Chapter 35: Maximum power transfer theorems and impedance matching

Example 1, page no. 620

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
rv  =  120;#  in  volts
thetav  =  0;#  in  degrees
Z  =  15  +  1j*20;#  in  ohm

V  =  rv*math.cos(thetav*math.pi/180)  +  1j*rv*math.sin(thetav*math.pi/180)
 #maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  =  mod(Z)
R  =  abs(Z)
 #the  total  circuit  impedance
ZT  =  Z  +  R
 #Current  I  flowing  in  the  load  is  given  by
I  =  V/ZT
Imag  =  abs(I)
 #maximum  power  delivered
P  =  R*I**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is  ",R,"  ohm"
print  "\n  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is  ",abs(P),"  W"


  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is   25.0   ohm

  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is   180.0   W

Example 2, page no. 620

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
rv  =  120;#  in  volts
thetav  =  0;#  in  degrees
Z  =  15  +  1j*20;#  in  ohm

V  =  rv*math.cos(thetav*math.pi/180)  +  1j*rv*math.sin(thetav*math.pi/180)
 #maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  X  =  -1*imag(Z)  and  R  =  real(Z)
z  =  Z.real  -  1j*Z.imag
 #Total  circuit  impedance  at  maximum  power  transfer  condition,
ZT  =  Z  +  z
 #Current  I  flowing  in  the  load  is  given  by
I  =  V/ZT
Imag  =  abs(I)
 #maximum  power  delivered
P  =  Z.real*I**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  Z  is  ",z.real,"  +  (",  z.imag,")i  ohm"
print  "\n  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is  ",abs(P),"  W"


  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  Z  is   15.0   +  ( -20.0 )i  ohm

  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is   240.0   W

Example 3, page no. 620

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
rv  =  200;#  in  volts
thetav  =  0;#  in  degrees
R1  =  100;#  in  ohm
C  =  1E-6;#  in  farad
f  =  1000;#  in  Hz

V  =  rv*math.cos(thetav*math.pi/180)  +  1j*rv*math.sin(thetav*math.pi/180)
 #Capacitive  reactance,  Xc
Xc  =  1/(2*math.pi*f*C)
 #Hence  source  impedance,
z  =  R1*(1j*Xc)/(R1  +  1j*Xc)
 #maximum  power  transfer  is  achieved  when  R  =  mod(z)
R  =  abs(z)
 #Total  circuit  impedance  at  maximum  power  transfer  condition,
ZT  =  z  +  R
 #Current  I  flowing  in  the  load  is  given  by
I  =  V/ZT
Imag  =  abs(I)
 #maximum  power  transferred,
P  =  R*Imag**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is  ",round(R,2),"  ohm"
print  "\n  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is  ",round(P,2),"  W"


  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is   84.67   ohm

  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is   127.9   W

Example 4, page no. 621

In [4]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
rv  =  60;#  in  volts
thetav  =  0;#  in  degrees
R1  =  4;#  in  ohm
XL  =  10;#  in  ohm
Xc  =  7;#  in  ohm
R2  =  XL*1j;#  in  ohm
R3  =  -1j*Xc;#  in  ohm

V  =  rv*math.cos(thetav*math.pi/180)  +  1j*rv*math.sin(thetav*math.pi/180)
 #maximum  power  transfer  is  achieved  when
R  =  (R1**2  +  (XL  -  Xc)**2)**0.5
 #Hence  source  impedance,
ZT  =  R1  +  R2  +  R3  +  R
 #Current  I  flowing  in  the  load  is  given  by
I  =  V/ZT
Imag  =  abs(I)
 #maximum  power  transferred,
P  =  R*Imag**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is  ",R,"  ohm"
print  "\n  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is  ",P,"  W"


  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is   5.0   ohm

  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is   200.0   W

Example 5, page no. 622

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
V  =  20;#  in  volts
R1  =  5;#  in  ohm
R2  =  15;#  in  ohm

 #R  is  removed  from  the  network  as  shown  in  Figure  35.6
 #P.d.  across  AB,  E
E  =  (R2/(R1  +  R2))*V
 #Impedance  ‘looking-in’  at  terminals  AB  with  the  source  removed  is  given  by
r  =  R1*R2/(R1  +  R2)
 #The  equivalent  Th´evenin  circuit  supplying  terminals  AB  is  shown  in  Figure  35.7.  
    #From  condition  (2),  for  maximum  power  transfer
R  =  r
 #Current  I  flowing  in  the  load  is  given  by
I  =  E/(R  +  r)
 #maximum  power  transferred,
P  =  R*I**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is  ",R,"  ohm"
print  "\n  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is  ",P,"  W"


