Chapter 13 : Bipolar junction transistors

Pg: 589 Ex: 13.1

In [1]:
from __future__ import division
V_CE=4#      #It should be high enough so that collector base junction is reverse-biased
i_B=30*10**-6#      #base current, a value is selected from the graph
i_C=3*10**-3#      #collector current corresponding to values of i_B and V_CE
B=i_C/i_B#      #beta value
print 'The value of beta B = %0.2f'%B
The value of beta B = 100.00

Pg: 589 Ex: 13.2

In [2]:
from __future__ import division
V_in_Q=0#      #Q point
#the following values are found from the intersection of input loadlines with the input characteristic
i_B_Q=25*10**-3#      #for V_in_Q
i_B_max=35*10**-3#      #for V_in_max
i_B_min=15*10**-3#      #for V_in_min
#the following values are found from the intersection of output loadlines with the output characteristic
V_CE_Q=5#      #corresponding to i_B_Q
V_CE_max=7#      #corresponding to i_B_min
V_CE_min=3#      #corresponding to i_B_max
print 'graphs cannot be shown but the required values are'
print 'maximum value of V_CE = %0.2f'%V_CE_max
print 'minimum value of V_CE = %0.2f '%V_CE_min
print 'Q-point value of V_CE = %0.2f '%V_CE_Q
graphs cannot be shown but the required values are
maximum value of V_CE = 7.00
minimum value of V_CE = 3.00 
Q-point value of V_CE = 5.00 

Pg: 590 Ex: 13.4

In [3]:
from __future__ import division
B=100#      #beta value
#we proceed in such a way that the required values will be displayed according to the satisfied condition of the below three cases

#a)cut-off region
V_BE=15#      #no voltage drop across R_B in cut-off state
V_CE=15#      #no voltage drop across R_C in cut-off state
i_C=0#      #no collector current flows as there is no voltage drop
i_B=0#      #no base current flows as there is no voltage drop
if(V_BE<0.5):      #cut-off condition
    print 'collector current = %0.2f amperes'%i_C
    print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE

#b)saturation region
V_BE=0.7#      #base to emitter voltage in saturation state
V_CE=0.2#      #collector to emitter voltage in saturation state
i_C=(V_CC-V_CE)/R_C#      #collector current
i_B=(V_CC-V_BE)/R_B#      #base current
if((B*i_B>i_C) and (i_B>0)):       #saturation state conditions
        print 'collector current = %0.2f amperes'%i_C
        print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE

#c)active region
V_BE=0.7#      #base to emitter voltage in active state
i_B=(V_CC-V_BE)/R_B#      #base current
i_C=B*i_B#      #collector current in active state
V_CE=V_CC-i_C*R_C#      #collector to emitter voltage
if((V_CE>0.2) and (i_B>0)) :       #active state conditions
        print 'collector current = %0.2f amperes'%i_C
        print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE
collector current = 0.01 amperes
collector to emitter voltage = 7.85 volts

Pg: 591 Ex: 13.5

In [4]:
B=300#      #beta value
#we proceed in such a way that the required values will be displayed according to the satisfied condition of the below three cases

#a)active region
V_BE=0.7#      #base to emitter voltage in active state
i_B=(V_CC-V_BE)/R_B#      #base current
i_C=B*i_B#      #collector current in active state
V_CE=V_CC-i_C*R_C#      #collector to emitter voltage
if((V_CE>0.2) and (i_B>0)):       #active state conditions
        print 'collector current = %0.2f amperes'%i_C
        print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE

#b)saturation region
V_BE=0.7#      #base to emitter voltage in saturation state
V_CE=0.2#      #collector to emitter voltage in saturation state
i_C=(V_CC-V_CE)/R_C#      #collector current
i_B=(V_CC-V_BE)/R_B#      #base current
if((B*i_B>i_C) and (i_B>0)):       #saturation state conditions
        print 'collector current = %0.2f amperes'%i_C
        print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE

#c)cut-off region
V_BE=15#      #no voltage drop across R_B in cut-off state
V_CE=15#      #no voltage drop across R_C in cut-off state
i_C=0#      #no collector current flows as there is no voltage drop
i_B=0#      #no base current flows as there is no voltage drop
if(V_BE<0.5):      #cut-off condition
    print 'collector current = %0.2f amperes'%i_C
    print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE
collector current = 0.01 amperes
collector to emitter voltage = 0.20 volts

Pg: 592 Ex: 13.6

In [5]:
from __future__ import division
V_BE=0.7#      #assuming the device is in the active state
i_E=(V_BB-V_BE)/R_E#      #emitter current
print " All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook"

print 'For beta B=100:'
B=100#      #beta value
i_B=i_E/(B+1)#      #base current
i_C=B*i_B#      #collector current
V_CE=V_CC-i_C*R_C-i_E*R_E#      #collector to emitter voltage
print 'collector current = %0.2e amperes'%i_C
print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE

print 'For beta B=300:'
B=300#      #beta value
i_B=i_E/(B+1)#      #base current
i_C=B*i_B#      #collector current
V_CE=V_CC-i_C*R_C-i_E*R_E#      #collector to emitter voltage
print 'collector current = %0.2e amperes'%i_C
print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE
 All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook
For beta B=100:
collector current = 2.13e-03 amperes
collector to emitter voltage = 6.44 volts
For beta B=300:
collector current = 2.14e-03 amperes
collector to emitter voltage = 6.41 volts

