from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
R2 = 2500;# in ohms
C2 = 0.2E-6;# IN fARADS
R3 = 1;
R4 = 1;
w = 2000*math.pi;
Rx = R4*(1 + w*w*C2*C2*R2*R2)/(R2*R3*w*w*C2*C2)
Cx = R3*C2/(R4*(1 + w*w*C2*C2*R2*R2))
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)Resistance Rx = R4(1 + w*w*C2*C2*R2*R2)/(R2*R3*w*w*C2*C2) and Capacitance Cx = R3*C2/(R4*(1 + w*w*C2*C2*R2*R2))"
print "\n (b)at balance Rx = ",round(Rx/1000,2),"KOhm and Cx = ", round(Cx*1E9,2),"nF\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
R2 = 30000;# in ohms
R3 = 30000;# in ohms
R4 = 1000;# in ohms
C2 = 1e-9;# IN fARADS
C3 = 1e-9;# IN fARADS
#the bridge is balanced
R1 = R4/((R3/R2) + (C2/C3))
#frequency, f
f = 1/(2*math.pi*((C2*C3*R2*R3)**0.5))
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)Resistance R1 = ",R1," ohm\n"
print "\n (b)frequency, f is ",round(f,2),"Hz\n"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
R3 = 600;# in ohms
R4 = 200;# in ohms
C2 = 0.2e-6;# IN fARADS
C3 = 4000e-12;# IN fARADS
f = 1500;#in Hz
#the bridge is balanced
#Resistance, Rx
Rx = R4*C3/C2
#Capacitance, Cx
Cx = C2*R3/R4
#Phase angle
phi = math.atan(1/(2*math.pi*f*Cx*Rx))
phid = phi*180/math.pi# in degrees
#Power factor of capacitor
Pc = math.cos(phi)
#Loss angle,
de = 90 - phid
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)Resistance Rx = ",round(Rx,2)," ohm\n"
print "\n (b)capacitance, Cx is ",round(Cx*1E9,2),"pFarad\n"
print "\n (c)phasor diagram = ",round(phid,2),"deg lead "
print "\n (d)power factor is ",round(Pc,2)," \n"
print "\n (e)Loss angle = ",round(de,2),"deg\n"