from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
Ia = 0.040;# in Amperes
I = 50;# in Amperes
ra = 25;# in ohms
Is = I - Ia
V = Ia*ra
Rs = V/Is
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n value of the shunt to be connected in parallel = ", round((Rs/1E-3),2)," mohms\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
V = 100;# in volts
I = 0.008;# in Amperes
ra = 10;# in ohms
Rm = (V/I) - ra
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n value of the multiplier to be connected in series = ", (Rm/1E3)," kohms\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
fsd = 200;# in volts
R1 = 250;# in ohms
R2 = 2E6;# in ohms
sensitivity = 10000;# in ohms/V
V = 100; # in volts
Rv = sensitivity*fsd
Iv = V/Rv
Pv = V*Iv
I1 = V/R1
P1 = V*I1
I2 = V/R2
P2 = V*I2
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)the power dissipated by the voltmeter = ", (Pv/1E-3)," mW\n"
print "\n (b)the power dissipated by resistor 250 ohm = ", P1," W\n"
print "\n (c)the power dissipated by resistor 2 Mohm = ", (P2/1E-3)," mW\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
V = 10;# in volts
fsd = 0.1;# in Amperes
ra = 50;# in ohms
R = 500;# in ohms
Ie = V/R
Ia = V/(R + ra)
Pa = Ia*Ia*ra
PR = Ia*Ia*R
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)expected ammeter reading = ", (Ie/1E-3)," mA\n"
print "\n (b)Actual ammeter reading = ",round((Ia/1E-3),2)," mA\n"
print "\n (c)Power dissipated in the ammeter = ",round((Pa/1E-3),2)," mW\n"
print "\n (d)Power dissipated in the load resistor = ", round((PR/1E-3),2)," mW\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
fsd = 100;# in volts
R1 = 40E3;# in ohms
R2 = 60E3;# in ohms
sensitivity = 1600;# in ohms/V
V1 = (R1/(R1 + R2))*fsd
Rv = fsd*sensitivity
Rep = R1*Rv/(R1 + Rv)
V1n = (Rep/(Rep + R2))*fsd
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)the value of voltage V1 with the voltmeter6 not connected = ", V1," V\n"
print "\n (b)the voltage indicated by the voltmeter when connected between A and B = ",round(V1n,2)," V\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
I = 20;# in amperes
R = 2;# in ohms
Rw = 0.01;# in ohms
PR = I*I*R
Rt = R + Rw
Pw = I*I*Rt
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)the power dissipated in the load = ", PR," W\n"
print "\n (b)the wattmeter reading. = ",Pw," W\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
tc = 100E-6;# in s/cm
Vc = 20;# in V/cm
w = 5.2;# in cm ( width of one complete cycle )
h = 3.6; # in cm ( peak-to-peak height of the display )
T = w*tc
f = 1/T
ptpv = h*Vc
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)the periodic time, T = ", (T/1E-3)," msec\n"
print "\n (b)Frequency, f = ",round(f,2)," Hz\n"
print "\n (c)the peak-to-peak voltage = ",ptpv," V\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
tc = 50E-3;# in s/cm
Vc = 0.2;# in V/cm
w = 3.5;# in cm ( width of one complete cycle )
h = 3.4; # in cm ( peak-to-peak height of the display )
T = w*tc
f = 1/T
ptpv = h*Vc
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)the periodic time, T = ", (T/1E-3)," msec\n"
print "\n (b)Frequency, f = ",round(f,2)," Hz\n"
print "\n (c)the peak-to-peak voltage = ",ptpv," V\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
tc = 500E-6;# in s/cm
Vc = 5;# in V/cm
w = 4;# in cm ( width of one complete cycle )
h = 5; # in cm ( peak-to-peak height of the display )
T = w*tc
f = 1/T
ptpv = h*Vc
Amp = ptpv/2
Vrms = Amp/(2**0.5)
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)Frequency, f = ",f," Hz\n"
print "\n (b)the peak-to-peak voltage = ",ptpv," V\n"
print "\n (c)Amplitude = ",Amp," V\n"
