Chapter 22: Power Electronics

Example 22.1, Page 475

In [6]:
import math
vz=4.7                     #voltage
r3=1.222*10**3                #resistance in ohm
r4=10**3                  #resistance in ohm

Vo=(vz+0.7)*((r3+r4)*r4**-1)         #output voltage

print' Output Voltage, V = %.1f V'%Vo
 Output Voltage, V = 12.0 V

Example 22.2, Page 476

In [10]:
import math
vo=10                     #voltage
rl=5                      #resistance in ohm
vi=15                      #voltage

io=vo*rl**-1                    #current in ampere
po=vo*io**-1                      #power delivered to the load in watt
pt=(vi-vo)*io                #power dissipated in the output transistor in watt

print'Power delivered to the load, P = %d W'%po
print'Power dissipated in the output transistor, P = %d W'%pt
Power delivered to the load, P = 5 W
Power dissipated in the output transistor, P = 10 W
In [ ]: