Example 4.1, Page number 56-57

In [1]:
l = 10.0       #Length of 1-phase line(km)
d = 100.0      #Spacing b/w conductors(cm)
r = 0.3        #Radius(cm)
u_r_1 = 1.0    #Relative permeability of copper
u_r_2 = 100.0  #Relative permeability of steel

r_1 = 0.7788*r                                  #Radius of hypothetical conductor(cm)
import math
L_1 = 4 * 10**(-7) * math.log(d/r_1)            #Loop inductance(H/m)
L_T1 = L_1 * l * 10**6                          #Total loop inductance(mH)

L_2 = 4 * 10**(-7) * (math.log(d/r) + (u_r_2/4))#Loop inductance(H/m)
L_T2 = L_2 * l * 10**6                          #Total loop inductance(mH)

print('(i) Total loop inductance of copper conductor = %.2f mH' %L_T1)
print('(ii)Total loop inductance of steel conductor = %.2f mH' %L_T2)
(i) Total loop inductance of copper conductor = 24.24 mH
(ii)Total loop inductance of steel conductor = 123.24 mH

Example 4.2, Page number 57-58

In [1]:
r = 0.4    #Radius of conductor(cm)
h = 1000   #Height of line(cm)

import math
d = 2*h                                              #Spacing between conductors(cm)
L = 2 * 10**(-4) * math.log(2*h/(0.7788*r)) * 1000   #Inductance of conductor(mH/km)

print('Inductance of the conductor = %.3f mH/km' %L)
Inductance of the conductor = 1.753 mH/km

Example 4.3, Page number 58

In [1]:
d_ab = 4    #Distance b/w conductor a & b(m)
d_bc = 9    #Distance b/w conductor b & c(m)
d_ca = 6    #Distance b/w conductor c & a(m)
r = 1.0     #Radius of each conductor(cm)

import math
D_m = (d_ab * d_bc * d_ca)**(1.0/3)             #Geometric mean separation(m)
r_1 = 0.7788 * (r/100)                          #Radius of hypothetical conductor(m)
L = 2 * 10**(-7) * math.log(D_m/r_1) * 10**6    #Line inductance(mH/phase/km)

print('Line inductance , L = %.2f mH/phase/km' %L)
Line inductance , L = 1.33 mH/phase/km

Example 4.4, Page number 62-63

In [1]:
r = 1.0       #Radius of each conductor(cm)
d_11 = 30     #Distance b/w conductor 1 & 1'(cm)
d_22 = 30     #Distance b/w conductor 2 & 2'(cm)
d_12 = 130    #Distance b/w conductor 1 & 2(cm)
d_122 = 160   #Distance b/w conductor 1 & 2'(cm)
d_112 = 100   #Distance b/w conductor 1' & 2(cm)
d_1122 = 130  #Distance b/w conductor 1' & 2'(cm)

import math
r_1 = 0.7788 * r                               #Radius of hypothetical conductor(cm)
D_s = (d_11 * r_1 * d_22 * r_1)**(1.0/4)       #Geometric mean radius(cm)
D_m = (d_12 * d_122 * d_112 * d_1122)**(1.0/4) #Geometric mean separation(cm)
L = 4 * 10**(-7) * math.log(D_m/D_s) * 10**6   #Loop inductance(mH/km)

R = 2**0.5                                     #Radius of single conductor(cm)
d = 130.0                                      #Conductor position(cm)
L_1 = 4*10**(-7)*math.log(d/(0.7788*R))*10**6  #Loop inductance(mH/km)
L_diff = (L_1 - L)/L*100                       #Change in inductance(%)
r_diff = D_s - R                               #Effective radius difference

print('Loop inductance , L = %.3f mH/km' %L)
print('Loop inductance having two conductors only , L = %.3f mH/km'  %L_1)
print('There is an Increase of %.f percent in inductance value ' %L_diff)
print('Effective radius of bundled conductors is about %.1f times that of unbundled system reducing field stress almost by that ratio' %r_diff)
Loop inductance , L = 1.311 mH/km
Loop inductance having two conductors only , L = 1.908 mH/km
There is an Increase of 46 percent in inductance value 
Effective radius of bundled conductors is about 3.4 times that of unbundled system reducing field stress almost by that ratio

