Example 1.1, Page number 5

In [4]:
#Variable declaration
A=6.022*10**23     #avagadro's number(/m^3)
d=2.7*10**6        #density of aluminium conductor(g/m^3)
a=26.98            # atomic weight aluminium conductor(g/g-atom)
D=10**4.           #current density(A/m^2)
e=1.6*10**-19      #electronic charge(C)

#Part a
n=A*d/a            #number of atoms(n/m^3)

#Part b
u=D/(n*e)          #drift velocity (m/s)

print "number of atoms per cubic meter is ",round(n/1e+28,3),"*10^28 /m^3"
print "drift velocity is",round(u/1e-6,2),"*10^-6 m/s"
number of atoms per cubic meter is  6.026 *10^28 /m^3
drift velocity is 1.04 *10^-6 m/s

Example 1.2, Page number 6

In [27]:
#Variable declaration
n=10**23        #number of electrons(n/m^3)
e=1.6*10**-19   #electronic charge(C) 
u=0.4           #mobility(m^2/Vs)           
a=10**-7        #cross sectional area(m^2) 
l=15*10**-2     #conductor length(m)

#Part a
G=n*e*u         #conductivity(S/m)

#Part b
R=l/(a*G)       #resistance(ohm)

print"conductivity of the conductor is",round((G/1E+3),1),"*10**3 S/m"
print"resistance of the conductor is",round(R,1),"ohm"
conductivity of the conductor is 6.4 *10**3 S/m
resistance of the conductor is 234.4 ohm

Example 1.3, Page number 9

In [6]:
#Variable declaration
A=6.022*10**23   #avagadro's number
d=5.32*10**6     #density of Ge at 300k(g/m^3)
a=72.60          #atomic weight of Ge(g/g-atom)
e=1.6*10**-19    #electronic charge(C)
ni=2.4*10**19    #intrinsic concentration(electron-hole pairs/m^3)
un=0.39          #electron mobility(m^2/V.s)
up=0.19          #hole mobility(m^2/V.s)

#Part a
nA=A*d/a         #number of atoms(nA/m^3)using avagadro's law
x=nA/ni          #Germanium atoms/electron hole pair

#Part b
g=(un+up)*e*ni   #intrinsic conductivity(S/m)
r=1/g            #intrinsic resistivity(ohm.m)

print"the relative concentration of Ge and electron hole pairs is",round((x/1E9),2),"*10^9 atoms/electron-hole pair"
print"the intrinsic resistivity of Ge is",round(r,3),"ohm.m" 
the relative concentration of Ge and electron hole pairs is 1.84 *10^9 atoms/electron-hole pair
the intrinsic resistivity of Ge is 0.449 ohm.m

Example 1.4,Page number 13

In [8]:
#Variable declaration
ni=1.5*10**16    #intrinsic concentration(electron-hole pairs/m^3)
n=4.99*10**28    #number of Si atoms(atoms/m^3)
un=0.13          #electron mobility(m^2/V.s)
up=0.05          #hole mobility(m^2/V.s)
e=1.6*10**-19    #electronic charge(c)

#Part a
g=e*ni*(un+up)  #intrinsic conductivity(S/m)
r=1/g           #interinsic resistivity(ohm.m)
Nd=n/10**8      #doped silicon(atoms/m^3)=nn,majority carriers
pn=ni**2/Nd     #minority carrier density(holes/m^3)

#Part b
k=e*un*Nd    #conductivity(S/m)
             #using Nd in place of nn as Nd=nn
rho=1/k      #resistivity(ohm.m)

print"the minority carrier density of Si is",round(pn/1e+11,2),"*10^11 holes/m^3"
print"the resistivity of Si is",round((rho/1E-2),2),"*10**-2 ohm.m"
the minority carrier density of Si is 4.51 *10^11 holes/m^3
the resistivity of Si is 9.63 *10**-2 ohm.m

Example 1.5,Page number 17

In [7]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vo=0.7                  #contact potential(V)
Vf=0.4                  #forward biasing voltage(V)    

x=math.exp(-20*(Vo-Vf))/math.exp(-20*Vo)   #increase in probability of majority carriers

print"increase in probability of majority carriers is",round(x),"times"
increase in probability of majority carriers is 2981.0 times

Example 1.6,Page number 18

In [10]:
import math

#Variable declaration
I=10    #Ge diode carries current(mA)
V=0.2   #forward bias voltage(V)

#Part a
Is=I/(math.expm1(40*V)-1)      #reverse current(mA)

#part b
I1=1*10**-3                     #current(mA)                     
V1=(math.log((I1/Is)+1))/40      #voltage(V)
I2=100*10**-3                  #current(mA) 
V2=(math.log((I2/Is)+1))/40     #voltage(V) 

#Part c
Is1=4*Is                 #reverse saturation current doubles for every 10 degree celcius temp rise,so for 20 degree rise it will be 4 timese/   
x=37.44                  #let x=e/kT
I3=Is1*(math.expm1(x*V)) #current when temp doubles(mA)

print"the reverse current is",round(Is/1e-3,3),"mA"  #incorrect units given in the textbook
print"bias voltages are",round(V1,3),"V and", round(V2,3),"V resp"
print"Is at 20 degree is",round(Is1/1e-3,2),"uA and diode current at 0.2 V is",round(I3,2),"mA"
the reverse current is 3.357 mA
bias voltages are 0.007 V and 0.086 V resp
Is at 20 degree is 13.43 uA and diode current at 0.2 V is 23.97 mA

Example 1.7,Page number 21

In [3]:
#Variable declaration
V=3.            #Voltage(V)
Req=300.        #total resistance as per circuit(ohm)
Rfa=20           #forward resistance(ohm)    
Vt=0.7          #Thevinine's voltage(V)
Rfb=0            #forward resistance(ohm)

#Part a
I=V/Req          #current(A)

#Part b
Id=(V-Vt)/Req   #diode current(mA)

#Part c
Rf=20               #forward resistance(ohms) 
Id1=(V-Vt)/(Req+Rfa) #diode current(mA)

print"current in this case is",round(I,2),"A"
print"diode current is",round((Id/1E-3),2),"mA"
print"diode current is",round((Id1/1E-3),2),"mA"
current in this case is 0.01 A
diode current is 7.67 mA
diode current is 7.19 mA

Example 1.9,Page number 22

In [4]:
#Variable declaration
Vx=1.4              #voltage at point X(V) 
Vt=0.7              #diode voltage(V)
Vcc=5               #cathode voltage(V)  
R=1                 #circuit resistance(ohm) 
Vs=Vx-Vt            #supply voltage(V)

I1=(Vcc-Vt-Vs)/R      #current throgh D1(mA) for 0<Vs<0.7
I2=0                  #current through D2 and D3
I1=I2=(Vcc-Vt-Vs)/R   #for Vs>0.7 as D2 and D3 conducts

print"I1 for 0<Vs<0.7 is",I1,"mA"
print"I2 for 0<Vs<0.7 is",I2,"mA"
print"I1 and I2 for Vs>0.7 is",I1,"mA" 
I1 for 0<Vs<0.7 is 3.6 mA
I2 for 0<Vs<0.7 is 0 mA
I1 and I2 for Vs>0.7 is 3.6 mA

Example 1.11,Page number 23

In [8]:
#Variable declaration
Vz=100          #zener voltage(V)
Rz=25           #diode resistance(ohm)
Il=0.05         #load current(A)
Iz=0.01         #zener diode current(A)
Rs=250          #supply resistance(ohm)