Pg: 593 Ex: 13.7

In [6]:
from __future__ import division
R_B=1/((1/R_1)+(1/R_2))#      #thevenin resistance
V_B=V_CC*R_2/(R_1+R_2)#      #thevenin voltage
print " All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook"

print 'For beta B=100:'
B=100#      #beta value
i_B=(V_B-V_BE)/(R_B+(B+1)*R_E)#      #base current
i_C=B*i_B#      #collector current
i_E=i_B+i_C#      #emitter current
V_CE=V_CC-i_C*R_C-i_E*R_E#      #collector to emitter voltage
print 'collector current = %0.2e amperes'%i_C
print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE
print 'For beta B=300:'
B=300#      #beta value
i_B=(V_B-V_BE)/(R_B+(B+1)*R_E)#      #base current
i_C=B*i_B#      #collector current
i_E=i_B+i_C#      #emitter current
V_CE=V_CC-i_C*R_C-i_E*R_E#      #collector to emitter voltage
print 'collector current = %0.2e amperes'%i_C
print 'collector to emitter voltage = %0.2f volts'%V_CE
 All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook
For beta B=100:
collector current = 4.12e-03 amperes
collector to emitter voltage = 6.72 volts
For beta B=300:
collector current = 4.24e-03 amperes
collector to emitter voltage = 6.51 volts

Pg: 594 Ex: 13.8

In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,subplot,title,xlabel,ylabel,show
from numpy import arange,sin,pi
from __future__ import division
B=100#      #beta value
R_L_1=2*10**3#      #R_L is taken as R_L_1
V_T=26*10**-3#      #thermal voltage
#from the analysis of the previous example we have the the values of i_C_Q and V_CE
R_B=1/((1/R_1)+(1/R_2))#      #thevenin resistance
R_L_2=1/((1/R_L_1)+(1/R_C))#      #R_L' is taken as R_L_2
A_v=-(R_L_2*B)/r_pi#      #voltage gain
A_voc=-(R_C*B)/r_pi#      #open circuit voltage gain
Z_in=1/((1/R_B)+(1/r_pi))#      #input impedance
A_i=(A_v*Z_in)/R_L_1#      #current gain
G=A_i*A_v#      #power gain
Z_o=R_C      #output impedance
#assume f=1hz
for t in tt:
title('Input voltage vs time')
ylabel('input voltage')
title('output voltage vs time')
ylabel('output voltage')
#In the graph, notice the phase inversion between input and output voltages
print " All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook"
print 'voltage gain = %0.2f'%A_v,
print 'open circuit voltage gain = %0.2f'%A_voc
print 'input impedance = %0.2f ohms'%Z_in
print 'current gain = %0.2f'%A_i
print 'power gain = %0.2f'%G
print 'output impedance = %0.2f ohms'%Z_o
 All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook
voltage gain = -105.64 open circuit voltage gain = -158.46
input impedance = 530.61 ohms
current gain = -28.03
power gain = 2960.82
output impedance = 1000.00 ohms

Pg: 595 Ex: 13.9

In [8]:
from __future__ import division
V_T=26*10**-3#      #thermal voltage
B=200#      #beta value
R_S_1=10*10**3#      #R_S is taken as R_S_1
R_L_1=1*10**3#      #R_L is taken as R_L_1
V_B=V_CC*R_2/(R_1+R_2)#      #thevenin voltage
R_B=1/((1/R_1)+(1/R_2))#      #thevenin resistance
R_L_2=1/((1/R_L_1)+(1/R_E))#      #R_L' is taken as R_L_2
#we can verify that the device is in active region as we get V_CE>0.2 and i_BQ>0
A_v=(1+B)*R_L_2/(r_pi+(1+B)*R_L_2)#      #voltage gain
Z_it=r_pi+(1+B)*R_L_2#      #input impedance of base of transistor
Z_i=1/((1/R_B)+(1/Z_it))#      #input impedance of emitter-follower
R_S_2=1/((1/R_S_1)+(1/R_1)+(1/R_2))#      #R_S' is taken as R_S_2
Z_o=1/(((1+B)/(R_S_2+r_pi))+(1/R_E))#      #output impedance
A_i=A_v*Z_i/R_L_1#      #current gain
G=A_v*A_i#      #power gain
print " All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook"
print 'voltage gain = %0.2f'%A_v
print 'input impedance = %0.2f ohms'%Z_i
print 'current gain = %0.2f'%A_i
print 'power gain = %0.2f'%G
print 'output impedance = %0.2f ohms'%Z_o
 All the values in the textbook are Approximated hence the values in this code differ from those of Textbook
voltage gain = 0.99
input impedance = 36505.72 ohms
current gain = 36.16
power gain = 35.83
output impedance = 46.63 ohms