Example 4.5, Page number 63-64

In [1]:
r = 1.5        #Radius of each conductor(cm)
D_a1a2 = 0.3   #Distance b/w conductor a1 & a2(m)
D_a2a1 = 0.3   #Distance b/w conductor a2 & a1(m)
D_a1b1 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & b1(m)
D_a1b2 = 15.6  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & b2(m)
D_a2b1 = 15.0  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & b1(m)
D_a2b2 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & b2(m)
D_b1c1 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor b1 & c1(m)
D_b1c2 = 15.6  #Distance b/w conductor b1 & c2(m)
D_b2c1 = 15.0  #Distance b/w conductor b2 & c1(m)
D_b2c2 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor b2 & c2(m)
D_a1c1 = 30.6  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & c1(m)
D_a1c2 = 30.9  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & c2(m)
D_a2c1 = 30.3  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & c1(m)
D_a2c2 = 30.6  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & c2(m)

import math
r_1 = 0.7788 * (r/100)                              #Radius of hypothetical conductor(m)
D_s = (D_a1a2 * r_1 * D_a2a1 * r_1)**(1.0/4)        #Geometric mean radius(m)
D_ab = (D_a1b1 * D_a1b2 * D_a2b1 * D_a2b2)**(1.0/4) #Mutual GMD b/w conductor a & b(m)
D_bc = (D_b1c1 * D_b1c2 * D_b2c1 * D_b2c2)**(1.0/4) #Mutual GMD b/w conductor b & c(m)
D_ca = (D_a1c1 * D_a1c2 * D_a2c1 * D_a2c2)**(1.0/4) #Mutual GMD b/w conductor c & a(m)
D_m = (D_ab * D_bc * D_ca)**(1.0/3)                 #Geometric mean separation(m)
L = 2 * 10**(-4) * math.log(D_m/D_s) * 1000         #Inductance(mH/km)

print('Inductance/phase/km = %.3f mH/km' %L)
Inductance/phase/km = 1.157 mH/km

Example 4.7, Page number 74

In [1]:
r = 0.6       #Radius of each conductor(cm)
d = 150       #Separation distance(cm)
L = 40*10**3  #Length of overhead line(m)
f = 50        #Frequency(Hertz)
v = 50*10**3  #System voltage(V)

import math
C_ab = (math.pi * 8.854 * 10**(-12))/(math.log(d/r)) * L   #Capacitance b/w conductors(F)
I = complex(0,v * 2 * math.pi * f * C_ab)                  #Charging current leads voltage by 90°(A)

print('Capacitance between two conductors , C_ab = %.3e F' %C_ab)
print('Charging current , I = j%.3f A' %I.imag)
Capacitance between two conductors , C_ab = 2.015e-07 F
Charging current , I = j3.165 A

Example 4.8, Page number 74-75

In [1]:
r = 0.015      #Radius of each conductor(m)
D_a1a2 = 0.3   #Distance b/w conductor a1 & a2(m)
D_a2a1 = 0.3   #Distance b/w conductor a2 & a1(m)
D_a1b1 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & b1(m)
D_a1b2 = 15.6  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & b2(m)
D_a2b1 = 15.0  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & b1(m)
D_a2b2 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & b2(m)
D_b1c1 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor b1 & c1(m)
D_b1c2 = 15.6  #Distance b/w conductor b1 & c2(m)
D_b2c1 = 15.0  #Distance b/w conductor b2 & c1(m)
D_b2c2 = 15.3  #Distance b/w conductor b2 & c2(m)
D_a1c1 = 30.6  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & c1(m)
D_a1c2 = 30.9  #Distance b/w conductor a1 & c2(m)
D_a2c1 = 30.3  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & c1(m)
D_a2c2 = 30.6  #Distance b/w conductor a2 & c2(m)