print "\n (d)r.m.s voltage = ",round(Vrms,2)," V\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
tc = 100E-6;# in s/cm
Vc = 2;# in V/cm
w = 5;# in cm ( width of one complete cycle for both waveform )
h1 = 2; # in cm ( peak-to-peak height of the display )
h2 = 2.5; # in cm ( peak-to-peak height of the display
T = w*tc
f = 1/T
ptpv1 = h1*Vc
Vrms1 = ptpv1/(2**0.5)
ptpv2 = h2*Vc
Vrms2 = ptpv2/(2**0.5)
phi = 0.5*360/w
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)Frequency, f = ",f," Hz\n"
print "\n (b1)r.m.s voltage of 1st waveform = ",round(Vrms1,2)," V\n"
print "\n (b2)r.m.s voltage of 2nd waveform = ",round(Vrms2,2)," V\n"
print "\n (c)Phase difference = ",phi,"deg\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
rP1 = 3;# ratio of two powers
rP2 = 20;# ratio of two powers
rP3 = 400;# ratio of two powers
rP4 = 1/20;# ratio of two powers
X1 = 10*(1/2.303)*math.log(3)
X2 = 10*(1/2.303)*math.log(20)
X3 = 10*(1/2.303)*math.log(400)
X4 = 10*(1/2.303)*math.log(1/20)
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)decibel power ratio for power ratio 3 = ",round(X1,2)," dB\n"
print "\n (b)decibel power ratio for power ratio 20 = ",round(X2,2)," dB\n"
print "\n (c)decibel power ratio for power ratio 400 = ",round(X3,2)," dB\n"
print "\n (d)decibel power ratio for power ratio 1/20 = ",round(X4,2)," dB\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
I2 = 0.020;# in ampere
I1 = 0.005;# in ampere
X = 20*math.log10(math.e)*math.log(I2/I1)
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n decibel current ratio = ",round(X,2)," dB\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
rP = 0.06;# power ratios rP = P2/P1
X = 10*math.log10(math.e)*math.log(rP)
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n decibel Power ratios = ",round(X,2)," dB\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
X = 14;# decibal power ratio in dB
P1 = 0.008;# in Watt
rP = 10**(X/10)
P2 = rP*P1
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n output power P2 = ",round(P2,2)," W\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
X = 27;# Voltage gain in decibels
V2 = 4;# output voltage in Volts
V1 = V2/(10**(27/20))
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n input Voltage V1 = ",round(V1,2)," V\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
R2 = 100;# in ohms
R3 = 400;# in ohms
R4 = 10;# in ohms
R1 = R2*R3/R4
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n unknown resistance, R1 = ",R1," Ohms\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
E1 = 1.0186;# in Volts
l1 = 0.400;# in m
l2 = 0.650;# in m
E2 = (l2/l1)*E1
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n the e.m.f. of a dry cell = ",round(E2,2)," Volts\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
I = 0.0025;# in Amperes
R = 5000;# in ohms
e1 = 0.4;# in %
e2 = 0.5;# in %
V = I*R
em = e1 + e2
Ve = em*V/100
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n voltage V = ",V,"V(+-)",Ve,"V\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
I = 6.25;# in Amperes
Im = 10;# max in Amperes
V = 36.5;# in volts
Vm = 50;# max in volts
e = 2;# in %
R = V/I
Ve = e*Vm/100
Ve1 = Ve*100/V# in %
Ie = e*Im/100
Ie1 = Ie*100/I# in %
em = Ve1 + Ie1
Re = em*R/100
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n Resistance R = ",R," ohms(+-)",Re," ohms\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
#initializing the variables:
R1 = 1000;# in ohms
R2 = 100;# in ohms
R3 = 432.5;# in ohms
e1 = 1;# in %
e2 = 0.5;# in %
e3 = 0.2;# in %
Rx = R2*R3/R1
em = e1 + e2 + e3
Re = em*Rx/100
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n Resistance R = ",Rx," ohms(+-)",Re," ohms\n"