from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
A = 12.5;# in cm2
x = 500;# horizontal axis 1 cm = 500 A/m
y = 0.2;# vertical axis 1 cm = 0.2 T
f = 50;# in Hz
#hysteresis loss per cycle
HL = A*x*y
#At 50 Hz frequency, hysteresis loss
HLf = HL*f
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n(a)hysteresis loss per cycle is = ",HL," J/m3"
print "\n(b)At 50 Hz frequency, hysteresis loss ",HLf," W/m3"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
n = 1.6;# the Steinmetz index
f1 = 50;# in Hz
f2 = 25;# in Hz
Bm1 = 1.5;# in Tesla
Bm2 = 1.1;# in Tesla
Ph1 = 62500;# in W/m3
v = 1;
#hysteresis loss Ph = kh*v*f*(Bm)**n
kh = Ph1/(v*f1*(Bm1)**n)
#When f = 25 Hz and Bm = 1.1 T,
Ph2 = kh*v*f2*(Bm2)**n
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n hysteresis loss When f = 25 Hz and Bm = 1.1 T, is = ",round(Ph2,2)," W/m3"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
csa = 0.002;# in m2
l = 1;# in m
a = 400/0.01;# 10 mm = 400 A/m
b = 0.1/0.01;# 10 mm = 0.1 T
A = 0.01;# in m2
f = 80;# in Hz
#hysteresis loss per cycle
HL = A*a*b
#At a frequency of 80 Hz,
#hysteresis loss
HLf = HL*f
#Volume of ring
v = csa*l
#hysteresis loss
Ph = HLf*v
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n the hysteresis loss at a frequency of 80 Hz is ",Ph," W"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
Phi1 = 0.01;# in Wb
Phi2 = 0.008;# in Wb
csa = 0.008;# in m2
v = 0.005;# in m3
f = 50;# in Hz
n = 1.7;# the Steinmetz constant
Ph1 = 100;# in Watt
#maximum flux density
Bm1 = Phi1/csa
#hysteresis loss Ph1 = kh*v*f*(Bm1)**n
kh = Ph1/(v*f*(Bm1)**n)
#When the maximum core flux is 8 mWb,
Bm2 = Phi2/csa
#hysteresis loss, Ph2
Ph2 = kh*v*f*(Bm2)**n
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "value of hysteresis loss when maximum core flux is 8 mWb and the frequency is 50 Hz is ",round(Ph2,2)," W"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
Pe1 = 10;# in W/m3
f1 = 50;# in Hz
f2 = 30;# in Hz
#When the eddy current loss is 10 W/m3, frequency f is 50 Hz.
#constant k
k = Pe1/(f1**2)
#When the frequency is 30 Hz, eddy current loss,
Pe2 = k*(f2**2)
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\neddy current loss per cubic metre is ",Pe2," W/m3"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
Pe = 100;# in W/m3
f1 = 50;# in Hz
t1 = 0.0005;# in m
x = 1/3;
f2 = 250;# in Hz
Bm1 = 1;
#Pe = ke*(Bm1*f1*t1)**2
#Hence, at 50 Hz frequency
ke = Pe/(Bm1*f1*t1)**2
#At 250 Hz frequency
Bm2 = x*Bm1
t2 = ((Pe/ke)**0.5)/(Bm2*f2)
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\nlamination thickness is ",t2,"m"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
Ph1 = 40;# in W
Pe1 = 20;# in W
f1 = 50;# in Hz
x = 1/2;
f2 = 60;# in Hz
t1 = 1;
#hysteresis loss Ph = kh*v*f*(Bm)**n = k1*f
#Thus when the hysteresis is 40 W and the frequency 50 Hz,
k1 = Ph1/f1
#If the frequency is increased to 60 Hz,
Ph2 = k1*f2
#eddy current loss, Pe = ke*(Bm1*f1*t1)**2 = k2*f**2
#since the flux density and lamination thickness are constant.
