Example E02 : Pg 404

In [1]:
#  Quiescent point
Idq = 0.0034; #  drain current
Vdq = 15.; #  drain voltage
Vgq = 1.; #  gate voltage

Vdd = 24.; # drain supply voltage 

Rs = Vgq/Idq;
print '%s %.2f' %("The value of self bais source resistance is(in ohm): ",Rs)

Rd = (Vdd - Vdq)/Idq ; 
print '%s %.2f' %("The value of drain load resistance is(in ohm): ",Rd)
The value of self bais source resistance is(in ohm):  294.12
The value of drain load resistance is(in ohm):  2647.06

Example E03 : Pg 426

In [2]:
# a
# transistor parameters 
import math 
R2 = 0.625;
hie = 1.67;
Rb = 4.16;
Rl = 2.4;
Roe = 150.;
Cc = 25. * 10.**-6.;
rBB = 0.29;
rBE = 1.375;
Cd = 6900. * 10.**-12.;
Ct = 40. * 10.**-12.;
gm = 0.032;
Req = (Rl*Roe)/(Rl + Roe);
hfe = 44.;
a = 1. + (R2/Req);
b = 1. + (hie/Rb);
Aim = -hfe/(a*b); #  mid band frequency gain 
print '%s' %("a")
print '%s %.2f' %("The mid band frequency gain of the first stage of the circuit is: ",Aim)
# b
Tl = 2.*math.pi*(Req + R2)*Cc*(10.**3.);
Fl = 1./Tl; 
Rp = (Req*R2)/(Req + R2);
C = Cd + Ct*(1. + gm*Rp*10.**3.);
d = Rb + hie ;
e = rBE * (Rb + rBB)* 10.**3. * C ; 
Fh = d/(2.*math.pi*e);
BW = Fh - Fl;
print '%s' %("b")
print '%s %.2f' %("The bandwidth of the first stage amplifier in Hz is :",BW)
The mid band frequency gain of the first stage of the circuit is:  -24.83
The bandwidth of the first stage amplifier in Hz is : 20023.21