braking torque at a speed of 1000 r/min.
#  Page No. 464
#  Given data
T1=910.;                          #  Torque load
Pshaft=199.257*746.;              #  Power of shaft
eeta=0.940;                      #  Efficiency
VT=240.;                          #  Rated voltage
T2=500.;                          #  Braking torque
n1=1000.;                         #  Windage and friction speed
n2=1150.;                         #  Speed of motor
Rf=52.6;                         #  Field resistance
Racir=0.00707;                   #  Combined armature,compensating winding and                                                               #  interpolar resistance

#  Resistance of a dynamic braking resistor
Pshaft=T1*n2/5252.;             #  Shaft power 
Pin=Pshaft*746./eeta;           #  Input power
IT=Pin/VT;                     #  Total current 
If=VT/Rf;                      #  Field current
Ia1=IT-If;                     #  Armature current
Ea1=VT-Ia1*Racir;              #  Armature emf

Ia2=Ia1*T2/T1;                 #  Armature current
RDB=(Ea2-Ia2*Racir)/Ia2;       #  Resistance

# Display result on command window
print"Resistance of the dynamic braking resistor =",RDB,"Ohm"
Resistance of the dynamic braking resistor = 0.56222252364 Ohm