import math
D_s = (D_a1a2 * r * D_a2a1 * r)**(1.0/4)                  #Geometric mean radius(m)
D_ab = (D_a1b1 * D_a1b2 * D_a2b1 * D_a2b2)**(1.0/4)       #Mutual GMD b/w conductor a & b(m)
D_bc = (D_b1c1 * D_b1c2 * D_b2c1 * D_b2c2)**(1.0/4)       #Mutual GMD b/w conductor b & c(m)
D_ca = (D_a1c1 * D_a1c2 * D_a2c1 * D_a2c2)**(1.0/4)       #Mutual GMD b/w conductor c & a(m)
D_m = (D_ab * D_bc * D_ca)**(1.0/3)                       #Geometric mean separation(m)
C_n = 2 * math.pi * 8.854 * 10**(-9) /(math.log(D_m/D_s)) #Capacitance per phase(F/km)

print('Capacitance per phase , C_n = %.3e F/km' %C_n)
Capacitance per phase , C_n = 9.828e-09 F/km

Example 4.9, Page number 75

In [1]:
r = 0.015    #Radius of each conductor(m)
D_ab = 15    #Horizontal distance b/w conductor a & b(m)
D_bc = 15    #Horizontal distance b/w conductor b & c(m)
D_ac = 30    #Horizontal distance b/w conductor a & c(m)

import math
D_m = (D_ab * D_bc * D_ac)**(1.0/3)                       #Geometric mean separation(m)
D_s = 2**(1.0/2) * r                                      #Geometric mean radius(m)
C_n = 2 * math.pi * 8.854 * 10**(-9) /(math.log(D_m/D_s)) #Capacitance/phase/km(F/km)

print('Capacitance per phase , C_n = %.3e F/km' %C_n)
Capacitance per phase , C_n = 8.190e-09 F/km

Example 4.11, Page number 79-80

In [1]:
h = 5        #Height of conductor above ground(m)
d = 1.5      #Conductor spacing(m)
r = 0.006    #Radius of conductor(m)

import math
C_AB = math.pi * 8.854*10**-9/math.log(d/(r*(1+((d*d)/(4*h*h)))**0.5))  #Capacitance with effect of earth(F/km)
C_AB1 = math.pi * 8.854*10**-9/math.log(d/r)                            #Capacitance ignoring effect of earth(F/km)
ch = (C_AB - C_AB1)/C_AB * 100                                          #Change in capacitance with effect of earth(%)

print('Line capacitance with effect of earth , C_AB = %.3e F/km' %C_AB)
print('Line capacitance ignoring effect of earth , C_AB = %.3e F/km' %C_AB1)
print('With effect of earth slight increase in capacitance = %.1f percent' %ch)
Line capacitance with effect of earth , C_AB = 5.048e-09 F/km
Line capacitance ignoring effect of earth , C_AB = 5.038e-09 F/km
With effect of earth slight increase in capacitance = 0.2 percent

Example 4.12, Page number 87-88

In [1]:
R = 0.16             #Resistance(ohm)
L = 1.26*10**(-3)    #Inductance(H)
C = 8.77*10**(-9)    #Capacitance(F)
l = 200.0            #Length of line(km)
P = 50.0             #Power(MVA)
pf = 0.8             #Lagging power factor
V_r = 132000.0       #Receiving end voltage(V)
f = 50.0             #Frequency(Hz)

import math
import cmath
w = 2 * math.pi * f
z = complex(R, w*L)        #Series impedance per phase per km(ohm)
y = complex(0, w*C)        #Shunt admittance per phase per km(mho)

g = (y*z)**(0.5)           #propagation constant(/km)
gl = g * l
Z_c = (z/y)**(0.5)         #Surge impedance(ohm)

cosh_gl = cmath.cosh(gl)
sinh_gl = cmath.sinh(gl)