Vl=Vz+(Iz*Rz)     #load voltage(V)
Vs=Vl+(Il+Iz)*Rs  #supply voltage(V)
VL=Vl*1.01        #increase in Vl(V)
IZ=(VL-Vz)/Rz     #increase in zener current
VS=Vl+(Il+IZ)*Rs  #increase in supply voltage(V)
Vss=(VS-Vs)/Vs    #%increase in supply voltage(V)
P=Il*VL           #power consumed(W) 

print"load voltage is",Vl,"V"
print"supply voltage is",Vs,"V"
print"increase in supply voltage is",VS,"V"
print"power consumed is",round(P,2),"W"
 load voltage is 100.25 V
supply voltage is 115.25 V
increase in supply voltage is 125.275 V
power consumed is 5.06 W

Example 1.12,Page number 25

In [1]:
#Variable declaration
Vbb=5           #bias voltage(V)
Rl=1            #resistance(ohm)
Id=4.4          #from the figure(mA)

#Part a
i=Vbb/Rl        #load line intercepts the Id axis at i(mA)
Vl=Id*Rl        #load voltage(V)

#Part b
Vd=Vbb-Vl       #diode voltage(V)
P=Vd*Id         #power absorbed in diode(mW)

#Part c        
Ida=1.42         #diode current(mA)for 2V
Idb=7.35         #diode current(mA)for 8V

#Part d
Idc=8.7         #diode current(mA)for Rl=0.5k ohm 
Idd=2.2         #diode current(mA)for Rl=2k ohm

print"diode current is",Id,"mA and voltage across the load is",Vl,"V"
print"power absorbed in diode is",P,"mW"
print"diode current for Vbb=2V is",Ida,"mA","and for Vbb=8V is",Idb,"mA"
print"diode current for Rl=0.5kohm is",Idc,"mA","and for Rl=2kohm is",Idd,"mA"
diode current is 4.4 mA and voltage across the load is 4.4 V
power absorbed in diode is 2.64 mW
diode current for Vbb=2V is 1.42 mA and for Vbb=8V is 7.35 mA
diode current for Rl=0.5kohm is 8.7 mA and for Rl=2kohm is 2.2 mA

Example 1.13,Page number 38

In [11]:
#Variable declaration
T=300             #temperature(k)
Ig=100*10**-3     #current(mA)
Is=1*10**-9       #current(nA)
x=0.0259          #x=kT/e

Voc=x*math.log(Ig/Is+1)     #as Voc=kT/e*ln((Ig/Is)+1) where ln((Ig/Is)+1)=18.42 after solving 

print"for a solar cell Voc is",round(Voc,3),"V and Isc is",round(Isc/1E-3),"mA"
for a solar cell Voc is 0.477 V and Isc is 100.0 mA

Example 1.14,Page number 38

In [19]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Idc=0.1           #dc current(A)
Rf=0.5            #forward resistance(ohms)
Rl=20             #load resistance(ohm)
Rs=1              #secondary resistance of transformer(ohm)

#Part a
Vdc=Idc*Rl                       #dc voltage(V)
Vm=(math.pi/2)*(Vdc+Idc*(Rs+Rf)) #mean voltage(V)
Vrms=Vm/math.sqrt(2)             #rms value of voltage(V)   

#Part b
Pdc=Idc**2*Rl                  #dc power supplied to the load

#Part c
PIV=2*Vm                       #PIV rating for each diode(V)

#Part d
Im=(math.pi/2)*Idc            #peak value of current(mA)
Irms=Im/math.sqrt(2)          #rms calue of current(A)
Pac=Irms**2*(Rs+Rf+Rl)        #ac power input(W)

#Part e
eta=(Pdc/Pac)*100             #conversion efficiency

#Part f
Vr=((Rs+Rf)/Rl)*100           #voltage regulation(V)

print"rms value of voltage is",round(Vrms,2),"V"
print"dc power supplied to load is",Pdc,"W"
print"PIV rating for each diode",round(PIV,2),"V"
print"ac input power is",round(Pac,3),"W"
print"conversion efficiency",round(eta,1),"%"
print"voltage regulation",Vr,"%"
rms value of voltage is 2.39 V
dc power supplied to load is 0.2 W
PIV rating for each diode 6.75 V
ac input power is 0.265 W
conversion efficiency 75.4 %
voltage regulation 7.5 %