  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is   3.75   ohm

  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is   15.0   W

Example 6, page no. 622

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
rv  =  100;#  in  volts
thetav  =  30;#  in  degrees
R1  =  5;#  in  ohm
R2  =  5;#  in  ohm
R3  =  10j;#  in  ohm

V  =  rv*math.cos(thetav*math.pi/180)  +  1j*rv*math.sin(thetav*math.pi/180)
 #Resistance  R  and  reactance  X  are  removed  from  the  network  as  shown  in  Figure  35.9
 #P.d.  across  AB,
E  =  ((R2  +  R3)/(R1  +  R2  +  R3))*V
 #With  the  source  removed  the  impedance,  z,  ‘looking  in’  at  terminals  AB  is  given  by:
z  =  (R2  +  R3)*R1/(R1  +  R2  +  R3)
 #The  equivalent  Th´evenin  circuit  is  shown  in  Figure  35.10.  From  condition  3, 
    #maximum  power  transfer  is  achieved  when  X  =  -1*imag(z)  and  R  =  real(z)
X  =  -1*z.imag
R  =  z.real
Z  =  R  +  1j*X
 #Current  I  flowing  in  the  load  is  given  by
I  =  E/(z  +  Z)
Imag  =  abs(I)
 #maximum  power  transferred,
P  =  R*Imag**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is  ",R,"  ohm  and  X  is  ",  X,"  ohm"
print  "\n  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is  ",round(P,2),"  W"


  (a)maximum  power  transfer  occurs  when  R  is   3.75   ohm  and  X  is   -1.25   ohm

  (b)  maximum  power  delivered  is   416.67   W

Example 7, page no. 624

In [7]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
Ro  =  448;#  in  ohm
tr  =  8;#  turn  ratio  N1/N2

 #The  equivalent  input  resistance  r  of  the  transformer  must  be  Ro  for  maximum  power  transfer.
r  =  Ro
RL  =  r*(1/tr)**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  the  optimum  value  of  load  resistance  is  ",RL,"  ohm"


  the  optimum  value  of  load  resistance  is   7.0   ohm

Example 8, page no. 624

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
Zo  =  450  +  1j*60;#  in  ohm
ZL  =  40  +  1j*19;#  in  ohm

 #transformer  turns  ratio  tr  =  (N1/N2)
Zomag  =  abs(Zo)
ZLmag  =  abs(ZL)
tr  =  (Zomag/ZLmag)**0.5

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  the  transformer  turns  ratio  is  ",round(tr,2),""


  the  transformer  turns  ratio  is   3.2 

Example 9, page no. 625

In [9]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
V1  =  240;#  in  volts
V2  =  1920;#  in  volts
R1  =  5;#  in  ohms
R2  =  1600;#  in  ohms

 #The  network  is  shown  in  Figure  35.12.
 #turn  ratio  N1/N2  =  V1/V2
tr  =  V1/V2
 #Equivalent  input  resistance  of  the  transformer,
RL  =  R2
r  =  RL*tr**2
 #Total  input  resistance,
Rin  =  R1  +  r
 #primary  current,  I1
I1  =  V1/Rin
 #For  an  ideal  transformer  V1/V2  =  I2/I1
I2  =  I1*(V1/V2)
 #Power  dissipated  in  the  load  resistance
P  =  RL*I2**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)  primary  current  flowing  is  ",I1,"  A"
print  "\n  (b)  Power  dissipated  in  the  load  resistance  is  ",P,"W"


  (a)  primary  current  flowing  is   8.0   A

  (b)  Power  dissipated  in  the  load  resistance  is   1600.0 W

Example 10, page no. 625

In [10]:
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing  the  variables:
rv  =  30;#  in  volts
thetav  =  0;#  in  degrees
r  =  20000;#  in  ohms
tr  =  20;#  turn  ratio

V  =  rv*math.cos(thetav*math.pi/180)  + 1j*rv*math.sin(thetav*math.pi/180)  
 #The  network  diagram  is  shown  in  Figure  35.13.
 #For  maximum  power  transfer,  r1  must  be  equal  to
r1  =  r
 #load  resistance  RL
RL  =  r1/tr**2
 #The  total  input  resistance  when  the  source  is  connected  to  the  matching  transformer  is
RT  =  r  +  r1
 #Primary  current
I1  =  V/RT
 #N1/N2  =  I2/I1
I2  =  I1*tr
 #Power  dissipated  in  load  resistance  RL  is  given  by
P  =  RL*I2**2

print  "\n\n  Result  \n\n"
print  "\n  (a)the  value  of  the  load  resistance  is  ",RL,"  ohm"
print  "\n  (b)  Power  dissipated  in  the  load  resistance  is  ",abs(P*1000),"mW"


  (a)the  value  of  the  load  resistance  is   50.0   ohm

  (b)  Power  dissipated  in  the  load  resistance  is   11.25 mW