A = cosh_gl
B = Z_c * sinh_gl
C = (sinh_gl/Z_c)
D = cosh_gl

fi = math.acos(pf)                                           #Power factor angle(radians)
V_R = V_r/(3**0.5)                                           #Receiving end voltage(V)
I_R = (P*10**6/((3**0.5)*V_r))*(pf - complex(0,math.sin(fi)))#Receiving end current(A)
V_S = (A*V_R + B*I_R)                                        #Sending end voltage(V/phase)
V_S_L = V_S * (3**0.5)*10**-3                                #Sending end line voltage(kV)
I_S = C*V_R + D*I_R                                          #Sending end current(A)
pf_S = math.cos(cmath.phase(I_S) - cmath.phase(V_S))         #Sending end power factor
P_S = abs(V_S*I_S)*pf_S*10**-6                               #Sending end power/phase(MW)
P_R = (P/3)*pf                                               #Receiving end power/phase(MW)
P_L = 3*(P_S - P_R)                                          #Total line loss(MW)

print('Sending end voltage , V_S = %.2f∠%.2f° kV/phase' %(abs(V_S*10**-3),cmath.phase(V_S)*180/math.pi))
print('Sending end line voltage = %.2f kV' %abs(V_S_L))
print('Sending end current , I_S = %.2f∠%.2f° A' %(abs(I_S),cmath.phase(I_S)*180/math.pi))
print('Sending end power factor = %.2f lagging' %pf_S)
print('Total transmission line loss = %.3f MW' %P_L)
print('\nNOTE : Changes in answer is due to more decimal places')
Sending end voltage , V_S = 90.98∠6.50° kV/phase
Sending end line voltage = 157.58 kV
Sending end current , I_S = 192.08∠-26.31° A
Sending end power factor = 0.84 lagging
Total transmission line loss = 4.062 MW

NOTE : Changes in answer is due to more decimal places

Example 4.13, Page number 90-91

In [1]:
R = 0.1      #Resistance/phase/km(ohm)
D_m = 800.0  #Spacing b/w conductors(cm)
d = 1.5      #Diameter of each conductor(cm)
l = 300.0    #Length of transmission line(km)
f = 50.0     #Frequency(Hz)

import math
import cmath
L = 2*10**(-4)*math.log(D_m*2/d)                #Inductance/phase/km(H)
C = 2*math.pi*8.854*10**(-9)/math.log(D_m*2/d)  #Capacitance/phase/km(F)
w = 2 * math.pi * f
z = complex(R, w*L)                             #Series impedance per phase per km(ohm/km)
y = complex(0, w*C)                             #Shunt admittance per phase per km(mho/km)
g = (y*z)**(0.5)                                #propagation constant(/km)
gl = g * l
Z_c = (z/y)**(0.5)                              #Surge impedance(ohm)
sinh_gl = cmath.sinh(gl)
tanh_gl = cmath.tanh(gl/2)
Z_S = Z_c * sinh_gl                             #Series impedance(ohm)
Y_P = (1/Z_c)*cmath.tanh(gl/2)                  #Pillar admittance(mho)

print('Values of equivalent-pi network are :')
print('Series impedance , Z_S = (%.2f + j%.2f) ohm' %(Z_S.real,Z_S.imag))
print('Pillar admittance , Y_P = %.2e∠%.2f° mho = j%.2e mho' %(abs(Y_P),(cmath.phase(Y_P)*180/math.pi),Y_P.imag))
print('\nNOTE : Changes in answer is due to more decimal places')
Values of equivalent-pi network are :
Series impedance , Z_S = (29.02 + j129.38) ohm
Pillar admittance , Y_P = 3.79e-04∠89.89° mho = j3.79e-04 mho