Example 1.15,Page number 46

In [1]:
import math
from scipy import integrate

#Variable declaration
Vm=63.63                      #peak voltage(V) as Vm=sqr root of 2*45
Idc=8.                        #charging current(A)

#Part a

#Part b
wt = lambda wt: (((((math.sqrt(2)*45*math.sin(wt))-(Vt+Vl))/Rl)*wt)**2)
integ,err = integrate.quad(wt, theta1 , theta2)
print integ
Irms = (integ/math.pi)**0.5
Pl=Irms**2*Rl               #power loss in resistance(W)

#Part c
P=Vl*Idc                   #power supplied to battery(W)

print"Resistance to be added is",round(Rl,2),"Ohms"
print"power supplied to battery is",P,"W"
Resistance to be added is 24.75 Ohms
power supplied to battery is 96.0 W

Example 1.16,Page number 47

In [6]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Rf=5                    #forward resistance(ohms)
Vo=20                   #output voltage(V)
Rs=10                   #secondary resistance of transformer(ohm)

#Part a
Idc=0.1                 #dc current(A)                  
Vm=Vo*(math.sqrt(2))    #mean voltage(V)
Vdc=(2*Vm/(math.pi))-Idc*(Rs+2*Rf)  #dc voltage(V)

#Part b
Idc1=0.2                #full load dc current(A)
Vdc2=((2*(math.sqrt(2))*Vo)/(math.pi))-Idc1*(Rs+2*Rf) #full load dc voltage(V)
Rl=Vdc2/Idc1              #load resistance(ohm)
x=((2*Rf+Rs)/Rl)*100      #% regulation 

#Part c
Idc=0.2                  #dc current(A)
Im=(math.pi)*Idc/2       #peak current(mA)
Ilrms=Im/math.sqrt(2)    #rms current(mA)
Vlrms=Ilrms*Rl           #load rms voltage(V) 

#Part d
Vldc=14                               #load dc voltage(V)
Vlacrms=math.sqrt(Vlrms**2-Vldc**2)   #rms value of ac component(V)

print"dc voltage",round(Vdc),"V"
print"regulation is",round(x,2),"%"
print"rms value of output voltage at dc load current is",round(Vlrms,2),"V"
print"rms value of ac component of voltage",round(Vlacrms,2),"V"
dc voltage 16.0 V
regulation is 28.56 %
rms value of output voltage at dc load current is 15.56 V
rms value of ac component of voltage 6.78 V

Example 1.17,Page number 50

In [2]:
#Variable declaration
Vh=60.           #higher output voltage(V)
Vl=45.           #lower output voltage(V)  
fz=50.           #frequency(Hz)
Vr=15.           #peak to peak ripple voltage(V)
Rl=600.          #resistance(ohms)
Vldc=(Vh+Vl)/2   #avg load dc voltage(V) as voltage drops from 60 to 45
Idc=Vldc/Rl      #dc current(A)
T=1/fz           #discharging time(ms)
C=(Idc*T)/Vr     #linear discharge rate(uF)
C1=C*2           #new capacitance(uF)
         CVr(p-p)       234Vr(p-p)*10^3
Idc = -------------- = ---------------    ----(1)
          T                   20
      60+[60-Vr(p-p)     120-Vr(p-p)
Idc = --------------- = ------------*1000   ----(2)
         2Rl               2*600
Equating equations 1 & 2, we get,    

Vr1 = (20*120*1000)/(1200*254)
Idc1=(Vh-(Vr1/2))/Rl               #dc load current(mA)

print"value of capacitance is",round(C/1E-6),"uF" 
print"Vr1 is",Vr1,"V" 
print"dc load current Idc is",round(Idc1/1E-3),"mA"
value of capacitance is 117.0 uF
Vr1 is 7 V
dc load current Idc is 95.0 mA