#When the eddy current loss is 20 W the frequency is 50 Hz. Thus
k2 = Pe1/(f1**2)
#If the frequency is increased to 60 Hz,
Pe2 = k2*(f2**2)
#hysteresis loss Ph = kh*v*f*(Bm)**n, is independent of the thickness of the laminations.
#Thus, if the thickness of the laminations is halved, the hysteresis loss remains at
Phb2 = Ph1
#eddy current loss, Pe = ke*(Bm1*f1*t1)**2 = k2*t**3
k3 = Pe1/(t1**3)
t2 = 0.5*t1
Peb2 = k3*t2**3
#total core loss when the thickness of the laminations is halved is given by
TL = Phb2 + Peb2
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n(a)If the frequency is increased to 60 Hz,hysteresis loss is ",Ph2," W and eddy current loss ", Pe2," W"
print "\n(b)the total core loss when the thickness of the laminations is halved ",TL," W"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
V1 = 500;# in Volts
V2 = 1000;# in Volts
Ph1 = 400;# in W
Pe1 = 150;# in W
f1 = 50;# in Hz
n = 1.6;# Steinmetz index
f2 = 100;# in Hz
#hysteresis loss Ph = k1*f*(E/f)**n
#At 500 V and 50 Hz
k1 = Ph1/(f1*(V1/f1)**1.6)
#At 1000 V and 100 Hz,
Ph2 = k1*f2*(V2/f2)**1.6
#eddy current loss, Pe = k2*E**2
#At 500 V,
k2 = Pe1/(V1**2)
#At 1000 V,
Pe2 = k2*(V2**2)
#the new total core loss
TL = Ph2 + Pe2
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n the new total core loss ",TL," W"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#from pylab import *
%matplotlib inline
#initializing the variables:
f1 = 50;# in Hz
f2 = 60;# in Hz
k1 = 0.5
k2 = 0.032
f = [30, 50, 70,90]
Pcf = [1.5, 2.1, 2.7, 3.4]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
HL1 = k1*f1
ECL1 = k2*f1**2
HL2 = k1*f2
ECL2 = k2*f2**2
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a) at Frequency = 50 Hz, hysteresis loss is", HL1," W and eddy current loss is", ECL1," W"
print "\n (b) at Frequency = 60 Hz, hysteresis loss is", HL2," W and eddy current loss is", ECL2," W"
from __future__ import division
import math
import cmath
#initializing the variables:
TL1 = 400;# in Watt
TL2 = 498;# in Watt
x = 0.25;
y = 0.4;
f1 = 50;# in Hz
n = 1.7;# Steinmetz index
f2 = 60;# in Hz
#if volume v and the maximum flux density are constant
#hysteresis loss Ph = kh*v*f*(Bm)**n = k1*f
#(if the maximum flux density and the lamination thickness are constant)
#eddy current loss, Pe = ke*(Bm1*f1*t1)**2 = k2*f**2
#At 50 Hz frequency, TL1 = k1*f1 + k2*f1**2
#At 60 Hz frequency, TL2 = k1*f2 + k2*f2**2
#Solving equations gives the values of k1 and k2.
k2 = (5*TL2 - 6*TL1)/(5*(f2**2) - 6*(f1**2))
k1 = (TL1 - k2*f1**2)/f1
#hysteresis loss Ph = k1*f
Ph1 = k1*f1
#eddy current loss
Pe1 = k2*f1**2
#Since at 50 Hz the flux density is increased by 25%, the new hysteresis loss is
Ph2 = Ph1*(1 + x)**1.7
#Since at 50 Hz the flux density is increased by 25%, and the lamination thickness is increased by 40%,
#the new eddy current loss is
Pe2 = Pe1*((1 + x)**2)*(1 + y)**3
print "\n\n Result \n\n"
print "\n (a)the hysteresis and eddy current losses at 50 Hz are ",round(Ph1,2)," W and ",round( Pe1,2)," W resp."
print "\n (b)the hysteresis and eddy current losses at 50 Hz after increement are ",round(Ph2,2)," W and ",round( Pe2,2)," W resp."