Chapter 5 : Frequency Generation and Translation

Example 5.1 Page No : 147

In [1]:
import math 

# Variables
#The capacimath.tance in pF
C1 = 200.;
C2 = 2400.;
C3 = 8.;

# Calculations and Results
t = 1/C1+1/C2+1/C3; #temperary variable
Ceq = 1/t;#pF
Ceq = Ceq*10**-12;#In Farad
L = 2*10**-6;#In H
f0 = 1./(2*math.pi*math.sqrt(L*Ceq))*10**-6; # IN MHz
print '(a)  The oscillation frequency is',f0,'MHz'

f0 = 1./(2*math.pi*math.sqrt(L*C3*10**-12))*10**-6; # IN MHz
print '(b)  Assuming Ceq~C3 , the oscillation frequency is',f0,'MHz'

B = -C1/C2;  #based on eq 5.3
print '(c) The feedback fraction is ',B

A = 1./B;
print 'The gain is',A
(a)  The oscillation frequency is 40.6416827797 MHz
(b)  Assuming Ceq~C3 , the oscillation frequency is 39.788735773 MHz
(c) The feedback fraction is  -0.0833333333333
The gain is -12.0

Example 5.2 Page No : 148

In [2]:
def frequency(f0,k,T,T0):
    return f0+k*f0*(T-T0);

# Variables
k = 40*10**-6;
f = 148;

# Calculations
fmax = frequency(f,k,32,20);
fmin = frequency(f,k,-8,20);

# Results
print 'The maximum possible frequency , fmax =  ',fmax,'MHZ'
print 'The maximum possible frequency , fmin =  ',fmin,'MHz'
The maximum possible frequency , fmax =   148.07104 MHZ
The maximum possible frequency , fmin =   147.83424 MHz

Example 5.3 Page No : 150

In [3]:
# Variables
N = 5.;
M = 8.;
fi = 4.;   # in MHz

# Calculations and Results
f0 = M/N*fi;
print '(a)  The output frequency is f0 = ',f0,'MHz'

f1 = fi/N;
print '(b)  The frequency f1 is',f1,'MHz'

f2 = f0/M;
print ' The frequency f2 is ',f2,'MHz'

#The two frequencies are same as required
(a)  The output frequency is f0 =  6.4 MHz
(b)  The frequency f1 is 0.8 MHz
 The frequency f2 is  0.8 MHz

Example 5.5 Page No : 152

In [4]:
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import zeros,concatenate,array,arange,ones
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,suptitle,xlabel,ylabel,subplot
import math 

#for input spectrum
f = arange(-20,20.001,0.001);   #x axis
V = concatenate(([1], zeros(len(arange(-20+.001,20.001,.001))) ,[1]));      #y axis
suptitle('Input Spectrum')

#for output spectrum
f = arange(-120,120.01,.01)      #x axis
V = concatenate(([1], zeros(len(arange(-120+.01,-80,.01))), [1], zeros(len(arange(-80+.01,80,0.01))) ,[1],\
                 zeros(len(arange(80+.01,120,.01))), [1]))
plot(f,V)#,[5],rect = [-130,0,130,2])
suptitle('Output Spectrum')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10bc6bc10>

Example 5.6 Page No : 157

In [5]:
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import zeros,concatenate,array,arange,ones
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,suptitle,xlabel,ylabel,subplot
import math 

fLO = 110;    #MHz
#for V2(f)
f = arange(0,231+0.02,.01)   #x axis
def pulse():
    return arange(1,1.5+.005,0.005)

V2 = concatenate((zeros(len(arange(0,120-fLO,.01))), pulse(), zeros(len(arange(121-fLO+.01,120+fLO,.01))), pulse(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f,V2)#,[5],rect = [0,0,240,2])
suptitle('Spectral diagram')

#for V3(f)
f = arange(0,11+.02,0.01);   #x axis
V3 = concatenate((zeros(len(arange(0,120-fLO,.01))), pulse(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f,V3)#,[5],rect = [0,0,20,2])
suptitle('Spectral Diagram')

Example 5.7 Page No : 158

In [6]:
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import zeros,concatenate,array,arange,ones
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,suptitle,xlabel,ylabel,subplot
import math 

fLO = 40;    #MHz
#function for ascending pulse
def pulse_a():
    return arange(1,2.005,0.005)

#function for descending pulse
def pulse_d():
    return arange(2,1-.005,-0.005)

#for V2(f)
f = arange(0,48+.03,0.01);   #x axis

V2 = concatenate((zeros(len(arange(0,-8+fLO,.01))), pulse_d(), zeros(len(arange(-6+fLO+.01,6+fLO,.01))), pulse_a(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f,V2)#,[5],rect = [0,0,50,2])
suptitle('Spectral diagram')

#for V3(f)
f = arange(0,48+.02,0.01);   #x axis
V3 = concatenate((zeros(len(arange(0,6+fLO,.01))), pulse_a() ,[0]));      #y axis
suptitle('Spectral Diagram')

Example 5.8 Page No : 159

In [7]:
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import zeros,concatenate,array,arange,ones
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,suptitle,xlabel,ylabel,subplot
import math 
#page no 159
#prob no. 5.8

#function for ascending pulse
def pulse_a():
    return arange(1,1.505,0.005)

#function for descending pulse
def pulse_d():
    return arange(1.5,1-.005,-0.005)

fLO = 200.-10;

#for fLO = 190 MHz
f = arange(0,10.5+.02,.01)   #x axis

V = concatenate((zeros(len(arange(0,199.5-fLO,.01))), pulse_a(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f,V)#,[5],rect = [0,0,12,2])
suptitle('Spectral diagram:for fLO = 190')

#for fLO = 210
fLO = 200.+10;    #MHz
f = arange(0,10.5+.02,.01);   #x axis

V = concatenate((zeros(len(arange(0,-200.5+fLO,.01))), pulse_d(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f,V)#,[5],rect = [0,0,12,2])
suptitle('Spectral Diagram:for fLO = 210')

Example 5.9 Page No : 160

In [9]:
%matplotlib inline
from numpy import zeros,concatenate,array,arange,ones
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot,suptitle,xlabel,ylabel,subplot
import math 
#page no 160
#prob no. 5.9

#function for ascending pulse 
def pulse_a():
    return arange(1,1.5+.005,0.005)

#function for descending pulse
def pulse_d():
    return arange(1.5,1-.005,-.005)

#plots of page 161
#spectrum at point 1
f1 = arange(17.5-.01,20.5+.01,0.01);   #x axis

V1 = concatenate(([0], pulse_d(), zeros(len(arange(18.5+.01,19.5,.01))), pulse_a(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f1,V1)#[5],rect = [17,0,21,2])
suptitle('Spectrum at Point 1')

#spectrum at point 2
f2 = arange(17.5-.01,20.5+.01,0.01);   #x axis

V2 = concatenate(([0], zeros(len(arange(17.5,19.5,.01))), pulse_a(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f2,V2)#,[5],rect = [17,0,21,2])
suptitle('Spectrum at Point 2')

#spectrum at point 3
f3 = arange(359.5-.01,400.5+.03,0.01);   #x axis

V3 = concatenate(([0], pulse_d(), zeros(len(arange(360.5+.01,399.5,.01))), pulse_a(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f3,V3)#,[5],rect = [359,0,401,2])
suptitle('Spectrum at Point 3')

#spectrum at point 4
f4 = arange(359.5-.01,400.5+.02,0.01);   #x axis
V4 = concatenate(([0], zeros(len(arange(359.5,399.5,.01))), pulse_a(), [0]));      #y axis
plot(f4,V4)#,[5],rect = [359,0,401,2])
suptitle('Spectrum at Point 4')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10c106fd0>

Example 5.10 Page No : 167

In [10]:
# Variables
#All frequencies in MHz
fc = 40.;
fIF = 5.

# Calculations and Results
fLO = fc+fIF;
print '(a)  The LO frequency is ',fLO
fImage = fLO+fIF;
print '(b)  The image frequency is ',fImage
(a)  The LO frequency is  45.0
(b)  The image frequency is  50.0

Example 5.11 Page No : 167

In [11]:
# Variables
#All frequencies in MHz
fc = 40;
fIF = 5

# Calculations and Results
fLO = fc-fIF;
print '(a)  The LO frequency is ',fLO

fImage = fLO-fIF;
print '(b)  The image frequency is ',fImage
(a)  The LO frequency is  35
(b)  The image frequency is  30

Example 5.12 Page No : 167

In [12]:
# Variables
#All frequencies in Hz
B = 200.*10**3; #The bandwidth allocated by FCC (in Hz)
fl = 88.*10**6;
fh = 108.*10**6;  #FM broadcast band low and high end freq

# Calculations and Results
Q = fl/B;
print '(a)  At the low end of FM band ,Q required is',Q

Q = fh/B;
print '    At the high end of FM band ,Q required is',Q

fIF = 10.7*10**6;# IF frequwncy (in Hz)
Q = fIF/B;
print '(b)  At the IF frequency ,Q required is ',Q
print ('(c)   Signal freq  =  88 to 108 MHz')
print ('     LO freq  =  98.7 to 118.7 MHz')
print ('     Image freq  =  109.4 to 129.4MHz')
print ('(d)   Signal freq  =  88 to 108 MHz')
print ('     LO freq  =  77.3 to 97.3 MHz')
print ('     Image freq  =  66.6 to 86.6MHz')
(a)  At the low end of FM band ,Q required is 440.0
    At the high end of FM band ,Q required is 540.0
(b)  At the IF frequency ,Q required is  53.5
(c)   Signal freq  =  88 to 108 MHz
     LO freq  =  98.7 to 118.7 MHz
     Image freq  =  109.4 to 129.4MHz
(d)   Signal freq  =  88 to 108 MHz
     LO freq  =  77.3 to 97.3 MHz
     Image freq  =  66.6 to 86.6MHz