Example 1.18,Page number 51

In [37]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vdc=30                          #dc voltage(V)
V1=220                          #source voltage(V)
f=50                            #frequency(Hz)
Rl=1000                         #load resistance(k ohms)

C=100/f*Rl                      #as Vdc/Vr=100
Vm=Vdc+(Vr/2)                   #peak voltage(V)
V2=Vm/(math.sqrt(2))            #secondary voltage(V)
r=V1/V2                         #transformer turn ratio

print"capacitor filtor is",C,"uF"
print"transformer turn ratio is",round(r,2),""
capacitor filtor is 2000 uF
transformer turn ratio is 10.37 

Example 1.19,Page number 52

In [8]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Idc=60*10**-3                      #dc current(A)
Vm=60                              #peak volage(V)
f=50                               #frequency(Hz)
C=120*10**-6                       #capacitance(F)

#Part a
Vrms=Idc/(4*(math.sqrt(3))*f*C*Vm) #rms voltage(V)
Vr=2*(math.sqrt(3))*Vrms           #ripple factor(V)

#Part b
Vdc=Vm-(Vr/2)                      #by simplifying

#Part c
r=(Vrms/Vdc)*100                   #ripple factor

print"ripple factor is",round(Vr,3),"Vdc"
print"dc voltage is",round(Vdc),"V"
print"ripple factor",round(r,4),"%"
ripple factor is 0.083 Vdc
dc voltage is 60.0 V
ripple factor 0.0401 %

Example 1.20,Page number 54

In [1]:
import math

#Part a
'''     200*1.141      4
v1(t)=-------------(1- - cos628t) 
          3.14         3
       200*1.141      800*1.141 
v2(t)=----------- - ------------  cos(628t+<(V2/V1))
         3.14          3*3.14

V2/V1|w=0 =0.8;V2/V1|w=628 =6.43*10^-4 <V2/V1|w=628 =180
v2(t)=72.02+0.0538 cos628t
#Part b

print"ripple factor is",round((r/1E-4),2),"*10**-4"
ripple factor is 5.28 *10**-4

Example 1.24,Page number 61

In [4]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vz=2                    #zener voltage(V)
r1=10                   #resistance after reducing circuit by thevinin(ohms)
r2=20                   #resistance after reducing circuit by thevinin(ohms)
V1=7.5                  #voltage after circuit reduction(V)
V2=15                   #voltage after circuit reduction(V)
Rz=100/3                #zener resistance(ohms)

Vab=V2-(((V2-V1)/(r1+r2))*r2)         #thevinin voltage at ab(V)
Rth=(Vab*r2)/(Vab+r2)                 #thevinin resistance at ab(ohms)
Vd=Vab-Vz                             #diode voltage(V)
Id=Vd/(Rth+Rz)                        #diode current(A)

print"diode current is",round(Id,2),"A"
diode current is 0.2 A

Example 1.25,Page number 61

In [71]:
#Variable declaration
Vd=0.7                      #diode voltage(V)
Ro=18                       #output resistance(k ohms)
R1=2                        #diode1 resistance(k ohms)
R2=2                        #diode2 resistance(k ohms) 

#Part a
V1=10                       #voltage to D1(V)
V2=0                        #voltage to D2(V)
Io=(V1-Vd)/(R1+Ro)          #output current(mA)   
Vo=Io*Ro                    #output voltage(V)

#Part b
V1=5                        #voltage to D1(V)
V2=0                        #voltage to D2(V)
Io=(V1-Vd)/(R1+Ro)          #output current(mA)   
Vo1=Io*Ro                   #output voltage(V)

#Part c
V1=10                      #voltage to D1(V)
V2=5                       #voltage to D2(V)
Vo=8.37                    #as D1 only conducts,so,Vo is same as in part a
Vd1=V2-Vo                  #assume D1 conducts
Vo2=8.37                   #D2 does not conduct as as Vd1 is negative