NOTE : Changes in answer is due to more decimal places

Example 4.14, Page number 101-104

In [1]:
V_r = 220000.0   #Voltage(V)
P = 100.0        #Power(MW)
r = 0.08         #Series resistance(ohm)
x = 0.8          #Series reactance(ohm)
s = 6.0*10**(-6) #Shunt susceptance(mho)
pf = 0.8         #Power factor lagging
l_1 = 60.0       #Transmission length(km) for case(i)
l_2 = 200.0      #Transmission length(km) for case(ii)
l_3 = 300.0      #Transmission length(km) for case(iii)
l_4 = 500.0      #Transmission length(km) for case(iv)

import math
import cmath
z = complex(r,x)                                                   #Series impedance/km(ohm)
y = complex(0,s)                                                   #Shunt admittance/km(mho)
theta_R = math.acos(pf)
P_R = P/3                                                          #Active power at receiving end/phase(MW)
Q_R = (P/3)*math.tan(theta_R)                                      #Reactive power at receiving end/phase(MVAR)
V_R = V_r/(3**0.5)                                                 #Receiving end voltage/phase(V)
I_R = P*10**6/((3**0.5)*V_r*pf)*(pf - complex(0,math.sin(theta_R)))#Receiving end current(A)
Z_c = (z/y)**(0.5)                                                 #Surge impedance(ohm)

A_1 = 1                                                 #Constant A
B_1 = z*l_1                                             #Constant B(ohm)
C_1 = 0                                                 #Constant C(mho)
D_1 = A_1                                               #Constant D
V_S_1 = A_1*V_R + B_1*I_R                               #Sending end voltage(V/phase)
I_S_1 = I_R                                             #Sending end current(A)
theta_S_1 = cmath.phase(I_S_1) - cmath.phase(V_S_1)     #Sending end power factor
P_S_1 = abs(V_S_1*I_S_1)*math.cos(theta_S_1)*10**-6     #Sending end power(MW)
n_1 = (P_R/P_S_1)*100                                   #Transmission efficiency(%)
reg_1 = (abs(V_S_1/A_1) - V_R)/V_R*100                  #Regulation(%)
Q_S_1 = V_S_1 * I_S_1.conjugate()*10**-6                #Sending end reactive power(MVAR)
Q_line_1 = Q_S_1.imag - Q_R                             #Reactive power absorbed by line(MVAR)

Z_S_2 = z*l_2
Y_P_2 = y*l_2/2
A_2 = 1 + Y_P_2*Z_S_2
B_2 = Z_S_2
C_2 = Y_P_2*(2 + Y_P_2*Z_S_2)
D_2 = A_2
V_S_2 = A_2*V_R + B_2*I_R              #Sending end voltage(V/phase) 
I_S_2 = C_2*V_R + D_2*I_R              #Sending end current(A)
S_S_2 = V_S_2*I_S_2.conjugate()*10**-6 #Sending end complex power(MVA)
P_S_2 = S_S_2.real                     #Power at sending end(MW)
n_2 = (P_R/P_S_2)*100                  #Transmission efficiency(%)
reg_2 = (abs(V_S_2/A_2) - V_R)/V_R*100 #Regulation(%)
Q_line_2 = S_S_2.imag - Q_R            #Reactive power absorbed by line(MVAR)

g_3 = (y*z)**(0.5)                     #propagation constant(/km)
gl_3 = g_3 * l_3
cosh_gl_3 = cmath.cosh(gl_3)
sinh_gl_3 = cmath.sinh(gl_3)
A_3 = cosh_gl_3
B_3 = Z_c * sinh_gl_3
C_3 = sinh_gl_3/Z_c
D_3 = cosh_gl_3
V_S_3 = A_3*V_R + B_3*I_R              #Sending end voltage(V/phase) 
I_S_3 = C_3*V_R + D_3*I_R              #Sending end current(A)
S_S_3 = V_S_3*I_S_3.conjugate()*10**-6 #Sending end complex power(MVA)
P_S_3 = S_S_3.real                     #Power at sending end(MW)
n_3 = (P_R/P_S_3)*100                  #Transmission efficiency(%)
reg_3 = (abs(V_S_3/A_3) - V_R)/V_R*100 #Regulation(%)
Q_line_3 = S_S_3.imag - Q_R            #Reactive power absorbed by line(MVAR)

g_4 = (y*z)**(0.5)                     #propagation constant(/km)
gl_4 = g_4 * l_4
cosh_gl_4 = cmath.cosh(gl_4)
sinh_gl_4 = cmath.sinh(gl_4)
A_4 = cosh_gl_4
B_4 = Z_c * sinh_gl_4
C_4 = sinh_gl_4/Z_c
D_4 = cosh_gl_4
V_S_4 = A_4*V_R + B_4*I_R              #Sending end voltage(V/phase) 
I_S_4 = C_4*V_R + D_4*I_R              #Sending end current(A)
S_S_4 = V_S_4*I_S_4.conjugate()*10**-6 #Sending end complex power(MVA)
P_S_4 = S_S_4.real                     #Power at sending end(MW)
n_4 = (P_R/P_S_4)*100                  #Transmission efficiency(%)
reg_4 = (abs(V_S_4/A_4) - V_R)/V_R*100 #Regulation(%)
Q_line_4 = S_S_4.imag - Q_R            #Reactive power absorbed by line(MVAR)

print('Case(i) : For Length = 60 km')
print('Efficiency , n = %.2f percent' %n_1)
print('Regulation = %.3f percent' %reg_1)
print('Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = %.2f MVAR' %Q_S_1.imag)
print('Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = %.2f MVAR' %Q_line_1)
print('\nCase(ii) : For Length = 200 km')
print('Efficiency , n = %.2f percent' %n_2)
print('Regulation = %.2f percent' %reg_2)
print('Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = %.2f MVAR' %S_S_2.imag)
print('Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = %.2f MVAR' %Q_line_2)
print('\nCase(iii) : For Length = 300 km')
print('Efficiency , n = %.2f percent' %n_3)
print('Regulation = %.2f percent' %reg_3)
print('Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = %.2f MVAR' %S_S_3.imag)
print('Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = %.2f MVAR' %Q_line_3)
print('\nCase(iv) : For Length = 500 km')
print('Efficiency , n = %.2f percent' %n_4)
print('Regulation = %.2f percent' %reg_4)
print('Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = %.2f MVAR' %S_S_4.imag)
print('Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = %.2f MVAR' %Q_line_4)
print('\nNOTE : ERROR : Calculation mistake in case(iv) efficiency in textbook')
Case(i) : For Length = 60 km
Efficiency , n = 98.47 percent
Regulation = 8.817 percent
Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = 30.17 MVAR
Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = 5.17 MVAR

Case(ii) : For Length = 200 km
Efficiency , n = 96.15 percent
Regulation = 35.64 percent
Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = 14.11 MVAR
Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = -10.89 MVAR

Case(iii) : For Length = 300 km
Efficiency , n = 95.14 percent
Regulation = 59.48 percent
Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = 2.70 MVAR
Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = -22.30 MVAR

Case(iv) : For Length = 500 km
Efficiency , n = 92.85 percent
Regulation = 165.71 percent
Reactive power at sending end , Q_S = -19.25 MVAR
Reactive power absorbed by line , Q_line = -44.25 MVAR

NOTE : ERROR : Calculation mistake in case(iv) efficiency in textbook

Example 4.16, Page number 109-111

In [1]:
import math
import cmath
A = 0.8*cmath.exp(1j*1.4*math.pi/180)     #Line constant
B = 326.0*cmath.exp(1j*84.8*math.pi/180)  #Line constant(ohm)
V_R = 220.0                               #Receiving end voltage(kV)
V_S = 220.0                               #Sending end voltage(kV)
P = 75.0                                  #Power(MVA) for case(a)
pf = 0.8                                  #Power factor lagging

a = cmath.phase(A)                        #Phase angle of A(radian)
b = cmath.phase(B)                        #Phase angle of B(radian)

P_R = P * pf                                                                        #Active power demanded by load(MW)
P_React = P *(1-pf**2)**0.5                                                         #Reactive power demanded by load(MVAR)
cos_b_delta_1 = P_R*abs(B)/(V_R*V_S) + abs(A)*math.cos(b-a)                         #cos(b-delta)[in radians]
delta_1 = b - math.acos(cos_b_delta_1)                                              #delta(radians)
Q_R_1 = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.sin(b-delta_1) - (abs(A)*V_R**2/abs(B))*math.sin(b-a) #Reactive power at sending end(MVAR)
Reactive_power_1 = P_React - Q_R_1                                                  #Reactive power to be supplied by compensating equipment(MVAR)

cos_b_delta_2 = (abs(A)*V_R/V_S)*math.cos(b-a)                                      #cos(b-delta)[in radians]
delta_2 = b - math.acos(cos_b_delta_2)                                              #delta(radians)
Q_R_2 = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.sin(b-delta_2) - (abs(A)*V_R**2/abs(B))*math.sin(b-a) #Reactive power at sending end(MVAR)
Reactive_power_2 = Q_R_2                                                            #Reactive power to be absorbed by compensating equipment(MVAR)

print('(a) Reactive VARs to be supplied by compensating equipment = %.2f MVAR' %Reactive_power_1)
print('(b) Reactive VARs to be absorbed by compensating equipment = %.2f MVAR' %Reactive_power_2)
(a) Reactive VARs to be supplied by compensating equipment = 34.08 MVAR
(b) Reactive VARs to be absorbed by compensating equipment = 29.85 MVAR

Example 4.17, Page number 111-112

In [1]:
r = 25.0       #Resistance/phase(ohm)
x = 90.0       #Reactance/phase(ohm)
V_S = 145.0    #Sending end voltage(kV)
V_R = 132.0    #Receiving end voltage(kV)
P_R_1 = 0      #Power(MW)
P_R_2 = 50.0   #Power(MW)

import math
import cmath
A = 1.0*cmath.exp(1j*0*math.pi/180)       #Line constant
B = complex(r,x)                          #Line constant(ohm)
a = cmath.phase(A)                        #Phase angle of A(radian)
b = cmath.phase(B)                        #Phase angle of B(radian)

cos_b_delta_1 = (V_R/V_S)*math.cos(b-a)
delta_1 = b - math.acos(cos_b_delta_1)
Q_R_1 = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.sin(b-delta_1) - (abs(A)*V_R**2/abs(B))*math.sin(b-a)

cos_b_delta_2 = (P_R_2*abs(B)/(V_R*V_S))+(abs(A)*V_R/V_S)*math.cos(b-a)
delta_2 = (b - math.acos(cos_b_delta_2))
Q_R_2 = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.sin(b-delta_2)-(abs(A)*V_R**2/abs(B))*math.sin(b-a) #Reactive power available at receiving end(MVAR)
Q_S_2 = Q_R_1 + Q_R_2                                                             #Reactive power to be supplied by equipment(MVAR)
pf = math.cos(math.atan(Q_S_2/P_R_2))                                             #Power factor

print('Rating of device = %.2f MVAR' %Q_R_1)
print('Power factor = %.2f lagging' %pf)
Rating of device = 19.00 MVAR
Power factor = 0.94 lagging

Example 4.18, Page number 112-114

In [1]:
import math
import cmath
A = 0.9*cmath.exp(1j*1.0*math.pi/180)     #Line constant
B = 143.0*cmath.exp(1j*84.5*math.pi/180)  #Line constant(ohm)
V_R = 220.0                               #Receiving end voltage(kV)
V_S = 240.0                               #Sending end voltage(kV)
P = 100.0                                 #Power(MVA)
pf = 0.8                                  #Power factor lagging

a = cmath.phase(A)                        #Phase angle of A(radian)
b = cmath.phase(B)                        #Phase angle of B(radian)

P_R = P * pf                                                                    #Active power at receiving end(MW)
cos_b_delta = (P_R*abs(B)/(V_R*V_S))+(abs(A)*V_R/V_S)*math.cos(b-a)             #cos(b-delta)[in radians]
delta_1 = (b - math.acos(cos_b_delta))
Q_R = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.sin(b-delta_1)-(abs(A)*V_R**2/abs(B))*math.sin(b-a) #Reactive power at receiving end(MVAR)
P_Re = P *(1-pf**2)**0.5                                                        #Reactive power(MVAR)
rating = P_Re - Q_R                                                             #Rating of phase modifier(MVAR)

delta_2 = b                                                                     #Maximum power is received when delta = b
P_Rmax = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))-(abs(A)*V_R**2/abs(B))*math.cos(b-a)                  #Maximum power at receiving end(MW)
Q_R = -(abs(A/B)*V_R**2)*math.sin(b-a)                                          #Reactive power at receive end(MVAR)
P_S = (V_S**2*abs(A/B))*math.cos(b-a)-(V_S*V_R/abs(B))*math.cos(b+delta_2)      #Sending end power(MW)
n_line = (P_Rmax/P_S)*100                                                       #Line efficiency(%)

print('Case(a) :')
print('Rating of phase modifier = %.3f MVAR' %rating)
print('Power angle , delta = %.2f°' %(delta_1*180/math.pi))
print('\nCase(b) :')
print('Maximum power at receive end , P_Rmax = %.2f MW' %P_Rmax)
print('Reactive power available , Q_R = %.2f MVAR' %Q_R)
print('Line efficiency = %.2f percent' %n_line)
Case(a) :
Rating of phase modifier = 11.623 MVAR
Power angle , delta = 12.56°

Case(b) :
Maximum power at receive end , P_Rmax = 334.75 MW
Reactive power available , Q_R = -302.66 MVAR
Line efficiency = 82.96 percent

Example 4.19, Page number 114-115

In [1]:
import math
import cmath
A = 0.96*cmath.exp(1j*1.0*math.pi/180)    #Line constant
B = 100.0*cmath.exp(1j*83.0*math.pi/180)  #Line constant(ohm)
V_R = 110.0                               #Receiving end voltage(kV)
V_S = 110.0                               #Sending end voltage(kV)
pf = 0.8                                  #Power factor lagging
delta = 15*math.pi/180                    #Power angle(radians)

a = cmath.phase(A)                        #Phase angle of A(radian)
b = cmath.phase(B)                        #Phase angle of B(radian)

P_R = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.cos(b-delta) - (abs(A/B)*V_R**2)*math.cos(b-a) #Active power at receiving end(MW)
Q_RL = P_R*math.tan(math.acos(pf))                                         #Reactive power demanded by load(MVAR)

Q_R = (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.sin(b-delta) - (abs(A/B)*V_R**2)*math.sin(b-a) #Reactive power(MVAR)
rating = Q_RL - Q_R                                                        #Rating of device(MVAR)

P_S = (V_S**2*abs(A/B))*math.cos(b-a) - (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.cos(b+delta) #Sending end active power(MW)
n_line = (P_R/P_S)*100                                                     #Efficiency of line(%)

Q_S = (V_S**2*abs(A/B))*math.sin(b-a) - (V_R*V_S/abs(B))*math.sin(b+delta) #Sending end reactive power(MVAR)

print('(i)  Active power demanded by load , P_R = %.2f MW' %P_R)
print('     Reactive power demanded by load , Q_RL = %.2f MVAR' %Q_RL)
print('(ii) Rating of the device , Q_R = %.2f MVAR' %rating)
print('(iii)Efficiency of line = %.2f percent' %n_line)
print('(iv) Reactive power supplied by source and line , Q_S = %.2f MVAR' %Q_S)
(i)  Active power demanded by load , P_R = 29.16 MW
     Reactive power demanded by load , Q_RL = 21.87 MVAR
(ii) Rating of the device , Q_R = 24.71 MVAR
(iii)Efficiency of line = 88.35 percent
(iv) Reactive power supplied by source and line , Q_S = -4.79 MVAR