#Part d
V1=V2=5                  #voltage to D1 and D2(V) 
Id1=(V1-Vd-Vo)/2         #diode1 current(mA)   
Io=Vo/Ro                 #output current(mA)   
Vo3=(Ro*(V1-Vd))/(Ro+1)  #output voltage(V)

print"a)output voltage is",Vo,"V"
print"b)output voltage is",Vo1,"V"
print"c)output voltage is",Vo2,"V"
print"d)output voltage is",round(Vo3,2),"V"
a)output voltage is 8.37 V
b)output voltage is 3.87 V
c)output voltage is 8.37 V
d)output voltage is 4.07 V

Example 1.26,Page number 62

In [12]:
#Variable declaration
Vs=10.                       #supply voltage(V)  
Rs=1                         #supply resistane(ohm)
Vl=10.                       #load voltage(V)
Vi=50.                       #nput voltage(V)
Iz=32                        #zener diode current(mA)
Is=40                        #supply current(mA) 

#Part a (Rl is min when Iz=0)  
Is=(Vi-Vs)/Rs               #source current(mA)       
Rlmin=Vl/(Vi-Vs)            #load resistance minimum(ohm) 

#Part b(Rl is maximum when Iz=32 mA)  
Il=(Is-Iz)*10**-3          #load current(A) 
Rlmax=Vl/Il                #maximum load resistance(k ohms)
P=Vl*Iz                    #max diode wattage consumed(mW)

print"Range of Rl is",round((Rlmin/1E-3),3),"ohm","to", round((Rlmax/1E+3),2),"k ohm" 
print "Il = ",(Il/1E-3),"*10**-3 A"
print"max power consumed is",P,"mW"
Range of Rl is 250.0 ohm to 1.25 k ohm
Il =  8.0 *10**-3 A
max power consumed is 320.0 mW

Example 1.27,Page number 63

In [6]:
#Variable declaration
Vz=20           #zener voltage(V)
Izmax=50        #maximum zener current(mA)
Rz=0            #zener resistance(ohms)
Rl=2.           #load resistance(ohm)
Vl=20.          #as Vz=Vl(V)
Rs=0.25         #source resistance(k ohms)

#Part a
Il=Vl/Rl           #load current(mA)      
Vsmin=(Rs+Rl)*Il   #as Iz is floating so Iz=0

#Part b
Is=Izmax+Il        #source current(mA)   
Vsmax=Vz+(Is*Rs)   #maximum source voltage(V)

print"Range of input voltage is",round(Vsmin,1),"to", Vsmax,"V"
Il is 10.0 mA
Vsmin 22.5 V
Range of input voltage is 22.5 to 35.0 V

Example 1.28,Page number 63

In [1]:
#Variable declaration
Ilmax=100                #load maximum current(mA)
Ilmin=0                  #load minimum current(mA)
Rz=0.05                  #zener diode resistance(ohms)
Rs=10.                    #source resistance(k ohms)
Vl=16.015                #load voltage(V)
Vl1=16.                  #nominal load voltage(V) 
Vs=20                    #source voltage(V)
Vz=16                    #zener diode voltage(V)

#Case 1 (i)
Iz=(Vl-Vl1)/Rz           #zener current(mA)
Is=Iz+Ilmax              #supply current(A)

#Case 1 (ii)
Is1=(Vs-Vz)/(Rs+Rz)           #supply current(mA)
Vl2=Vl1+(Is1*Rz)              #voltage(V)  
Vr=((Vl2-Vl)/Vl1)*100        #voltage regulation

#Case 2 (i)
Vs=18                        #supply voltage(V)
Ilmax=0.1                    #load current max(A)
Vl=16.005                    #load voltage(V)
Iz=(Vl-Vl1)/Rz               #zener current(mA)
Is2=Ilmax+Iz                 #supply current(A)

#Case 2 (ii)
Iz1=(Vs-Vl1)/(Rs+Rz)        #minimum diode current(mA) 
Vl=Vl1+(Iz*Rz)              #load voltage at Ilmin(V)          

#Part a
#Variable declaration
Is=0.4                  #supply current(A)
Vs=20                    #supply voltage(V)   
Vl=16.015               #load voltage(V)
Iz=0.3                   #zener current(mA)

P=Is**2*Rs               #power dissipated by Rs(W)

#Part b
Pd=Vl*Iz                  #power dissipated(W)
Po=(Vs**2)/Rs             #output power(W)

print"maximum power dissipated by Rs is",P,"W"
print"maximum power dissipated by diode is",round(Pd,3),"W"
print"minimum diode current is",round(Iz1,3),"A"
print"voltage regulation is",round(Vr,2),"%"
print"output shorted will be",Po,"W"
maximum power dissipated by Rs is 1.6 W
maximum power dissipated by diode is 4.804 W
minimum diode current is 0.199 A
voltage regulation is 0.03 %
output shorted will be 40.0 W

Example 1.29,Page number 65

In [12]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vrms=20                   #secondary voltage(V)
Rs=10                     #Winding resistance(ohm)
Rf=5                      #diode has forward resistance(ohms)
Idc=2*10**-3              #load current(mA)     

#Part a 
Vdc=(Vrms*(math.sqrt(2)))/(math.pi)       #no load Vdc

#Part b 
Vldc=Vdc-(Idc*(Rs+Rf))                    #dc output voltage when load is 20mA

#Part c
Rl=Vldc/Idc                                #load resistance(ohms)
r=((Rs+Rf)/Rl)*100                         #percentage regulation(%)

#Part d
Im=Idc*(math.pi)                           #peak current(mA)
Ilrms=Im/2                                 #rms load current(mA) 
Vlrms=Ilrms*Rl                             #rms load voltage(V)    
Vlrmsac=math.sqrt((Vlrms**2)-(Vldc**2))    #Ripple voltage rms(V)
f=50*2                                     #rippLe frequency(Hz)

#Part e
eta=(((2*(math.pi))**2)/(1+((Rs+Rf)/Rl)))*100  #efficiency

#Part f
PIV=Vm=Vrms*(math.sqrt(2))                     #peak inverse voltage(V)   

print"no load dc voltage is",round(Vdc),"V" 
print"dc output voltage when the load is drawing 20 mA is",round(Vldc,2),"V"
print"percentage regulation at this load is",round((r/1E-1),2),"%"
print"ripple voltage rms is",round(Vlrmsac,2),"V and ripple frequency is",f,"Hz"
print"power conversion efficiency is",round((eta/1E+2),1),"%"
print"PIV is",round(PIV),"V"
no load dc voltage is 9.0 V
dc output voltage when the load is drawing 20 mA is 8.97 V
percentage regulation at this load is 3.34 %
ripple voltage rms is 10.87 V and ripple frequency is 100 Hz
power conversion efficiency is 39.3 %
PIV is 28.0 V

Example 1.30,Page number 66

In [21]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vl=24                       #battery voltage(V)
Vm=60*(math.sqrt(2))        #peak voltage(V)
Ip=2.5                      #peak current(A)
c=20                        #charge(Ah)

#Part a
theta=math.asin(Vl/Vm)     #angle at which conduction begins
Rs=(Vm-Vl)/Ip              #source resistance(ohms) 

#Part b
Idc=(Vm/(math.pi)*Rs)*(math.cos(theta))-(((math.pi)-(2*theta))/2*math.pi)*(Vl/Rs)   #load current(A)
T=c/Idc                                                                             #time to deliver 20Ah(h)

print"resistance connected in series is",round(Rs,1),"ohm"
print"time required to deliver a charge of 20 Ah is",round((T/1E-3),1),"h" 
resistance connected in series is 24.3 ohm
time required to deliver a charge of 20 Ah is 31.9 h
Idc 0.63 A

Example 1.32,Page number 67

In [13]:
import math

#Variable declaration
R=25.                #external resistance(ohms)
Vm=200.              #peak value of voltage(V) as vs=200 sinwt
Rf=50.               #forward resistance(ohms)

#Part a 
Id=Vm/(2*Rf+R)      #diode current(peak)

#Part b 
Idc=(2*Id)/math.pi    #dc current(A)

#Part c
PIV=Vm/2               #peak value of voltage across D1
PIVac=100/math.pi      #average value of voltage across D1

#Part d
Im=Id                  #peak value of current(A)
Irms=Im/(math.sqrt(2)) #rms value of current(A)

print"peak value of current is",Id,"A"
print"dc currect is",round(Idc,2),"A"
print"across D1 are peak voltage is",PIV,"V and average voltage is",round(PIVac,1),"V"
print"Irms is",round(Irms,2),"A"
peak value of current is 1.6 A
dc currect is 1.02 A
across D1 are peak voltage is 100.0 V and average voltage is 31.8 V
Irms is 1.13 A

Example 1.33,Page number 67

In [56]:
import math

#Variable declaration
f=50.              #frequency(Hz)
dv=7.              #difference between maximum and minimum(25-18)voltages across the load(V)
Ic=100.            #load current(mA)

dt=1/(2*f)        #time of discharge(seconds)
C=Ic/(dv/dt)      #capacitance(uF) 

print"value of capacitor is",round((C/1E-3),2),"uF" 
value of capacitor is 142.86 uF

Example 1.34,Page number 68

In [14]:
import math

#Variable declaration
Vr=10.                          #peak to peak ripple voltage(V)
Vm=50.                          #peak output voltage(V)  
C=300.                          #Capacitance(uF)
Rl=470.                         #load resistance(ohms)
f=50.                           #frequency(Hz)

#Part a 
Vdc=Vm-(Vr/2)                   #dc voltage(V)      
C=Vdc/(f*Vr*Rl)                 #capacitance(mF)

#Part b
C1=300*10**-6                    #capacitance is increased(uF)
Vdc=Vm-Vr/2                     #load voltage ripple(V)
Idc=Vdc/Rl                      #average load current(mA)

print"value of capacitor is",round((C/1E-6),1),"mF" 
print"load voltage ripple is",round(Vdc,2),"V and average load current is",round((Idc/1E-4),1),"mA"
value of capacitor is 191.5 mF
load voltage ripple is 46.69 V and average load current is 993.4 mA

Example 1.35,Page number 69

In [6]:
import math

#Variable declaration
vo=7.5                  #instantaneous voltage(V)
R1=15                   #resistance(k ohms)
Von=0.5                 #voltage of diode when on(V)

Rth=(R1*vo)/(R1+vo)                 #equivalent resistance(V)
T=2*(math.pi)/10**4                 #time period(ms)
t1=(math.asin(Von/2.5))/10**4       #timimgs when D1 conducts(ms)

print"time period is",round((T/1E-3),3),"ms"
print"t1 is",t1,"ms"
print "t2 is",round((t2/1E-3),3),"ms"
time period is 0.628 ms
t1 is 2.0135792079e-05 ms
t2 is 0.294 ms

Example 1.36,Page number 70

In [18]:
import math

#Variable declarations
v=12                         #output voltage(V)
vm=20.                       #peak voltage(V)
v1=8                         #output voltage(V) for negative half cycle
vm1=20.                      #peak voltage(V) for negative half cycle 

t1=(math.asin(v/vm))/10**4         #for positive half cycle when D1 conducts
t3=(math.asin(v1/vm1))/10**4       #for negative half cycle when D2 conducts

print"t1 is",round(t1/1e-3,3),"ms"
print"t2 is",round(t2,2),"ms"
print"t3 is",round(t3/1e-3,3),"ms"
print"t4 is",round(t4,3),"ms"
print"t5 is",round(t5,3),"ms"
print"vo is","-5.33+6.66*sin(10**4*.15)"
t1 is 0.064 ms
t2 is 0.25 ms
t3 is 0.041 ms
t4 is 0.355 ms
t5 is 0.587 ms
vo is -5.33+6.66*sin(10**4*.15)
In [4]:
In [ ]: